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Author Topic: What Makes Stotm Better?  (Read 4142 times)


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What Makes Stotm Better?
« on: October 12, 2010, 06:38:28 AM »
I have a friend who constantly is begging me to use Storm products, I have very little interest in trying Storm I have had some sucess with AZO but overall Storm name does not impress me that much. My Friend tells me how much better Storm is than other companies equipment how my average would go up with Storm.

My question is simple what makes them better? Why is Storms stuff the end all of bowling balls? Do they hit harder? Carry better? Hook less/more depending on what you are looking for?

IMO other manufactures equipment is just as good as Storms, Just depends on the guy throwing the ball. and what he wants to see on the lane and what he is comfortable with and what gets the pins down.
"Complexity lay within the artistry of execution"

+++Henry Zou+++

Founding FatherBR Inquisition

Edited on 10/12/2010 2:38 PM
"No one runs...from the conquerer "
