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Author Topic: What about Storm??  (Read 9988 times)


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What about Storm??
« on: January 28, 2008, 04:23:47 PM »
I have a whole wall of storm equipment that has not sold.  Including the Storm Gravity Shift that I have listed drilled at under $200.  What's the problem?  Storm is not selling and I'm not sure why.  I have brought in various pieces and they sit there gathering dust.  

Storm/ Roto seminar was in town to tutor the Gravity and Cell and only 8 people signed up and showed up for the seminar.  

I see PBA guys using it on TV, but it doesn't seem to transmit to any sales locally.  




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Re: What about Storm??
« Reply #31 on: January 29, 2008, 06:03:11 PM »
I've been a Storm fan for several years now and I have been disappointed with my last few Storm balls.  The T-Road Pearl has been OK.  It's either THE ball or NOT the ball.  I haven't found it to be "consistent" on the conditions I bowl on...and yes, I've made surface adjustments to try and match the conditions but it is still hit or miss.  I also have a Special Agent.  I would have to say that was the biggest waste of money since I bought the Atomic Charge.  My Fired Up is still the one ball I can count on most of the time.  However, as for their new releases, none of them excite me.  At one time, I would never consider another company, but right now, I am looking at other lines...
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Re: What about Storm??
« Reply #32 on: January 29, 2008, 06:17:45 PM »
results  = ball + oil + lane + bowler + drill  + surface.

If you leave out or do not pay attention to any one factor, throw the whole equation out of the window and your scores.

I remain amazed at how many people ignore one or more of the factors in that equation. Live and learn or remain stupid. Ignorance is bliss.
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Re: What about Storm??
« Reply #33 on: January 29, 2008, 08:57:12 PM »
results  = ball + oil + lane + bowler + drill  + surface.

If you leave out or do not pay attention to any one factor, throw the whole equation out of the window and your scores.

I remain amazed at how many people ignore one or more of the factors in that equation. Live and learn or remain stupid. Ignorance is bliss.
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One thing I do like is storm pearls especially scuffed. Do i need to say anymore?


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Re: What about Storm??
« Reply #34 on: January 29, 2008, 09:19:54 PM »
Pro shop operators push balls that they like....or programs that they can make the most $$$ on.  The other factor is price to the consumer.  Those two add up to what sells.



Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: What about Storm??
« Reply #35 on: January 30, 2008, 07:11:05 AM »
I also have a Special Agent.  I would have to say that was the biggest waste of money since I bought the Atomic Charge.

How is the Special Agent a waste of money?  Best sport condition ball I own really...  Not to mention an oily house shot.  Just adjust surface, bam.
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Edited on 1/30/2008 9:43 AM

Mr Straight Ball

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Re: What about Storm??
« Reply #36 on: January 30, 2008, 07:50:28 AM »
results = ball + oil + lane + bowler + drill + surface

If you have a Special Agent or Atomic Charge that was a bust, I would definitely say a piece of the above equation is missing.

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Re: What about Storm??
« Reply #37 on: January 31, 2008, 12:11:54 PM »
No ball company puts their eggs into catering to the PBA guys exclusively. Every company has made plenty of "Joe Bowler" friendly balls. What I have seen from to many pro shops is "cookie cutter" layouts. That's when you send everyone out the door with your trademark layout...stacked x stacked! LMAO  

I agree with you on that.  Personally, I use mostly 4.5 to 5.5 inch layouts with the MB or pseudo MB under the thumb so that I can better control the breakpoint with hand position.  I tried stacking a ball once, let's just say that it didn't work out too well.    

Bowlers when you walk into a shop and say "MAKE IT HOOK!", prepare for over/under. Layouts need to match what you like to do versus what you want it to do. Most of the time, we all want to play the track. Throw in one highly aggressive ball that forces us from our comfort zone and the over/under starts. Mostly because most bowlers don't play in the oil that well. I understand though, we all want to throw the hot ball or that ball our favorite pro tosses on Sunday.

Again, I agree with what you're saying, but I've owned several Storm bowling balls with the original Reactor cover with tamer layouts that were over/under, even with more end over end roll. I probably should've tried taking the surface down a little bit and polishing it back up, but I didn't know about that trick at the time.  R2S is much better in this regard with the T-Road Pearl, I just needed a little extra polish to get it down the lane a bit further.  (Oil shortage in Tucson, I guess.)  Right now, I use mostly a Rival if I need more midlane roll and an Illusion if I need the ball to go a little longer.  Both balls roll really well for me.  

To funny this topic came up as I was just talking to someone the other day about this very subject. Number 1, factory polish is some serious stuff. I've had some PBA exempt players tell me they scuff every ball then polish it because they go to long out of the box. (Not a Storm staffer either) Number 2, to much surface is a bad thing too! When you sand a ball, it wants to read earlier and give you no bang for your buck down the lane. This is the one I ofter see people mess up with the most. They blast the cover and then expect the ball to hook down the lane, "OOPS" it lost it energy already so it cannot hook.

That doesn't surprise me that the pros do that to smooth it out a little bit, especially when the backends are flying.  I see the situation alot here in Tucson where they scuff a ball they really need to polish.  Then they complain about how much "oil" is on the lanes when they see other bowlers with polished equipment playing 3rd arrow or deeper.  It's kind of funny and sad at the same time.

Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: What about Storm??
« Reply #38 on: January 31, 2008, 12:26:17 PM »
I don't know why they are not selling

Well, I don't think they are NOT SELLING per se, because I still see new storm balls rolling all the time.  I think they may not be selling in some areas which is why the original people were asking.  I don't know if two or three people represent the entire market but I hope not.  Ever see those "what's hot in your area" threads?  It's kind of all over the place.

I don't think it is a price thing because their prices match up to the other big companies...
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Re: What about Storm??
« Reply #39 on: January 31, 2008, 12:38:57 PM »
I made the mistake of getting a Storm Paradigm Domination, but it was an x-out (even though I had never had any problems with x-outs before) but it refused to move.  I was looking for a stronger polished piece to get some length and solid back end on a medium oil and length shot.  I saw people throwing it and thought yep that is the ball.

However it would not move more than 2-3 boards, would not carry even if I got there.  I took the surface down to 4000 grit, and it started to move a little more, but not even close to what I was looking for.

I went and took a lesson with one of the top coaches in our area last year and she laughed and said that is the worst ball reaction she had ever seen.

Once again I attribute this to being an x-out and having something wrong with it.

The only Storm ball I have ever thrown that I really liked was the Tropical Storm.  For the price you can not go wrong.  It had nice length and nice back end to it, and it only cost $100.

If I ever buy a new storm I am going to sick to the midline.  

I have noticed besides for the Agent line and T-Roads no one in my area is throwing anything else by storm.  Oh well.  

I am sure here in one of their next ball releases will be the biggest thing on the market.
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Re: What about Storm??
« Reply #40 on: January 31, 2008, 12:41:47 PM »
Possibly because Storm isn't as good as it used to be?
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Re: What about Storm??
« Reply #41 on: January 31, 2008, 12:48:52 PM »
results = ball + oil + lane + bowler + drill + surface

If you have a Special Agent or Atomic Charge that was a bust, I would definitely say a piece of the above equation is missing.

40 Boards & A Ball
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Yeh, I guess you're right.  I just didn't match up with those two balls in spite of trying both on several different oil conditions with MANY different suface changes.  The guys at Storm were very helpful in offering lots suggestions on what to try, as was my local Pro Shop including the time spent making these surface adjustments.  But in the end, nothing worked with either of those two I guess it was me.  I left the Atomic Charge on the rack at my center and gave away the Special Agent to a younger bowler in one of my leagues.

So, yeh, for me both balls were a waste of my money...

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Edited on 1/31/2008 1:52 PM


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Re: What about Storm??
« Reply #42 on: January 31, 2008, 12:56:48 PM »
There are going to be times when a ball just does not work for an individual that may be the greatest ball ever to another bowler. Sometimes maybe even a company doesn't match up to an individual, case in point when Patrick Allen went with Track he couldn't do anything right, he comes back to Ebonite hes a winner again
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Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: What about Storm??
« Reply #43 on: January 31, 2008, 01:52:33 PM »
There are going to be times when a ball just does not work for an individual that may be the greatest ball ever to another bowler.

A lot of times it is also someone buying a high end ball and getting it set up wrong or using it on the wrong lane condition for their style.  I bet the mid range stuff is the best bet to try to get in the hands of the people.  Maybe they aren't familiar with what to expect from the current Storm stuff.  The open house definitely sold me on two different balls that became must haves after I threw them.  I also got to throw them with different layouts to compare.  

Some of this stuff really confuses me...  For instance, the Shift being "drill sensitive" or whatever the term was.  All I did was get mine laid out similar to the way the pamphlet said, pin buffer of whatever distance, pin at this distance, put MB here.  The thing has an unholy move.  Definitely not a "no backend" move...  I am curious if someone knows their PAP, what type of oil they are on and how to find the dry, how you can make this ball have no backend?  Maybe it is a speed vs. revs thing?  But again, this would be communicated to the driller hopefully?

I don't know, I look at the Black Widow and that one is a high performance with asymmetric core, right?  Those seem to sell.  I think it's word of mouth or copying what someone else is using.  

The current Storm line is definitely better than last year's in my opinion...  A tweak here and there and I don't know what else you would need to offer considering you also have the whole Roto Grip line.

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Re: What about Storm??
« Reply #44 on: January 31, 2008, 03:56:36 PM »
Start cazrying Global and Banger if you want to drum up some sales. Both of these companies are selling a ton here in Cali. I love the Banger line and I see a lot of breaks by Global being thrown. Maybe start carrying companies such as Global, Banger, Visionary they seem to be taking care of the pro shops the best from what I can tell for being smaller. Just a thought.
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Re: What about Storm??
« Reply #45 on: January 31, 2008, 04:20:31 PM »
I think it goes back to what the pro shop pushes, and word of mouth. Out here, Storm sells just fine. There is no shortage of Storm balls on the lanes. I have never owned a Storm dud. Anyone wants to get rid of their Storm balls, feel free to send them to me.
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