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Author Topic: What is the C? Comp, Cosmetic, ???  (Read 1264 times)

Gene J Kanak

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What is the C? Comp, Cosmetic, ???
« on: September 30, 2004, 12:51:51 AM »
I have a Storm ball that has a large C under the serial number. I know that this is some sort of comp or blem, but I do not know exactly what this means with Storm. My guess is some sort of cosmetic blem, as the pin, cg and RAD are correctly marked and there is no oddity among pin or top weight. If it is cosmetic, I still don't really know what the heck is wrong with it. The colors look fine. I'm thinking that the labels may have been shifted just a touch. It doesn't really matter much, as the ball will roll and hit fine and that's what it's all about. I just wanted to know exactly what this meant. Any help is appreciated.

Gene J. Kanak
I can't bowl 300, but I can bench 310 : )



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Re: What is the C? Comp, Cosmetic, ???
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2004, 10:25:49 AM »
I've heard / seen various opinions on this matter.  I always used to think that a "C" marked a color blem of somekind.  However, I received a lightning flash a while back that had a "C" engraved like yours.  The odd thing was that the outside of the box was stamped "comp" so I assumed it was a comp'd ball for a pro or something.

Really would like to know what the hard fast rule about the "C" designation is.
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA


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Re: What is the C? Comp, Cosmetic, ???
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2004, 12:35:40 PM »
"C" on ball is color blem ball. Rest should be ok.
No reason to put "P" - like extra pin out 4+, or "W" like top weight, cause you can find this info on box.

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Re: What is the C? Comp, Cosmetic, ???
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2004, 03:57:21 PM »
I had a RG Assault that was marked "C" because the pin, cg and mb were way offline.  Had nothing to do with color.