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Author Topic: 715C  (Read 19390 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00
- Color: Blue/Silver/Red
- Core: Catback
- Core Type: Asymmetrical
- Coverstock: UMP Gen 4C with Pearl Essence
- Finish: 2000 Abralon Sanded, Polished with Powerhouse Factory Finish
- RG: #16-2.56, #15-2.52, #14-2.53
- Differential: #16-.046, #15-.052, #14-.045
- Reaction: Continuous / Control
- Recommened Lane Condition: Medium to Medium-Heavy
- Ball comes with a microfiber cleaning sack with instructions on its use.
- Description: The 715C was designed to be a stronger version of the popular 505C. The designers set out to make a more aggressive product without compromising on the continuous/control factor at the breakpoint. We are introducing an all “NEW” coverstock for this ball, the “UMP GEN 4C” with pearl essence, which boasts a greater surface texture. The pearl essence has no performance benefit it is purely to enhance the look of the product. The “Catback” core is still a 0.015 intermediate differential, which gives this ball unbelievable striking power. The Black/Red/Gold combination will have great shelf appeal, at 2000 grit Abralon® sanded and beautifully polished with Powerhouse Factory Finish. Each new ball from Track will include a microfiber cleaning pouch with instructions on its use to help our customers maintain their performance products.



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Re: 715C
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2010, 05:13:17 PM »
I got this ball from my local pro shop as a tester ball. This is the first Track ball I have ever thrown. I am right handed, have a semi high rev rate, and throw the ball approx 18 MPH. My pap is 4" over 1 1/2" up. The pin is under the ring finger with the MB kicked out an inch and a half. The ball rolled great. This is one of the only balls that I have ever thrown that is shiny and read the mid lanes and continued to drive in the backend. It never jerked off the spot. It kept a very smooth and consistent roll through the whole lane.

Pro Shop Tech: Sunset Station


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Re: 715C
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2010, 04:15:30 PM »
When i first got the 715c was not sure what to expect, I drilled mine using morich angle drilling sheet, i wanted this ball to read the lanes early.  The result i got was amazing this ball hooks as much if not more than my 930t which i was just amazed by. Very smooth does not flip just rolls.  This is a great ball for your tournament bowler who needs a ball that reads the mid early but nice and smooth off the break point.  For your league bowler its going to be a great ball for the first game or two then its going to hook a little too much but thats when you can go to your 715a or 505a.
Chad Turner
Track Staffer
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Re: 715C
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2010, 09:54:35 AM »
I really like my 715A, so I opted to get the 715C for those times when the 715A starts up a tad too late.  I drilled my 715C with the pin 4" from the Pap and 1.5" from my VAL, and placed the MB in my track.  I was using the 715A last night, on a second shift league, and we had a bit more carry down than usual.  I had some issues with my 715A shooting past the breakpoint.  I decided to take out the 715C and see what it could do.  The 715C gave me just the reaction I was looking for.  The box finish allowed the ball to get down the lane, but the solid cover/drilling combo made the ball rev up and start its move 1-2' sooner than the 715A.  The ball has a nice predictable arc, and the breakpoint is controllable, just as advertised.  Hitting power is exceptional as it is with the 715A.  I think the 715C is a nice benchmark piece.  When the C starts up a bit too early, you can switch to the A.  All in all, a great 1-2 combo from Track.

John D Davis

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Re: 715C
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2010, 12:33:17 AM »
The 715C is exactly what it is supposed to be. It is a tad stronger in the midlane than the 715A. The overall hook is pretty close to each other unless drastic drill patterns are used on one another.

  I drilled my 715C pin above the fingers. The CG was kicked only maybe an inch or so and the MB was of course placed at 45". It needed a weight hole so I placed a weight hole along the midline to give it an even smoother reaction off the friction.

   Out of Box reaction was kinda weird to say the least. It seemed to roll kinda early but yet when it got to the breakpoint it wasn't quiet enough on alot of conditions. I actually tried the box finish a few diff. times on a few diff. conditions to base this on. I then went ahead and went to 4K Abralon, and it seemed to get alot better. It blended the lane better, and when it came in contact with the friction it didn't try to rev early. After rolling it some at 4K, I then went ahead and put a 2K Abralon finish on it to compliment my 920A on some of the longer conditions. At that surface, I have seen amazing results... Now I can use this ball on such a variety of conditions and it is so predictable. The Pin Carry of this thing is also great! I think the more and more I have rolled it the more and more it has become on of my favorites. I still use a few balls before going to this one though, but Im sure it could make for a great benchmark type ball for many players. I would give this ball a solid 9.5 because of the versatility this thing gives to the bowlers. Track is making some durn good stuff! Try one for youself.

  On a side note, I have thrown 50-70 track balls in the past and these number balls are so much better in alot of ways. Just dont let the numbers scare you away, and dont get to technical with these things. Way to go track!!! Its about time. John


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Re: 715C
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2010, 06:07:58 PM »
I got this ball prior to bowling USBC Nationals in Reno Drilled pin below the middled finger, MB in Strong Position. Designed for good midlane read and strong finish. My Baller Driller "Todd Adams World Famous Pro-Shop"  in Sacramento, CA set this one up with me.  I also have the 505A and 715A.  I recently switch back to TRACK after years of being away, I have noticed the Track equipment hits really hard, keeps pins low and is really easy to switch between balls with the number system. This makes it simple to understand surface and core differences.

Right out of the box the 715C is way more aggressive than my 505A by at least five boards with my feet. I bowled on the 40 Frame Game Condition in Reno as well as nationals and never found a condition where this ball would roll out or failed to hook unless I did something drastically bad with my shot. when this ball gets into the roll it is continuos and strong.  On typical house shot I find this ball opens up the lane far more than anything else I have thrown in some time.

I am a former big rev player learning to back off the hand cup and just release the ball smoothly off my hand. Bowlers map testing has shown my AVG speed at around 18 MPH and revs around 450. Now that is after I relaxed my hand position, my Revs actually have gone up since relaxing my grip, and swing!

If there is anything bad to say about the 715C it is that for my game it is very sensitive to react early if my speed drops on shots. Even 1/2 MPH change can cause the ball on THS to react to early and for me this ball is very sensitive to me "Hitting up on the ball" but those issues are more bowler related than ball related.

I have the carry with this ball to be awesome, it just hits so hard and if anything I have been prone to more 4 or 9 pin leaves rather than the old 10 pin.

The 715C for me is my oily lane ball based on my revs my top score with the ball so far is 278 ( 4 pin and a 9 pin leaves) and I have had the ball 3 weeks. Top set so far is 737 with this ball but scores for me are a bit lower right now as I make improvements to my game.

Thanks to Todd Adams for setting this one up and to Track for making such a good horsepower ball!



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Re: 715C
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2010, 02:21:50 PM »
OK i just drilled me a 715c  3.25x55x30 for nationals.Something to would give me a 1-2 punch with my mission.I accomplished that.This ball is very good.Its very clean through the fronts and reads the midlane and very firm off the spot,but not uncontrollable ball has great continuation compared to my 505c it reads the lane a little sooner and stronger off the spot.I feel at nationals once we break them down this ball will be perfect.Another great ball by Track.Thanks guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dannial Cohen


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Re: 715C
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2010, 11:54:50 PM »
I have used both the Jigsaw and 715C.  The Jigsaw was supposed to be for oil.  Drilled it pin over the bridge.  I didn't have the recovery I wanted on the backend on heavier volumn patterns.  Plus the coverstock had to keep being brought back earlier than anything I've ever owned.  Since it was for heavier oil, that was often.  After about three months I invested in the 715C after my wife had success with the 715A.  I drilled the 715C Rico, and it is WAY better than the Jigsaw.  Track is the way to go, and I've been a fan of both Hammer and Track.  I'd recommend the RICO drilling also.  I've used the 715C on 50 ft patterns, and it still picks up in the middle with a strong controlled recovery on the backend.  I have mine at 500 grip dull.


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Re: 715C
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2010, 05:08:09 PM »
I drilled my 715C this week to be a compliment to my 505A that I drilled a couple of months ago. I was looking for a ball that would be stronger and smoother than the 505A but still have a good backend reaction and I believe that I have found what I was looking for. I have left the ball in its out-of-box condition as of now. The 715C gets through the heads pretty easily, picks up very hard in the late midlane, and finishes with a very sharp arc. I stop just short of calling the backend reaction a snap. In comparison to the 505A, the 715C starts about 3 feet sooner and lays just slightly off earlier on the back. I would say that the hit is stronger than the 505A due to the stronger core/coverstock combination but not by much. The new Track balls have tremendous hitting power in comparison to the prior Track releases when they were in Texas. I would say that this ball needs to be started just inside the oil line and hitting the dry much farther down the lane than the 505A. This ball will be perfect for demanding conditions where going up the boards is needed or on house shots that have carried down a bit. The fresh backends may make the ball become a bit flippier than needed. The bowler must also be very aggressive in getting through the ball as it will start up early if cut short or soft. I beleive that this ball will be ideal on PBA Experience conditions as it will allow the bowler to even out those more challenging patterns. I plan on trying the ball with a bit of surface to see how it reacts. So basically if you are looking for a ball that clears the heads with little effort, is very strong in the late midlane, and still possesses tremendous hitting and finishing power then pick up a 715C.


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Re: 715C
« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2010, 02:52:27 PM »

Bowler Information
Jimmie Gibson
Hand – Right
Style – Tweener
PAP - 5 5/8 right and 3/8 down

Pin below ring finger with the mass bias places about 3” to the right of the thumb.

Expectations / Reaction
This was my first endeavor into tracks upper mid price line in a while and was pleasantly surprised with the results. The reaction I got out of this ball was effortless push through the heads with a strong midlane pickup and a surprising pop of the end of the pattern. Being a C series ball I did not expect the amount of backend I received but enjoyed the predictable anchorage before its strong move. With some pearls on the market you can get a squirty reaction down lane but not with the 715c. I was able to play multiple angles with this ball and still receive a tremendous amount of recovery even after the lanes transitioned. Overall a very successful release by track with a surprising amount of backend.

Arsenal Bowling 300 Northwest 72nd Street Kansas City, MO 64118 (816) 436-2695


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Re: 715C
« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2010, 12:16:14 AM »
Don't know my measurements but pin is above my bridge, MB kicked strong w/balance hole. I'm medium rev's, probably higher ball speed.

LOVE this ball. It's first out of the bag. With this drilling, ball clears the heads, reads the midlane, smooth to the pocket on the backend, and a TON of carry. I don't have a ton of rev's but a buddy who does, has thrown my ball, and I've seen him make the 715C dance from everywhere! Our house plays better on a more inside line (got some out of bounds to the right), so I start rolling 25 at my feet, over 15 at the arrows, breakpoint at 12ish, this ball shines for me on this line. The only negative (and it is just me) is that when I let my speed get away from me, my not-so-high rev's don't let me recover as well. I don't think anyone can go wrong with this ball!
Justin Hanner
East Texas Bowler


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Re: 715C
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2011, 08:11:43 AM »




Type THS



Likes:One of the best balls I have ever thrown. It just feels good to wrap around.
effortless roll, good langth, and strong on the back. I would truly call this one of the best. I

bench mark ball for anyone.       


I only bought one







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Re: 715C
« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2011, 06:56:13 AM »

Pin Length: 2-3 in.

Ball Weight: 14lbs.



Pin to PAP: 4 3/4 in.

CG to PAP: 2 in.

X Hole (if there is one): onVAL



Rev Rate: 250-300

Ball Speed: 15-16 Mph


PAP/Track: 5 1/3"



Grit: 2000

Type: (Matte, Polish, Sanded): Sanded and Polished



Length: Medium


Volume: Medium to Med/Heavy

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS, Route 66



Length: It gets some moderate length down the lane when it's sanded but alot more with the polish even at 2000 grit. What I really liked about this ball was the sanded surface because it gave me a better read on the lanes and handles abit more oil. I get over/under reaction quite abit with the polish because it's very speed and condition sensative.

Back End: It's controllable for the most part. The polish will give the 715C alittle more kick in the backend while the sanded 2000 will smooth out the reaction on the back part of the lanes. And when this ball connects with the pocket, it hits pretty well.


Overall Hook: I would have to say it's moderate. Not a hook monster but will work as a benchmark ball for many bowlers.

Midlane Read: Strong midlane read with it sanded but not so much with the OOB surface. I hated the fact that every other ball I threw with this it sailed past the breakpoint . Surprisingly, I got a better reaction with the Route 66 pattern playing up the 10 board than I did playing on a THS. The 715C is similar to the 505C in terms of reaction but with an earlier read compared to the 505C.

Breakpoint Shape: Smooth arc. With the polish it wants to try to act like an "A" ball but it doesn't have quite the move in the backend like the 920A or 607A SE. Any down and in player would love this ball since sometimes throwing it out from like the 18 board can make or break you depending on how much revs you have.



Likes: Good shelf appeal with the OOB finish. Decent length and a smooth reaction for those backends that makes a ball hook a ton. Great to use as a sanded ball and also as a benchmark ball to start with.  If you're a down and in player, you'll like how this ball gets down the lane with a straighter path.

Dislikes: OOB finish is just too much over/under because of the inconsistency with the breakpoint.  Does not recover very well on the backend playing from the inside unless you have a high rev rate. Definitely recommend trying this with a 1000 or 2000 grit without the polish.