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Author Topic: what are the differences between the Victory Road Pearl and the new Hy Road Pear  (Read 3892 times)

Jeff The Bounty

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Just got my hands on the new Hy road Pearl.Do not want to duplicate bll with my Victory road Pearl.Any thoughts on how these two balls differ.


Monster Stitch

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The Hyroad Pearl has the old specs of the TRoad Pearl which has a lower diff. I say they are pretty close.


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The R2S coverstock has been upgraded some ... H-R PEARL definitely stronger than T-R PEARL from what I've seen so far.


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Guys, I believe Jeff is interested in the differences between his Victory Road Pearl and the Hyroad pearl not the T-Road Pearl...At any rate, I haven't had a chance to throw either of these yet but a Hyroad pearl on my "to-buy" list for this fall. From my research and looking at these two thrown, I will say you are likely going to have some overlap unless you change layouts and/or surface finishes. Based on the core numbers and revised R2S coverstock on the Hyroad Pearl, I'd assume it will be a little longer and smoother than the Victory Road. Maybe someone who has thrown one or both of these balls could shed more light but if it were me I would use two fairly different layouts and/or surfaces on these to make them stand apart in your arsenal.
"Bowling is simple so don't over complicate it: stand here, throw there."
Currently in the bag: Lock, Critical Theory, Asylum, IQTP Frantic, Buffalo Bills Spare


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The difference is the core.

I thought the understanding when the victory road came to existence was a be a touch more downlane reaction.  That being said...the hyroad pearl should be more midlane than victory road...while still beijg similar..

In the bag [Infinite Physix, Volatility Torque, Night Road, Phaze III, Burner Solid, Hustle AU]
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HRP is smoother than VRP.