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Author Topic: Won free Storm ball - advice on what to get  (Read 1497 times)


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Won free Storm ball - advice on what to get
« on: October 06, 2017, 11:48:22 AM »
Kind of funny story.  My daughter is going to school and bowling at Newman.  Wichita State was selling tickets as fundraiser.  Both are local schools that are consistently ranked annually.  WSU is mega-monster with its history, but Newman regularly sends teams to nationals.  Obviously there's some rivalry with WSU coming out on top a lot of the time.  My wife bought some raffle tickets since we have friends at WSU and won free ball and bag.  We decided to help daughter out even though all 4 in household bowl and it's kind of funny to get free from rival school.  But, what to get?

Daughter has Sure Lock, Dare Devil Trick, Critical (has age) Code Black, Hy-Road, IQ Tour Fusion (has age).  She's in pretty good shape overall since they only take 5 to tournaments and a plastic ball is a must for her. 

Since this is free from Storm directly, I kind of want to get another big ball even though she has a few there and buy low end (cheaper) on our own.  I'm thinking Code Red or Sure Lock (replacement or different drill/surface).  She likes all balls above except the older ones as they have 100's of games with multiple Detox's and have just lost some pop.  Obviously we'll talk with coaches and pro-shop, but I'm a planner and love to gather advice from smart people.  Must be Storm ball only for freebie and can only throw Storm & Roto-Grip for college.  Thanks.



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Re: Won free Storm ball - advice on what to get
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2017, 12:05:08 PM »
I agree make sure you pick a high end ball. I’d go No Rules Pearl, maybe Marvel Pearl if an option. Hot cell may not be a bad idea! Gives her a urethane ball to have when needed.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2017, 12:11:14 PM by cspaced25 »


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Re: Won free Storm ball - advice on what to get
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2017, 12:12:16 PM »
I'd replace the Critical with a Code Red, Marvel Pearl or Intense if you can get it

Luke Morningwood

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Re: Won free Storm ball - advice on what to get
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2017, 12:19:32 PM »
The hole I see in this arsenal is a core with some length to it in a solid cover. Think Show Off or Torrent.  Another possibility is the Phaze II.  You have the assyms pretty well covered. The DDT is a fast reving core with solid cover, the Hy-Road is a good hybrid with some length and the Fusion hybrid with a faster core is the step up from the Hy_Road.
If those don't suit your fancy, the I would suggest the Code Red as a good slot in between the Sure Lock and Code Black


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Re: Won free Storm ball - advice on what to get
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2017, 12:52:00 PM »
Can you choose a Roto Grip ball or Storm lines only? Code Red, No Rules Pearl, Intense, Marvel Pearl, Phaze II, No Rules Exist.

If both Storm and RG are options, I would choose anyone of those and only one of those for bang for your buck. Also should give a different look from everything else, to an extent.
Current Rotation:
Code X
Code Black
Axiom Pearl
Phaze III
IQ Tour


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Re: Won free Storm ball - advice on what to get
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2017, 03:36:12 PM »
So you're basically working with a Sure Lock, Dare Devil Trick, Code Black, and Hy-Road in mind. Yeah that is a fairly good lineup. I would probably go with a Code Red if waiting for an Intense isn't an option.

Agree on going with a high-end ball too. Even if it's not going to be drilled/thrown right away. Saves a bit of money later on buying a big-block replacement.