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Author Topic: X-Factor Vertigo Life Span  (Read 4933 times)

Fluff E Bunnie

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X-Factor Vertigo Life Span
« on: June 04, 2006, 09:55:46 AM »

Hello, I was thinking about getting an X-Factor Vertigo as my heavy oil ball and I was wondering about how long this ball lasts...  I have seen people saying that it died out on them quickly.  Is this for real?  If you maintain the coverstock after everytime you bowl will that not keep it in peak performance?  Furthermore, couldn't you get the ball resurfaced to get it back to tip-top shape?

Let me know what you guys think...  These balls are pretty affordable right now.

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Re: X-Factor Vertigo Life Span
« Reply #16 on: June 11, 2006, 04:03:39 PM »
the life span of the ball is always determined by how well you take care of it...but sometimes how well your house takes care of their lanes...some lanes can be nice when you first use it...but later on in life, they lose performance, especially with wood lanes...if your the type that just bowls in one house all the time, you will notice the death of your ball...just an observation in some houses...
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Re: X-Factor Vertigo Life Span
« Reply #17 on: June 11, 2006, 04:56:16 PM »
I think it also depends upon how often you use the ball. If you keep it clean, take it into your pro shop regularly for proper maintenance (de-oiling, slight sanding back to OOB finish, things like that), it should last a good long time. If the lanes you bowl on are flooded most of the time, then it probably will last a year or two. If it's more like you use it one game a week max. then it should last a couple of years I would think.

I live in a dry climate, in Albuquerque, plus at 5,000 ft in elevation and here, things just don't die very fast. I used a couple of hammers for four years, without proper maintenance before I really noticed that they were dying. I learned my lesson there...maintain you equipment!


Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: X-Factor Vertigo Life Span
« Reply #18 on: June 12, 2006, 07:45:12 AM »
I think it also depends upon how often you use the ball. If you keep it clean, take it into your pro shop regularly for proper maintenance (de-oiling, slight sanding back to OOB finish, things like that), it should last a good long time. If the lanes you bowl on are flooded most of the time, then it probably will last a year or two. If it's more like you use it one game a week max. then it should last a couple of years I would think.

I live in a dry climate, in Albuquerque, plus at 5,000 ft in elevation and here, things just don't die very fast. I used a couple of hammers for four years, without proper maintenance before I really noticed that they were dying. I learned my lesson there...maintain you equipment!


I clean my equipment after every time I go bowling.  How often do you recommend taking the ball to the pro shop for maintenance (how many games)?  I read somewhere that recommended giving your ball a Dawn bath after every 30 - 40 games.  I don't mind going hardcore with ball maintenance if it makes the equipment last longer.
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Re: X-Factor Vertigo Life Span
« Reply #19 on: June 12, 2006, 02:27:34 PM »
well from my experiences with the vertigo (well my fiends) is that after every 25-30 lightly hit it with a scotch brite pad/ get it lightly sanded back to 800 grit or else you will pay for it in "death" of the ball or loss of reaction, with regular cleaning with ball cleaner, removing the oil from the ball every say 100-125 games, resurface about as often as you remove the oil and you should be just fine, there are some being used around here with well over 500 games and still reacting because they take care of there balls extensively
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