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Author Topic: what to choose  (Read 725 times)


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what to choose
« on: November 22, 2009, 03:25:41 AM »
I want to start replacing some older bowling balls. Want to start with a benchmark ball and a go longer-flippier ball. Thinking a Hyroad-Reign combo, or Nomad-Nomed Pearl. Would drill them for the reactions that I want, and changing the surfaces on the balls is no problem. The only problem I see with the nomad-nomad pearl combo is that all the reviews I have seen they seem to have the same reaction. Only carry 4 balls to tournements,and two to league, so I really do not want a lot of overlap . Will different drillings and surfaces give me enough of a different reaction between the two, or should a guy go with the Storms. I am a medium speed{16-17 mph} med rev(275-300? never been measured) and most of the conditions I see would be considered THS, but somewhat drier that what I think most of the bowlers in the bigger centers see. Thanks in advance for all opinions.



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Re: what to choose
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2009, 06:59:29 AM »
I know you didn't mention this ball, but the Furious is about the best benchmark ball on the market today (with a mild drilling). This uses Storm's R2S solid cover, with a symmetrical core. The fact that it isn't Storm's strongest, or is it thier weakest cover, with a controllable weight block makes it a winner. From that, I would look at a Reign or Nomad pearl for your skid flip ball.
Tommy Gollick
Storm Regional/Pro Shop staff
Red Crown Pro Shop Harrisburg, PA
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