Equipment Boards => Storm => Topic started by: BrianCRX90 on January 30, 2006, 01:01:46 PM
Besides the plastics, what is the worst Storm ball or balls you've ever used?
For me, Sky Bolt takes the cake. The pearl was awesome (Bolt), but the solid version was horrible with that core. I've rarley seen such a ball that would burnup so quickly off the heads. Short, real short patterns this ball was only good for and had to hook the hell out of it to make it carry well.
any particle x factor ball never did like them
carbides, uraniums, and bombs oh my
I really hated my Storm Triple Xtreme... I'd have to say that ball was a turd.
However, I have to disagree with hawkeye's comment about x-factor particles... I LOVE the Trifecta!
But she's an exception to the norm.
Shock Trauma
*Erie Community College bowling*
Buffalo bowlers are the best all around in the country.
AMF Thruway Lanes Pro Shop employee, and I have no problem saying that I'm Officially a Ball Junkie.
Hands down... Power Bolt
The Fear Factor. That ball was terrible...
I am a dragon. I eat things whole and alive. I live by a life of sin. I have an attitude worse than you can imagine. And I don't give a f*ck what you think...
Trauma Response
Official Member of the BrunsTrackColumStormHammEboRotoBuzzAMF Nation!
Super Charge
****Kids in the back seat cause accidents; accidents in the back seat cause kids.****
Some say the Storm X-Factor XXXTreme was horrible, they also say the Re-Loaded was horrible too. I had the XXX Treme and had awesome success with it, Same with the Re-Loaded. Still use the reloaded but currently redrilled for an earlier roll on sport oils.
Now my worst Storm ball ive ever used is the Storm Flash Point. The Storm Eraser Partical Pearl was decent at 1st. After the 12th game it just sucked! Got a 705 out of it but after that, skid-flippy. More skid then flip.
Mike Zadler
NE Lake County IL
Brunswick Equipment
Sanctioned Highs:
775 Series/288 Game
Sanctioned average (2004/2005)
I liked my Sky Bolt, and I liked my Trauma Response, too.
The worst one I ever had personally was an El Nino. I know it worked well for a lot of people, but not for me. I had two of them and neither worked.
I've heard the old Meteor Storm was a dog but I never got a chance to throw one.
Edited on 1/31/2006 1:59 AM
power bolt... most horrible ball ever... the thing cracked on the first batch like all of them and then the new ones were still junk... they have come a long way since i must say, thhey have some great stuff out now
"2 Hours Sleep + A Couple Beers = Good Bowling"
Trauma Recovery was horrible and the Triple Extreme was just disappointing.
Flash Force!! After loving the Flash Point, I thought this would be a good ball. Boy was I wrong.
Trauma.. its a fitting name for a traumatic expierence when you let go.
Frodo Baggins has failed...George Bush has the ring...
Another vote for the Power Bolt...
...just never could figure that ball out.
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA
Carry the World UBA sanctioned
Reolution Rev Remix
Quantum Elite LE
--Revolution ECX--
Morich Seek & Destroy
Rev Annihilation
Triple Extreme was absolutely horrible, even after several tweaks of the coverstock. I actually felt bad selling it to a guy for 50 Bucks in excellent shape.
Pat Patterson
Ace is up there, Diablo, Vertigo, etc., lol. For being loyal to Storm, I've sure hated a lot of them recently. I actually liked my Triple Xtreme, Shock Trauma, and Fear Factor, believe it or not. The Shock is actually one of my favorite balls. Lol, legend, you just don't know how to use the Super, it is uuuuuber.
New member of the Metal Militia!!! If you think Simple Plan is metal, then you must die. And not get to be a member . .\m/!!!
Fear Factor, Super Charge, XXXtreme, and X-Factor Deuce. I love storm stuff just like any company some good balls and some garbage
"You aren't carrying unless it says S-T-O-R-M on the side of the ball." "Nothing hits like a storm" Morich and Storm...just nothing like it
Sky Bolt for me was a major dog.
Loved my Meteor Storm, however.
For me, the worst Storm Ball I've ever owned was the Barbed Wire. This was supposed to be Storm's light-oil ball but I never found a condition that it worked on. It had the strangest roll I've ever seen... very late rolling ball with an inconsistant move to the pocket. On dry it would overreact on a down and in shot, but it would hit the pocket weak from the inside.
Forest Fire Storm. Wierdest rolling ball I've ever had and hit like a wet sponge.
Actually, other than the Bolt and Eraser, most Storm balls I ever threw might qualify for inclusion in this topic.
"I do desire that we may be better strangers." Willie the Shake, As You Like it(III,ii)
Edited on 1/31/2006 1:46 PM
I would have to say the Sky Bolt was the worst one I ever threw...but I can't believe there are a couple votes for the ReLoaded!? That is one of my all time fav's from Storm!
Forest Fire Storm. Wierdest rolling ball I've ever had and hit like a wet sponge.
Actually, other than the Bolt and Eraser, most Storm balls I ever threw might qualify for inclusion in this topic.
"I do desire that we may be better strangers." Willie the Shake, As You Like it(III,ii)
Edited on 1/31/2006 1:46 PM
And thats why I no longer use strom. They just dont match up to well with my style. I still have a couple Storms and im still using 1 of the 2 that i liked alot from storm, and its the reloaded for sport conditions.
Mike Zadler
NE Lake County IL
Brunswick Equipment
Sanctioned Highs:
775 Series/288 Game
Sanctioned average (2004/2005)
Trauma Response...WOOF WOOF.....
I know my reloaded was okay for me a bit more arc-y than my original x-factor however the cover on it died rather quickly.
"You aren't carrying unless it says S-T-O-R-M on the side of the ball." "Nothing hits like a storm" Morich and Storm...just nothing like it
The triple Xtreme is a HUGE peice of DUNG! Also, I just punched up an Ace and its too early to tell but, I think I dislike it!
Nothing hits like a Hammer!!
Yea.....nothing hits that bad!!!
eaisly the shock trauma. i still havent found a line that suits that ball. I guess it just doesnt work for my style.
Going back a couple years,the La Nina and the Deuce were the biggest pile of dung that i have ever used.
Just goes to show that everyone does not match up with every
ball made by a manufacturer. I shot very well with my Trauma
Response but really struggled with my Trama ER
102101? Hmmmm
Loved the ER didn't care for the Response.
A friend? just gave me a like new Xtreme.His new sponsor wants him to throw their stuff exclusively.Go figure.
I was all pumped up til I read the responses here.I'm hoping everyone was looking for it to be big hooker and it disappointed.I was hoping to fit it between my Dark Thunder and Ultimate Inferno.
Worst disappointment for me was the LaNina.I swear I heard that dog bark every time I threw it.
President and CEO Visionite Stormy Buzzwick LTD
I have (or had) a Vertigo, Diablo, Atomic Charge, and an Eraser Banshee. The Vert, Diab, and EB are all still in my bag. Can't say that about the Atomic Charge. Never could get that ball to do anything twice...very inconsistant reads, sometimes early, sometimes late, sometimes not at all. Sometimes it under-reacted, sometimes over-reacted, sometimes it did nothing. I tried cover changes, sanded, polished...nothing worked! It could have been drilled wrong for my style, as I have a higher track and it thumped the thumbhole sometimes...actually, I couldn't even get it to consistantly thump the thumbhole. After about six months, I gave up on it and gave it away...didn't feel right about taking someone's money for it. I've heard some good things about that ball, maybe I just got a dud...
That which doesn't kill you will only make you stronger, that which doesn't make you stronger is a waste of time!
shock trauma on 95% of patterns. Too much over/under, skid/flippy.
my sky bolt was the bomb!!!!hated the hybrid....
for me it was the eraser boost for a partical rolled extremely late for me
proud member of the visionary test staff home of the some of the greatest unknown balls in the world
La Nina. Every one I saw thrown was dead after 10 games or so.
If you blame the lane conditions for your bad scores, then you had better thank them for your good ones!!
My X-Factor RELoaded. Got it used and rather cheap, but was very disappointed with performance (After Storm's ctalogue announcements). No heavy oil ball for me, surface needs constant scuffing to make the ball move properly. Best thing about it is the apple-cinnamon fragrance...
DizzyFugu --- Reporting from Germany
Team "X":
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream..." - Edgar Allen Poe
Barbed Wire was ughh....Flash Flood is a dog....
Polished my Duece (was ok on light to med, very predictable.), Polished my XXXtreme (still use it on medium), and I polished my Vertigo (use on heavy to med), and I love them.
I don't know if there is a bowler out there that can find use for every ball made. Storm works for me, but friends/family use Ebonite, Columbia, Roto, and can't use Storm.
-------------------- thumb stuck again! And again! And Again!
thats kinda surprising because storm makes roto so i would think if they can use roto they would probly be able to use storm
proud member of the visionary test staff home of the some of the greatest unknown balls in the world
I loved my SkyBolt. I could use it on anything but the driest of conditions. I cashed alot of tournaments carrying only my sky bolt and my spare ball.
but, the worst Storm ball for me has to be the Big Hit. Too Strong for the dry but couldn't turn the corner if I moved into the oil. But, this ball has made some money for me too, so It's not that it's been a horrible ball, just not the best Storm ball for me.
Mine would have to be my (2)X-Factor Deuces. Lasted about 50 games each then died like a mutt with the plague.
If the average isn't 300, then keep practicing and be humble!!
Razor Wire.
Chuck Norris doesn't bowl strikes, he just knocks down one pin and the other nine faint.
My Pics
Another vote for the Triple Xtreme.
It was the biggest waste of money. The ball died on me after 20 games. After rejuvenating, refinishing it, ball would just go straight. What a dud!
"Now rolling MoRich, Hammer, and old school Faball and Brunswick"
Feel the Power of MoRich
Fear Factor Hands down for me. Too much particle then it umm, Died? Lots of work to keep that ball in top notch shape for heavier oil. once it got like 20 games on it I needed to resurface it. The core was great but the cover had issues.
Billy Ray
"Let Us Help You Become More Competitive"
Trauma Response
Official Member of the BrunsTrackColumStormHammEboRotoBuzzAMF Nation! 
I will 100th that!
Brunswick proshop staff 2006
For me, "La Nina", due to new coverstock that time
The worst one for me was the Barbed Wire. Bought it for light oil, and that thing checked early and died, even with a length drill and polish. Hit the cover with Scotchbrite to see what it would do and it was a sponge hitting the pocket.
Ended up getting rid of my XXX Extreme too. Just didn't fit my game.
A lot of people drilled up El Ninos when they first came out around here, and were quickly dubbed the "El Nine-Os" lol
Funny people mention the Shock Trauma as that is right up there as my best ball along with my Inferno. That ball has made me lots of money.
trauma responce
erase it
Track International Regional Staff Member
Vise Inserts Staff
For all of your bowling needs, go to http://WWW.BOWLINGKINGDOM.COM
Sign up today and use Rev_o as your reference!!
Worst STORM ball all time:
Eraser Boost PBT
It's the little things in life that are small.
Even if there is no such thing as a bad ball.. For me the worse Storm ball I have thrown was the Trauma Response! But then again it probably me not throwing the ball well. BTW, I loved the BOLT line .. Lime green Bolt was awesome.
Sad but True.. Save time for the GOOD TIMES
We all can hit the pocket, just carry the damn corners
Edited on 2/15/2006 7:51 PM
Storm balls that I have throw and liked:
1. Most of all--The POWERBOLT ( I know, I was the ONLY one
2. Trauma
3. Original Eraser
4. Ultra Hot
Storm balls that I have thrown and liked, but wouldn't carry:
2. Skybolt
3. Razor wire
Storm balls I have owned, thrown, and HATED:
1. Most of all-- El NINO GOLD ( Complete TURD for me)
2. Too Hot
3. Eraser Blaze
4. Shock Trauma
5. Trauma Response
6. Super Power Pearl
7. Electrical Storm
8. Original Tropical Storm
9. Hot Wire
10. Thunder Road Pearl
11. Red Sunstorm
So, let's see, out of 18 balls, only 4 were ever effective for me. Given a percentage like that, I decided to throw other things.
P.S. I am currently very intriguied with the Trifecta. The only reason I don't have it yet is it looks so much like the X-it that it is scaring me. I know it's got to be a better ball, but my mind keeps rejecting it for that reason.
i never threw a storm ball tha I liked till the XXX tha I got from a buddy. The span was 3/16 too long but i threw it anyways and got great reaction and predictability. The span was getting to be a bit stretched so i decided to plug the fingers and redrill to my span. After cutting down the plug and resurfacing the ball back to box finish I could not get even close to the same reaction with that ball. I spent the next three weeks tweaking and playing with the surface I got rid of the ball and havent thrown storm since. Ive heard from a few other pro shop operators tha storm balls are a b!tch to get back to box condition.
The Cyrness: Member -Fellowship of The Saws
Owner- Limestone Bowling Supply
Trauma Responce+ 100 games = major disaster!!! I rolled an 845 with it<the house record> and then sold it like 3 weeks later because it became a door stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! John
Worst STORM ball all time:
Eraser Boost PBT
It's the little things in life that are small.

got a friend that carried 224 with that ball,for me its the fear factor its my ten pin ball now.
That is strange Shot 2 300's and 3 800's with my FF
thank God its bowling night!
Edited on 2/15/2006 7:17 PM
It's the little things in life that are small.
Eraser. This ball did absolutly nothing for me. Gave it to my brother and he didn't fair too well with it either.
Just Stormin' through!
Storms I was not a fan of...
X Factor- didnt play well on the overwall in this area (not a bad ball, just not good for me)
X Factor Deuce- didnt play well on anything anywhere
Eraser- See my comment on the X Factor
Power Bolt- That ball was brutal.
Lightning Flash- See my comment of the Eraser which directs you to the X Factor
It just seems that Storms midrange stuff is too skiddy to handle the oil in the midlanes in this area. When trying to move around the shot the balls wanted to hook at 30 feet. I could never find a happy medium with these balls.
Storms balls I loved...
Blue Thunder- First Storm experience---had 3 of them. Loved each.
Fire Power- Had 2 of these. Had my high set up until this season with an FP about 6 years ago.
Super Power- Have had about 8 of these (solid and pearl combined), matches up with my game perfectly.
Razor Wire- Always know what the ball is going to do and for a weak ball, the ball carries everything for me.
Only Losers Feel Pressure
The worst, most useless bowling ball that I ever owned (I must have owned about 200) was an early Storm urethane. It was black with "HSP" imprinted. I tried and tried but I don't think I ever struck with that ball. I managed to swap it for another bolus--a maroon Enforcer by Track.I guess we screwed each other.
Never liked my Trauma Recovery or Trauma Response. Had a FEar Factor temporarily too that was ick!!!
Now before you argue that I don;t like particles, I LOVED the El Nino X-it.....
Oh well....
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
Feel the Power of the FOS with new Enriched Uranium from Lane 1!!
I have enjoyed each Storm ball I've thrown. I presently carry my X Factor, Too Hot, and Fear Factor stays in the car just in case.
Bowl to win Baby
Power Bolt, by far the worst. Snappy when I didn't want it to be, couldn't turn the corner. Classic over under ball.
Storm Crux!! Super lazy down the lane no matter what I did to the cover. Talk about a letdown, sheesh!
Match Pearl ------- what a POS that is/was.
Whoa, this thread is older than some people's kids on here. If you take the last 3-4 years or so you can make a strong top ten:
1- Phaze
2- Fight
3- Street Fight
4- Byte
5- Zero Gravity
6- Drive
7- Optimus
8- Optimus Solid
9- Reign-On
10- Fire Road
Those are ten off the top of my head that just had iffy reactions and were clear cover/core mismatches for the average skilled bowler. But if you throw it good and know how to read a lane, you can always find something that a "bad ball" would work on.
Trauma Response was terrible unless you had a flood. Polished it and it was better but still needed too much oil to be useful.
Flash Flood _ Hooked at my toes
Any of the Bolt series - Loved the Power and Sky
Tour Power
Super Power solid
La Nina
Any of the early Thunder balls. Loved my Blur Thunder Pro. I mad a bunch of money in brackets ith it at World Team Challenge event
Fire Road
Storm Fight
Storm Fight
I know this will get thrown around a lot. I had one and will say it wasn't so much bad ball as it was horrible marketing. The R4S Solid cover is strong and needs oil, the Fight rolled great at tournaments with oil
one of the Reign that I owned... oh man that ball sucked lol and I was fan boy at the time....
Hahaha at the age of this thread brought back to life.
I really only had one major dud from Storm, and I tried every surface known to man, multiple layouts and got a wild hair and tried another one later to the same results, the ball being the Shift, which I typically refer to it with a letter missing.
The Modern Marvel.
LOL - I'll chime in....
The X-Factor Deuce was the worst Storm ball that I have ever owned. It was a hot mess from day one. My expectations was that it would be a hook monster. However, it didn't hook at all! A POS from the start.
Second was the over / under king of the hill... The Trauma! Enough said.... Peace!
Wow! This is a pretty old thread! I always say, there are no bad balls just bad operators! But, there are a few turds out there as well.
For me:
1. The Shift
2. The Invasion
3. The Reign
4. XXX Extreme
5. The Fight (condition specific-needed oil, lots of it)
I have to laugh. First ball I bought after a very long layoff was a used Fear Factor. I actually like the ball. The cover isn’t strong, but that works for me. Next ball I bought, Fire Road. Liked that one too. Hardly see enough oil to use it. Don’t even carry it anymore. I used the Fear Factor as the ball down from the Fire Road.
For my son, the Fight was a total miss. One of the few Storm balls that was that way for him. Street fight was just slightly better.
Whoa, this thread is older than some people's kids on here. If you take the last 3-4 years or so you can make a strong top ten:
1- Phaze
2- Fight
3- Street Fight
4- Byte
5- Zero Gravity
6- Drive
7- Optimus
8- Optimus Solid
9- Reign-On
10- Fire Road
Those are ten off the top of my head that just had iffy reactions and were clear cover/core mismatches for the average skilled bowler. But if you throw it good and know how to read a lane, you can always find something that a "bad ball" would work on.
I shot 300s with the Byte, Zero Gravity, Reign On, FireRoad and 300/800 with the Fight lol
I shot 300s with the Byte, Zero Gravity, Reign On, FireRoad and 300/800 with the Fight lol
Sounds like you have a ton of hand my friend.
Wow! This is a pretty old thread! I always say, there are no bad balls just bad operators! But, there are a few turds out there as well.
For me:
1. The Shift
2. The Invasion
3. The Reign
4. XXX Extreme
5. The Fight (condition specific-needed oil, lots of it)
+1 on The Shift. Sure didn't cry when that ball cracked. Spoiled me on the brand for awhile but glad didn't give up on Storm and Roto though as love the Hy-Road, IQ Tour and Hustle Ink. Have had some match up problems also with the Raven so it may be more don't match up well with particle balls. Also as an unrelated aside only going to be on occasionally going forward so no more crap flooding posts. Win win for everyone.
I shot 300s with the Byte, Zero Gravity, Reign On, FireRoad and 300/800 with the Fight lol
Sounds like you have a ton of hand my friend.
Quite the opposite lol
300 rpm
15.5 mph
12 deg tilt
81 deg rotation
Invasion and VG Nano Solid= TURDS!!!!
It might be a 3 way tie between the Fired Up, the Diablo, and the Match Up Pearl for me. Fired Up was a roll out machine, followed up by the Diablo which was even worse, and after those two back to back, I left Storm and didn't come back for the better part of a decade. First gen Reactor just sucks for me.
Funny that you mentioned that Match-Up Pearl in your list. I know one bowler who plays a pretty direct line to the pocket and swears by his Match-Up pearl!! He uses it on a fairly slick medium shot, and is consistent with it. Lots of 220ish games with it.
However, this past Friday I bowled against a guy with a ton of hand, who insisted on trying to swing the lanes from about 25 to 10 with it.....and all he did was destroy the natural track area for all the down-and-inners bowling on the pair! Third game everyone trying to play down and in kept getting wash-out splits over and over again since he had pushed oil into the natural track area!
You'd think he would have stopped since his ball NEVER made the turn to the pocket either.......BUT NOOOO! He kept right on trying to wheel it!
I literally had to go get a stronger piece and play inside of him in order to score!
Yeah, that Match-Up pearl is probably condition specific for sure.