
Equipment Boards => Storm => Topic started by: Sn on September 04, 2005, 01:51:07 AM

Title: What is inside a 13lb Storm Diablo?
Post by: Sn on September 04, 2005, 01:51:07 AM
I know that most manufacturers have the original cores in their balls which are 14lb or above. I am just curious about how the Twin-V weight block goes inside a 13lb Diablo. No core at all or a reduced one?
Many thanks to your replies!
Title: Re: What is inside a 13lb Storm Diablo?
Post by: Re-Evolution on September 04, 2005, 11:58:23 AM
Storm uses a different type of core in their balls that are under 14 except in the master line (X). In the X line they use different densities in the core and filler to reduce the weight.
That is what I have been told anyway.
STORM TRACK (http://"")'s unofficial FAQ section (http://"")

Title: Re: What is inside a 13lb Storm Diablo?
Post by: Sn on September 06, 2005, 11:06:24 AM
I've just got the official reply from a Storm staff through e-mail. The 13lb Diablo contains a Modified Thunder core instead of the Twin-V weight block. So should I expect this ball to be reacting very much like Hot Rod Super Sport?
By the way, the balls in the Storm Master Line use the same cores with fillers of different densities down to 12lb.
Title: Re: What is inside a 13lb Storm Diablo?
Post by: DanR on September 06, 2005, 05:06:11 PM
In the shop I used to work at had a light weight Storm X factor and it had a simple 3 piece core like any white dot ball.  I didn't understand why they charge the same price for a spare ball core
Title: Re: What is inside a 13lb Storm Diablo?
Post by: Sn on September 06, 2005, 06:36:30 PM
In the shop I used to work at had a light weight Storm X factor and it had a simple 3 piece core like any white dot ball.  I didn't understand why they charge the same price for a spare ball core

Oops! The Storm rep told me that lighter balls (12lb and 13lb) from the Master Lines keep the same cores as heavier ones! If a Storm X factor has a 3-piece core then that is not the case!
I can just say charging "a white dot ball with a better coverstock" the same as those with an more aggressive weight block is not very fair.
Title: Re: What is inside a 13lb Storm Diablo?
Post by: DanR on September 07, 2005, 04:51:11 PM
By bad, I was asked my boss and was advised it was a 11lb X - factor