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Author Topic: Where does OPTIMUS fit in my arsenal of balls?  (Read 7731 times)


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Where does OPTIMUS fit in my arsenal of balls?
« on: October 21, 2014, 12:16:24 PM »
I am picking up the Optimus tomorrow to go with my IQ TOUR SOLID,  IQ TOUR PEARL, FUSION, HYROAD PEARL. I like to start with the IQ SOLID and go up or down from there. If IQ SOLID starts hitting a little weak I usually ball up to my Fusion. If Solid is a bit too much I ball down to the Gold IQ and then if need be down to the HYROAD PEARL. Not sure where the OPTIMUS will fit in with these balls. Some people say it hooks more then the Fusion and I have heard others say it is less then Fusion. I bowl on a synthetic THS most of the time. I still do a few tournaments later in the year. All balls are drilled similar although I was thinking about going pin down on OPTIMUS. Could the OPTIMUS be my new benchmark ball? I heard it is a THS killer. Maybe fit the OPTIMUS below IQ SOLID and above IQ PEARL. Looking for advice from someone who has a similar ball selection to choose from. Thanks!!


Gene J Kanak

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Re: Where does OPTIMUS fit in my arsenal of balls?
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2014, 12:36:47 PM »
I think that the Optimus and IQ Tour are going to be near one another in terms of overall strength, but they're going to offer different shapes. The Optimus, being a pearl, is probably going to be a touch cleaner up front than the IQ Tour; however, the lower RG on the Optimus should mean that it still gives you some midlane. The biggest difference, in my opinion, is likely to be what you'll see down the lane. The Optimus will probably give more motion than the IQ Tour. Again, it depends on your style, layouts, coverstock prep, etc., but that is what I'd expect to see if I were you.


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Re: Where does OPTIMUS fit in my arsenal of balls?
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2014, 06:29:58 PM »
I think I should be alright with the ball rotation I currently have. Optimus should fit above my Fusion. I have a hard time ever putting down the IQ SOLID as my benchmark ball.  Every once in a while the Fusion and IQ Solid don't have quite enough pop in the backend. The Hyroad Pearl tends to skid a bit too much early in the night. The OPTIMUS should solve this problem. I have 1 solid, 1 hybrid, 2 pearls and 1 urethane. Time to sell some old stuff.


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Re: Where does OPTIMUS fit in my arsenal of balls?
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2014, 05:54:39 PM »
ryguy119, I have the IQ FUSION and the IQ TOUR PEARL. IQ FUSION pin below bridge and IQ TOUR PEARL pin above bridge. I haven't used the IQ FUSION much on league night. I felt so comfortable with the IQ TOUR PEARL gives me that length and back end. Pitch Black I haven't used it yet on league night either. I don't find the lanes that burnt for me to use. I would like to get something above my FUSION cause I"m not sure if i wanted to change the cover stock on the FUSION taking the polish off. I wanted to get the HYROAD SOLID but now the CRUX is out. I"m not sure what to do hahahahaha. I wanted to get a good solid ball about the FUSION for tournaments which wanted to get myself  into it. But definitely one great solid ball.


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Re: Where does OPTIMUS fit in my arsenal of balls?
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2014, 05:59:44 PM »
Ryguy will have quite the arsenal!  Idk I'd add a Crux :)
In the bag [Infinite Physix, Volatility Torque, Night Road, Phaze III, Burner Solid, Hustle AU]
*Now Testing* IQ Ruby, Renevant, another IQ Tour solid
Coming soon...???


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Re: Where does OPTIMUS fit in my arsenal of balls?
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2014, 06:10:49 PM »
billdozer, with the crux i have to wait for a while. perhaps if i can get one for NATIONALS but if not. Only two will be bringing with me to nationals is the IQ FUSION and IQ TOUR PEARL.


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Re: Where does OPTIMUS fit in my arsenal of balls?
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2014, 07:58:47 PM »
Crux sounds awesome. Might have to pick one up . I think on a heavy oil shot the Optimus would go too long.


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Re: Where does OPTIMUS fit in my arsenal of balls?
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2014, 09:16:53 PM »
Crux sounds awesome. Might have to pick one up . I think on a heavy oil shot the Optimus would go too long.

It will, I cant for live of me figure out why I dont like the Optimus.
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Re: Where does OPTIMUS fit in my arsenal of balls?
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2014, 12:12:35 AM »
Crux sounds awesome. Might have to pick one up . I think on a heavy oil shot the Optimus would go too long.

It will, I cant for live of me figure out why I dont like the Optimus.

Not sure why you don't like the Optimus. But I know if I had to pick up a new ball from the Storm/Roto line up it would be the Sinister or Crux. They both just outshine the other recent releases from those companies.
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Re: Where does OPTIMUS fit in my arsenal of balls?
« Reply #9 on: November 16, 2014, 09:15:55 PM »
The Optimus will be the strongest ball in the arsenal you listed.  It will roll earliest of everything listed, especially if you break the shine with a 3k or 4k pad.  I put a 4k finish on mine and it is 10 feet earlier than my iq tour at 4k finish.


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Re: Where does OPTIMUS fit in my arsenal of balls?
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2014, 10:33:27 AM »
Optimus, like its predecessor the Marvel Pearl, is rolly strong pearl.  While it can still be angular off the break point, it has great continuation after it "stands up" into a roll.  IQ solid is much smoother.  I like it on flatter patterns where I want to control the back end. 


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Re: Where does OPTIMUS fit in my arsenal of balls?
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2014, 12:15:49 PM »
Crux sounds awesome. Might have to pick one up . I think on a heavy oil shot the Optimus would go too long.

It will, I cant for live of me figure out why I dont like the Optimus.

Not sure why you don't like the Optimus. But I know if I had to pick up a new ball from the Storm/Roto line up it would be the Sinister or Crux. They both just outshine the other recent releases from those companies.

I recently did a Storm Demo Day where they had the Crux, Sinister, Optimus, and Hysteria available. The Optimus was OK. I was striking with it on a THS, but I wasn't sure how well the ball would translate to a Sport condition where I had to have good control of the backend.
Storm Rep Steve Kloempken suggested I throw the Hysteria, which I hadn't had a chance to try yet. Bingo. The Hysteria was stronger, and I had more confidence with the move off the dry. It's one impressive ball.


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Re: Where does OPTIMUS fit in my arsenal of balls?
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2014, 01:35:47 PM »
Crux sounds awesome. Might have to pick one up . I think on a heavy oil shot the Optimus would go too long.

It will, I cant for live of me figure out why I dont like the Optimus.

Not sure why you don't like the Optimus. But I know if I had to pick up a new ball from the Storm/Roto line up it would be the Sinister or Crux. They both just outshine the other recent releases from those companies.

I recently did a Storm Demo Day where they had the Crux, Sinister, Optimus, and Hysteria available. The Optimus was OK. I was striking with it on a THS, but I wasn't sure how well the ball would translate to a Sport condition where I had to have good control of the backend.
Storm Rep Steve Kloempken suggested I throw the Hysteria, which I hadn't had a chance to try yet. Bingo. The Hysteria was stronger, and I had more confidence with the move off the dry. It's one impressive ball.

This is a splendid post. Confidence is good descriptor of the Hysteria off the dry, the Optimus, for me, Im not sure what it will do. I know there is a strong chance it will not strike. Its one of the following, 2 pin, 4 pin, flat 10, ring 10, bucket, or rail. Ive officially given up on the ball and in my own opinion this is one of the worst balls Storm has released in half a decade. Now the Hysteria, that ball is incredible.
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Re: Where does OPTIMUS fit in my arsenal of balls?
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2014, 04:55:19 PM »
I also gave up on my Optimus.  Just could never get a good ball reaction with ball. It picked up pretty early and just flat out hit like crap. Even when I did strike , just didn't look right. It happens sometimes,for whatever reason, balls just do not match up with your particular style. Ended up picking up a Shout and I am very happy with it so far. Lets me move way right, more into my comfort zone. I have not hit enough oil anywhere yet that my IQ Tour can't handle. Also have the Fusion, which still hooks quite a bit,but just gives me a little more skid then Tour.


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Re: Where does OPTIMUS fit in my arsenal of balls?
« Reply #14 on: November 17, 2014, 05:32:31 PM »
Surprised by your experience with Optimus on tournament patterns.  My experience with the Marvel Pearl, (Optimus predecessor) was just the opposite.  Carry is sometimes good, sometimes bad on THS, but my ability to put it in end over end roll really controls the breakpoint on flatter longer patterns.  I would have expected similar results from Optimus