I posted this on the Brunswick site as well but I would like both points of view.As the title suggests Im considering a new ball.I'm new to bowling with a finger tip ball and one that hooks. about 3 months ago I purchased a Momentum Swing.After some research on teh columbia site I found it had been drilled about as unagressive as recommended.Said it was good for dry to med lanes.On three occassion I have found this out first hand.Seems whenever I run in to freshly oiled or heavily oiled lanes I cant get the ball to hook to save my life.I try outside, inside and gutter to gutter no luck.So Im looking for a ball for oil. I am currently more of a "stroker", med revs, med track and high 17's low 18's mph.Your thoughts and /or suggestins about the two balls mentioned?Am I missing anything?