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Author Topic: What about Storm??  (Read 9876 times)


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What about Storm??
« on: January 28, 2008, 04:23:47 PM »
I have a whole wall of storm equipment that has not sold.  Including the Storm Gravity Shift that I have listed drilled at under $200.  What's the problem?  Storm is not selling and I'm not sure why.  I have brought in various pieces and they sit there gathering dust.  

Storm/ Roto seminar was in town to tutor the Gravity and Cell and only 8 people signed up and showed up for the seminar.  

I see PBA guys using it on TV, but it doesn't seem to transmit to any sales locally.  



Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: What about Storm??
« Reply #16 on: January 29, 2008, 08:09:25 AM »

I feel Storm makes the most diverse line in the industry, but you can only tell customers so much before they gravitate towards a "spider" ball.

Hehe, it is a cool logo.
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Monster Pike

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Re: What about Storm??
« Reply #17 on: January 29, 2008, 08:47:25 AM »

I feel Storm makes the most diverse line in the industry, but you can only tell customers so much before they gravitate towards a "spider" ball.

Hehe, it is a cool logo.
Tom Cruise has officially reached Michael Jackson status.

Yeah, I think the guy who thought of that line for them has probably been promoted big time.  If not, he ought to be.
"The last time I saw a face like yours, it had a hook in it's mouth."

Mr Straight Ball

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Re: What about Storm??
« Reply #18 on: January 29, 2008, 09:07:38 AM »
To all the pro shop guys and consumers reading this post...

If the person in the shop tells the bowler it's a must have ball, then guess what, it's a must have ball! Right now, I hear ignorant bowlers saying, "Alls Storm balls do is skid and flip" but they have not owned a Storm ball since who knows when or they bought one ball and of course they bought one that skid/flips like a T-Road Pearl or Domination.

If a consumer is comparing the price, all of the hot balls cost the same, regardless if you want an Attitude, Inferno/Fury, Momentum, NV series or a Widow. So now that a consumer knows they are looking to spend $200 the only thing they have to go on is an experienced pro shop suggestion or what they have seen everyone hitting with at league. Unfortunately, bowlers think they throw it like someone else, spend $200 and find out they have a dud because they don't throw it like "Hooking Henry" who covers boards without trying.

Consumers, let your driller get you in the right ball, they are way to expensive to think that the reading you did is enough to make the right purchase. It might be a Big B, an Ebo or Flying S, you might be surprised how that ball you thought was not for you works.
Bakes...Bevel is for wimps!!!
Storm Products, Inc. family member
40 Boards & A Ball -
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Ko's Glen Burnie Pro Shop


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Re: What about Storm??
« Reply #19 on: January 29, 2008, 09:10:28 AM »
To all the pro shop guys and consumers reading this post...

If the person in the shop tells the bowler it's a must have ball, then guess what, it's a must have ball! Right now, I hear ignorant bowlers saying, "Alls Storm balls do is skid and flip" but they have not owned a Storm ball since who knows when or they bought one ball and of course they bought one that skid/flips like a T-Road Pearl or Domination.

If a consumer is comparing the price, all of the hot balls cost the same, regardless if you want an Attitude, Inferno/Fury, Momentum, NV series or a Widow. So now that a consumer knows they are looking to spend $200 the only thing they have to go on is an experienced pro shop suggestion or what they have seen everyone hitting with at league. Unfortunately, bowlers think they throw it like someone else, spend $200 and find out they have a dud because they don't throw it like "Hooking Henry" who covers boards without trying.

Consumers, let your driller get you in the right ball, they are way to expensive to think that the reading you did is enough to make the right purchase. It might be a Big B, an Ebo or Flying S, you might be surprised how that ball you thought was not for you works.

What does "Hooking Henry" throw?
Mea Culpa
NLMB 150 Dream Team

Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: What about Storm??
« Reply #20 on: January 29, 2008, 09:15:47 AM »

Yeah, I think the guy who thought of that line for them has probably been promoted big time.  If not, he ought to be.

Of course, it is about performance but each company has balls that perform...  So really it comes down to word of mouth or what the pro shop is going to talk you into getting I guess?  

If you look in that mid performance range, you have Fire Line which they have been revamping and then the Thunder Line which has some pretty plain looking equipment with underrated value and performance.  Maybe it is a marketing thing?  For example, Storm never had much on their site about the Thunderstruck if anything.  Maybe an occasional mention in their news.  Kind of a waste for such a good ball...

Then I read stuff on here about people's Special Agents and Shifts not hooking (not sure how this is humanly possible), so I am not sure what is going on exactly.  Many people agree that the Special Agent is a great ball but occasionally that thread would pop up.  Reading that the Shift doesn't have much backend is kind of a confusing one to me because when I threw it I thought it was a monster.  I keep saying wow after I throw it and I have to show people because it is that sweet.

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Re: What about Storm??
« Reply #21 on: January 29, 2008, 10:23:26 AM »
I think that part of the problem for Storm Right now is that they're designing equipment to be used on PBA conditions, not house shots.  I also think they're designing the high end equipment for Weber, Shafer, etc, not the "average joe" in a THS league.  I've thrown alot of Storm stuff over the last couple of years, and my biggest issue has been attempting to blend out the pattern to create a window to strike consistently.  Alot of the balls with the Reactor cover are very susceptible to over/under.  The R2S cover has addressed this, but has lost a little length in the process.  The 2 companies I'm kind of gravitating towards now is RG and Columbia, they match up to my game better than Storm, Ebonite, Hammer, etc.  I love the Rival and Resurgence as well as my new Illusion (once I figured out the Oval thumb was rotated).  I can't wait to try a Cell (or 2).


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Re: What about Storm??
« Reply #22 on: January 29, 2008, 10:28:17 AM »
I was in the pro shop the other day and over heard the operator say that he doesn't like the new storm stuff because they really aren't doing anything that different in regards to the cores.  He is complaining that his Storm stuff is just sitting around.  

I haven't thrown a Storm ball recently except for the T-Road Pearl.  But it seemed good to me.

Mr Straight Ball

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Re: What about Storm??
« Reply #23 on: January 29, 2008, 11:00:52 AM »
No ball company puts their eggs into catering to the PBA guys exclusively. Every company has made plenty of "Joe Bowler" friendly balls. What I have seen from to many pro shops is "cookie cutter" layouts. That's when you send everyone out the door with your trademark layout...stacked x stacked! LMAO

Bowlers when you walk into a shop and say "MAKE IT HOOK!", prepare for over/under. Layouts need to match what you like to do versus what you want it to do. Most of the time, we all want to play the track. Throw in one highly aggressive ball that forces us from our comfort zone and the over/under starts. Mostly because most bowlers don't play in the oil that well. I understand though, we all want to throw the hot ball or that ball our favorite pro tosses on Sunday.

To funny this topic came up as I was just talking to someone the other day about this very subject. Number 1, factory polish is some serious stuff. I've had some PBA exempt players tell me they scuff every ball then polish it because they go to long out of the box. (Not a Storm staffer either) Number 2, to much surface is a bad thing too! When you sand a ball, it wants to read earlier and give you no bang for your buck down the lane. This is the one I ofter see people mess up with the most. They blast the cover and then expect the ball to hook down the lane, "OOPS" it lost it energy already so it cannot hook.

If every ball looked the same from the color to the marking, we would not be able to tell a difference to say this brand does or does not perform.
Bakes...Bevel is for wimps!!!
Storm Products, Inc. family member
40 Boards & A Ball -
Storm Products, Inc. -
Ko's Glen Burnie Pro Shop


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Re: What about Storm??
« Reply #24 on: January 29, 2008, 11:18:16 AM »
As much as I do not want to generalize, Storm has cleaner shells by sheer design. A snap-shot of the bowlers that frequent your shop would be helpful. People like to see a particular "shape" on the lane which they are familiar with. When "Ball A" does not allow them stand on 20 and throw up/to the track, the ball gets a reputation as junk. I would have to agree with a prior poster, some Storm balls are not for the "average joe", length and energy retention is a foreign concept to the "average joe" who wants earlier read and roll (Burnsquick, Ebonite, etc.) It all boils down to this, some people are not accustomed to the shape that Storm balls provide.
Mea Culpa
NLMB 150 Dream Team


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Re: What about Storm??
« Reply #25 on: January 29, 2008, 11:20:16 AM »
It's mostly T-Road Solids and Pearls selling around here.  All the other Storm's have been dead.



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Re: What about Storm??
« Reply #26 on: January 29, 2008, 11:40:14 AM »
That's interesting that Storm stuff is waning at the moment. How do Storm sales differ from this time last year to now? I'm very curious. A lot of my friends are asking me about new balls and I show them a good half hour of videos from Buddies and, and the last two guys both said, "I want a Gravity Shift." Then again it's only two people and not a whole market. That's a shame because I really like Storm equipment, and Storm as a company. Their website is geared towards their consumers and their customer service and tech support is top notch. And speaking of new Storm gear, I hope I can beg my dad enough to get himself a T-Road Solid
"This is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules."


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Re: What about Storm??
« Reply #27 on: January 29, 2008, 11:46:24 AM »
Storm sells huge in Vegas, K & K Bowling Services sells tons of Storm/Rotogrip and Brunswick balls. In fact they started a 20 percent rewards program for those brands and 10 percent on any other ball. Great program you buy any ball and get either 20 or 10 percent towards your next purchase.

These guys believe in bowler loyalty and prove it, by being innovators in the bowling business with the rewards program and a onsight training center.

Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: What about Storm??
« Reply #28 on: January 29, 2008, 11:51:38 AM »
It's mostly T-Road Solids and Pearls selling around here.  All the other Storm's have been dead.

I am trying to think what I would think as a customer...  The Jolts are kind of eyesores but I don't know how much that influences sales.  I would think a little since it is more of a low end ball.  The Tropicals are really nice as a gateway drug but where to go from there?  Probably try a Thunder Line or Jolt?  Have to emphasize how good that Thunder Line is.

The original Agent is a really good ball, I don't know why that one wouldn't be selling unless because of the fact that there are all these other balls that have come out since.  Maybe update the Agent with R2S pearl?  I would have done this instead of releasing the Secret.

Why the Shift isn't flying off of shelves that I can't understand.  The only personal feedback I can give on that is that I was kind of assuming I wouldn't be able to control it until I actually got to try one in the Open House.  Once I saw how smooth it was, I wanted one and ended up buying one later on.

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Re: What about Storm??
« Reply #29 on: January 29, 2008, 11:53:08 AM »
I agree with Mr. Straight Ball, The biggest misconception today with the "average to above average" bowler is that dull hooks and shiny goes straight. Not enough pro shop operators seem to be telling them that it is all about where it hooks, not how much. I see so many guys buy an aggressive ball (i.e Special Agent or T-Road solid), leave it box or scuff it more and then compain the ball sucks because it didn't snap 15 boards on the back end. And when I try to explain it to them, they look at me like I have 3 heads! A little education would go a long way.
If you blame the lane conditions for your bad scores, then you had better thank them for your good ones!!
If you blame the lane conditions for your bad scores, then you had better thank them for your good ones!!


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Re: What about Storm??
« Reply #30 on: January 29, 2008, 12:01:44 PM »
I agree with Mr. Straight Ball, The biggest misconception today with the "average to above average" bowler is that dull hooks and shiny goes straight. Not enough pro shop operators seem to be telling them that it is all about where it hooks, not how much. I see so many guys buy an aggressive ball (i.e Special Agent or T-Road solid), leave it box or scuff it more and then compain the ball sucks because it didn't snap 15 boards on the back end. And when I try to explain it to them, they look at me like I have 3 heads! A little education would go a long way.
If you blame the lane conditions for your bad scores, then you had better thank them for your good ones!!

I concur, that stigma of dull=hook and shiny=straight will take years to vanish. Which takes me to another "myth" if you will, low pin equals hook and high pin equals length. There was a article in BJI a few months ago covering this. People get super hookers put the pin low accompanied with a low hole then wonder why they see no backend!!! The ball either pooped out or went too long. (lower pins take longer to transition, resulting in length) Either way they the bring the ball to newspaper grit and burn the lane down.
Mea Culpa
NLMB 150 Dream Team