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Author Topic: Virtual Gravity problems  (Read 3731 times)


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Virtual Gravity problems
« on: May 30, 2009, 02:17:16 AM »
I have had the virtual Gravity for about 5 months. It has considerably
lost its hook. I have cleaned it after every game. I also have wiped it
off after every frame. Any help on getting the pop back into it would
be helpful


Steve Richter

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Re: Virtual Gravity problems
« Reply #16 on: June 04, 2009, 11:04:23 PM »

I think for everyone it's different.  A real good gauge is when you start to see the ball make it move and sort of wiggle, then you know it's time.  Personally, I take my Abralon pads with me EVERY WEEK and leave them on the scoring pedastal and make adjustments as I see fit.

I'm more of a higher-end tweener so for me worm Abralon pads work well for the daily touch-ups I do.  However, for PBA-X league and the USBC Open I took fresh pads.

The best thing is to get into a routine and find what works for you.  I'm a firm believer that no one is suited for just a single grit but that we fall into a sort of "range".  Send me spec info via PM that includes ball speed, rev rate, PAP distance, surface you bowl on, etc and I'll try as best I can to give you a starting range to work with.
Steve Richter
USBC Silver Level Coach
IBPSIA Certified Technician


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Re: Virtual Gravity problems
« Reply #17 on: June 04, 2009, 11:09:02 PM »
Hi Steve,
I hope by the last post that you are not infering that you adjust the surface with the abralon while you are bowling in a league or tourney
Use "IT" and BOWL UP A STORM!!

Edited on 6/4/2009 11:09 PM

Steve Richter

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Re: Virtual Gravity problems
« Reply #18 on: June 04, 2009, 11:20:08 PM »
Sometimes I wish.  Thought my 2nd D wiggled a little but too much at the end of "A" squad in Peru this weekend and could have hit it with 2000 to make it better but the rules are the rules.

I recently heard that USBC is exploring options/thoughts for allowing changing surfaces between games.  For the purists that say you can't, think about this...when we throw ball #1 in practice, we change the pattern.  What if surface adjustments between games allowed us to use the same ball longer as a result?

It may have restrictions on certain events, but progressive thinking IMO.
Steve Richter
USBC Silver Level Coach
IBPSIA Certified Technician


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Re: Virtual Gravity problems
« Reply #19 on: June 04, 2009, 11:38:41 PM »
I know this isn't the Virtual Gravity but my Gravity Shift which I think has the same coverstock is seriously f**ked. I extracted the oil out which I've had to do to this ball quite a few times and tried using a green scotch brite and used some polish by hand in hope it may pick up earlier since it lost all friction and reaction down lane and now it reacts like a urethane ball. I only have encountered true ball death in one other ball I've owned and was a Columbia Chaos.
When I had this ball first month it had a reaction like no other then after that no matter what I tried with the ball was nothing more then an expensive asymmetric medium-light oil ball.
I've only owned this all a year too at that or just a little over.


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Re: Virtual Gravity problems
« Reply #20 on: June 05, 2009, 12:40:21 AM »

I think for everyone it's different.  A real good gauge is when you start to see the ball make it move and sort of wiggle, then you know it's time.  Personally, I take my Abralon pads with me EVERY WEEK and leave them on the scoring pedastal and make adjustments as I see fit.

I'm more of a higher-end tweener so for me worm Abralon pads work well for the daily touch-ups I do.  However, for PBA-X league and the USBC Open I took fresh pads.

The best thing is to get into a routine and find what works for you.  I'm a firm believer that no one is suited for just a single grit but that we fall into a sort of "range".  Send me spec info via PM that includes ball speed, rev rate, PAP distance, surface you bowl on, etc and I'll try as best I can to give you a starting range to work with.
Steve Richter
USBC Silver Level Coach
IBPSIA Certified Technician

PM sent, thanks!

Steve Richter

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Re: Virtual Gravity problems
« Reply #21 on: June 05, 2009, 12:52:07 AM »
Brian:  A rant with no evidence of what was done to allieviate the issue is just a rant.  Let us know what you've tried to fix the issue.  Have you tried what cmoore3wins says above but finish at 1500 abralon instead of 2000?
Steve Richter
USBC Silver Level Coach
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Re: Virtual Gravity problems
« Reply #22 on: June 06, 2009, 01:42:20 PM »
The ball is dead. Doesn't matter what you do it the cover stock is a failure. I've already tried everything including full resurface. The ball works great as a dry lane ball now.


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Re: Virtual Gravity problems
« Reply #23 on: June 06, 2009, 03:20:50 PM »
Lets see...which balls have had this forum syndrome of ball death?  The original One, top seller, Total NV, sold piles, Black Widow and BW Bite, sold tons, Cell, leapt off the shelves, and now the Virtual, can't keep it in stock.  The balls experienceing the "ball death" are all the top sellers that everyhone buys and everyone uses on all conditions whether it's designed for that or not.  Not coincidence to me. The more balls out there the more might see some slowdown from improper cleaning, wrong surface change, too little oil, or just plain dumb luck.  

We've been over this enough as a forum. Those that have been here know better...CRX...and don't have to stir the pot. Blanket statements - "This ball died quicker than snap bracelets!!!!" - don't help anyone.  There's a reason why it happens.  It may be your fault, but there's a reason.

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