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Author Topic: x-hole  (Read 2368 times)


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« on: May 17, 2004, 11:54:04 AM »
hi from germany and please excuse my bad english.

yesterday a customer came to my shop. he won a an triple X in a tournament and would like to get it drilled.
he is a lefthand-player with a lot of revs

i drilled his ball:

the ball rolles great. his first games were 230 and 236 and he loves it.
but i had to put an x-hole in it to reduce sideweight. i put the x-hole on the 1/8 above pap.
i used the biggest drill-bit i had, a 1 1/4 and drilled it deep, have through the ball and the rf is drilled deeper than the mf. now it has 7/8 ounces sideweight.
is that unusual and legal(this size of an hole)?
i´ve never seen that before.

thanx for help




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Re: x-hole
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2004, 04:53:26 AM »
There is a limit to how big the x-hole can be but Im unsure as to what that maybe.
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Re: x-hole
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2004, 03:04:39 AM »
hi buddy,

before the x-hole the ball had 3 ounces sideweight.
the hole is close to the val. the player has alot of trackflare so i couldn´t
go closer to the val.
with 3 ounces what do you think how big should a x-hole be?
how do you measure the ball to locate the cg in a wrong marked ball?



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Re: x-hole
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2004, 06:57:53 PM »
to check to see if the CG is marked correctly you just place the ball on the scale with the CG mark straight up and then balance the scale after balancing rotate the ball to different positions keeping the CG straight up the scale should stay balanced
for example:
P = pin, C = CG, -- = ball center
(overhead views)

--P C--

--C P--


One other thing balance holes can be no more than 3 1/2" deep and I stay away from 1 1/4" drill bit for the balance hole because it is the max size allowed which means that if you get a chip in the hole they can consider it illegal sounds stupid but there are people out there that will do anything to be a butthead.

Edited on 5/19/2004 7:00 PM


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Re: x-hole
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2004, 04:16:10 AM »
The 1 1/4 hole is max according to ABC . Having to drill out that much sounds weird ,, I was wondering if the ball was a blem . That drilling  does not usually require that much of a weight hole.. must have had a ton of top weight .. Usually only in Axis leverage


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Re: x-hole
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2004, 07:07:14 AM »

@buddy, when i remember right: before the x-hole there was a sideweight of about 2 6/8 - 3 ounces.

as i know, in todays balls with mb, the cg is no important factor for the drilling and the ballreaction.

cause of his style i choosed that drilling.

it is a 4 x 2 1/2 pattern.

so my question did i something wrong or is it just tough luck that the x-hole is in an area with low density?

(hope tough luck is the right word for that what i mean)



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Re: x-hole
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2004, 02:26:01 AM »
hi buddy,

does that means that i can not do everything with a high topweight ball??
i had ohter balls with a high topweight and a pattern like this but there i had not to do such a large x-hole.
is that caused by the density inside that storm ball?

in first line i have to decide which drillingpattern is good for the customer.
as i told, the ball reacts great and he is satisfied.
if i put the cg closer to the gripline the mb will get closer too and that would bring an other ballreaction.