Your house should have replaced it, my brand new road hawg got gouged the first set i used it sunday morning. Three balls got caught in the ball return, the road hawg was the last ball in machine the spinning wheel just burned 2 giant burns in the ball one in the track and one near. Well they did the right thing and gave me a new road hawg which i took too my driller last night and will be picking it for league tonight on the way back to the same center.
Dont let there crappy little signs keep you from getting a new ball, it is not storm fault you had ball damage, it is the center's fault plain and simple. Everyone one of the centers have that sign but the squeaky wheel gets the grease, i told them they are not resurfacing my ball they are giving me a new one. Guess what they backed off and even though they were not the seller's of the ball and knew they were not drilling it took care of it.
Edited on 2/14/2006 3:52 PM