Normally I wouldn't care to spend the money for a used, older ball but this ball is one of the exceptions.This was one of my favorite balls in the late 90's. Only my 3rd reactive ever had and when I saw Brian Himmler and Robert Smith bowl with this ball I had to have it. It had such an aggressive, early reaction and at the time made my Brunswick Danger Zone look like a pearlized urethane! I got rid of the ball and sold it to a guy along with 2 other balls only because they were 14 pounds and moved to 15. How I wish they would have reissue this ball in the exact model.
For years I've been attempting to get a NIB in a 15 with this and nearly impossible. I came close on eBay but got outbid everytime. Last few times I found a used one all in good shape but some people like to do what I do and outbid at the last second. So this time I just bid and put another 5 dollars to attempt to make sure my bid. Fresh resurface and won it for 30 bucks.