Linn, I don't think you really want a 16 lbs ball, it can be worth trying but most people usually try a 16 then go back to 15.
If HyRoad isn't hooking enough for you, maybe try taking it to pro shop to get oil extracted by Revivor or something similar and take the polish off the ball as well if you haven't done it already.
I've recently bought the IQ Tour Pearl which has 1500 grit polished out of box finish, I use Storm Reacta clean on both IQ Pearl and VG Nano(same cover as Sync) and it works great so far, no changes in hook compared to previous session.
Just keep in mind if you buy the Sync, you'll have to take better maintenance(Oil extraction/Resurfacing) due to NRG cover sucking all that oil. I've experienced my Nano(same cover) dying due to lack of care. After hours of Revivor and complete resurfacing(with rougher finish) the ball is doing okay now.
bowlerdawg, Only thing I've got to say about NRG cover on Sync and VG Nano, it's that the NRG cover can hook through heavy oil, but it soaks up much MORE oil too.