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Author Topic: 15lb Mint single drill Triton Elite, Triton T.K.O.  (Read 938 times)


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15lb Mint single drill Triton Elite, Triton T.K.O.
« on: January 04, 2010, 11:15:33 AM »
Triton Elite:

Single drill left hand, small oval fingers no inserts, 1 1/8 thumb slug. Span is 4 3/4x4 11/16.

Off of a 5" straight over axis, the layout is:
70x30 503/8 NO hole.

This is very close to the label and could easily be converted to a righty.

$100 shipped

Triton TKO:

Single drill left hand, small oval fingers no inserts, 1 1/8 thumb slug. Span is 4 3/4x4 11/16.

Off of a 5" straight over axis, the layout is:
85x20 2 1/2 P1 hole.

$80 shipped.

"Pics will be up tomorrow. 1/5/10."