im looking to get a ball for heavy oil for my tuesday night league that usually has a lot of oil. i was originally looking at an ebonite gamebreaker, but then a member of my league recommended the VG. after a couple weeks of contemplating, my own teammate got one and threw it last night for the first time. honestly, it didnt look like it hooked or hit very hard... on the same lanes with a rogue cell, he was able to open the lane up more, play different parts, and hit a lot harder. same layout. he said that his cell solid hooks more than his VG.
i guess the question is, which of these 3 balls is REALLY the best ball for oil? also open to any other seggestions. i wanted to stick with ebonite before since i love the way they roll and hit, but after hearing so much good things about storm/roto, i may have a change in heart. thanks in advance!