Thanks Throwitright.....The Shift does make a quick move off the dry, but not like a reactive ball does. Particle covers by nature are going to have an arc-type reaction. I have a Shift in my arsenal, yes it does make a very abrubt move when it encounters friction; but my T-Road Pearl and Spitfire look like someone kicked them when they hit the dry.
I'm not trying to belittle anyone, everyone has there own opinions and thats fine. I'm just trying to point Coachlefty in the right direction, just as with everyone else on this board.
As far as what layout would be best, talk to your ball driller. Have him/her watch you throw a few shots. Its easier for him/her to layout a ball when they can see: ball speed, axis tilt, rpms(turn) imparted on the ball. After they have that info, they can apply the best layout, based on the forementioned items.
"Do all your pins fall forward?"....Yes they do