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Author Topic: Which is closest to Anarchy? Marvel Pearl, Nano Pearl, other?  (Read 3960 times)

Cyril The Syrup

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Which is closest to Anarchy? Marvel Pearl, Nano Pearl, other?
« on: October 03, 2012, 12:18:16 AM »
Time to replace my Anarchy and wondering which pearl reactive would be closest?



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Re: Which is closest to Anarchy? Marvel Pearl, Nano Pearl, other?
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2012, 12:44:59 AM »
I think you may want to wait and see how the Lucid looks, seems that with the same surface prep it may be close. I have rolled all three, use the Marvel Pearl and Anarchy a lot and they are not very close for me. Only rolled Nano a few games, never matched up with my game very well but seemed to be the weakest of the three.


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Re: Which is closest to Anarchy? Marvel Pearl, Nano Pearl, other?
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2012, 04:42:43 AM »
I think you may want to wait and see how the Lucid looks, seems that with the same surface prep it may be close. I have rolled all three, use the Marvel Pearl and Anarchy a lot and they are not very close for me. Only rolled Nano a few games, never matched up with my game very well but seemed to be the weakest of the three.

Are you seeing enough oil for the Nano Pearl? Its a strong early rolling pearl and if you dont see enough oil, the ball tends to burn up.

Out of what storm has to offer, the Lucid (polished) would be closer than the Marvel pearl. The Marvel Pearl offered the core from the Prodigy which was a really big rolly core. The Lucid is going to give you that hook as you move in oil where the Marvel Pearl will tend to get squirty.
James C. Jones
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Re: Which is closest to Anarchy? Marvel Pearl, Nano Pearl, other?
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2012, 07:32:38 PM »
I concur that the new Lucid will be a replacement for the Anarchy.Both have large
rolly asymmetrical cores.You will need to play with the surface of the cover.
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Re: Which is closest to Anarchy? Marvel Pearl, Nano Pearl, other?
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2012, 10:25:33 PM »
I think the Lucid would be the replacement.  The MAD Core seems to be more similar to the Origin Core in the numbers and the cover is also going to be more similar.  Plus I would think that without the NRG additive in the Nano Pearl, the Lucid is going to be a bit cleaner, more rolly instead of continuous, and give a bit more versatility. 

You may need to adjust the cover slightly but I think overall reaction would be similar to the Anarchy.
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Gene J Kanak

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Re: Which is closest to Anarchy? Marvel Pearl, Nano Pearl, other?
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2012, 01:01:06 PM »
I would also throw out there to consider just getting another Anarchy. I have to believe one can be found via ebay or some other shop. Don't get me wrong. I love trying new balls as much or more than most people. However, if you're looking for the exact reaction a particular ball gave you, it's never a bad idea to just pick the same ball again. That way you know exactly what you're getting.