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Author Topic: 920T  (Read 19295 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00
High Performance
- Color: Black Cherry
- Coverstock: Intermix Hybrid Technology
- Finish: 500, 1000, 2000, 4000 Abralon
- Core: Modified Leggo (asymmetrical)
- RG: #16/2.56 #15/2.57 #14/2.58
- Differential: #16/0.053 #15/0.057 #14/0.050
- Recommended Lane Condition: Medium to Heavy Oil
- Ball comes with a microfiber cleaning sack with instructions on its use.
- Description: Track’s 920T packs plenty of hook for the competitive league bowler. As the lanes transition and become drier, the 920T will still give you the ‘track-tion’ you need to keep striking. We accomplished this goal by combining two strong elements from previous Track products: the popular modified Leggo core, and combining our HP Gen 2 coverstock used in the UpRising with our HP Gen 3 used in the 930T, minus the mica. Our R&D Dept. worked closely with our Manufacturing Team to develop an entirely new pouring system process in order to make this combination - our first truly hybrid Inter-Mix Technology (IMT) cover.



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Re: 920T
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2010, 12:07:45 AM »
I just drilled the 920t 4x60x30 with a weight hole in the p2 position.I am really excited about this addition to the Track lineup.It reads the midlane a little sooner than the 920a but still very clean through the fronts and with strong but controlable motion off the spot.The 920a is alittle stronger down the lane than the 920t.These 2 balls make a great 1-2 punch.If you want a ball that just strikes dont look any further.Thanks again Track for making another great bowling ball.
Dannial Cohen


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Re: 920T
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2010, 06:57:04 PM »
I drilled this ball with a 5-1/2 pin while placing the mass on the val. I did this cause I wanted something that I could predict what was going to happen off the point. Let me tell you this is one of the smoothest balls I have ever thrown. I have been able to play on both med-light to heavy conditions with this ball. It clears the heads very good and reads the mid-lane very well. Also this ball hits like a truck. I am in complete love with this ball and cant wait to drill my other one. This ball def deserves a place in any persons arsenal. especially all you heavy handed players that want to get a strong yet controllable ball. You all should give this ball a try.


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Re: 920T
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2010, 11:08:30 PM »
this ball is sweet i drilled one with the pin under my middle finger cg kicked 2.5in from center line clears the front really well very good all around ball

steve wagoner
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Re: 920T
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2010, 12:35:19 PM »
The 920 T's coverstock is a combination of the Uprising and the 930T minus the Mica. It is the first Hybrid coverstock from Track. A unique pouring process allows Track to blend these covers into one that is pure thru the front part of the lane, picking up the midlane and exploding thru the pins. I have mine drilled with a Rico pattern which gives me a true reading of the lanes without the ball jumping to the pocket. Carry with this pattern is awesome. This is a very versatile ball with a coverstock that can be manipulated to do just about whatever you desire it to do. Definitely one of the " must throw " ball for this year. Thanks, Track

Hammer Jim

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Re: 920T
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2010, 11:06:36 PM »
This ball is absolutely incredible. I have never seen a ball clear the mid-lane and just get into a consistent roll. I have my 920T drilled pin under, with cg shifted and mass in the strong the position. I brought the surface down to 400 to combat heavier oil patterns. This ball keeps the pins low and delivers a hell of a punch!


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Re: 920T
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2010, 03:57:25 PM »
This ball is definitely a good ball from the way it gets down the lane to the power at the end.  I drilled mine with a pin over kicked out drilling.  At first it did not match up but taking it with a 2000 abralon opened up the entire lane.  The surface definitely reacts well to tweaking.  This is a definite step up from the 505A I have and fits well into an arsenal as a medium aggressive ball.



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Re: 920T
« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2010, 07:33:04 PM »
Drilled this ball with a 40 degree starting angle. Pin is 5 1/2 from my pap.My speed is 20mph with rev rate around 400-450. I drilled this with a week layout and the pin down below the middle finger to smooth out sport patterns.I threw this the first night of my sport league on Kegels highway to hell.I ve been line up on this pattern with a Tropical Heat and a 607a so I didnt expect to be able to use this at all.What I pleasantly got was a ball that was super clean through the fronts with a smooth midlane and nice strong punch on the back end. I was 5 boards left with my feet compared to prior weeks with the same break point. I was also able to play muliple angles if i wanted due to the length of this ball.Maybe with a surface change it it would be good on heavy oil but I dont fore see myself using it for that ..I think it will be very good on medium to medium light.Definately longer than my 505t and not as whippy off the dry but it rolls great and can see using it more than my 505t.


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Re: 920T
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2010, 02:15:29 PM »
The 920T I drilled was 45 X 5 1/2 X 45, so basically the the Pin is above my fingers and Mass Bias is in my strong position. The CG was kicked to the left so I did not need and extra hole. I did do a slight surface change and hit it with 2000 to knock some of the shine off. It is the most predictable ball that I use. There is no skid flip with this ball just strong roll and predictability. The only slight issue is that it will read early if the heads go.
Dan Schaden Jr
Track Regional Staff Member
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Dan Schaden Jr
Vise Grip Staff since 2002
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Re: 920T
« Reply #9 on: November 23, 2010, 05:04:42 PM »
I drilled my 920T a few weeks ago and have gotten enough games on it to make a solid review on it. I wanted the ball to be exactly how the Track numbering system is: more power than my 715C and certainly my 505A. The 920T has a surprising amount of easy length and more on the back than I had bargained for. It is about 2 or 3 feet later than my 715C but has a tremendously harder read on the back and throughout the entire lane.It is also about 3-4 feet sooner than my 505A and a little tamer on the back but is a good alternative to that particular ball. With the box finish the 920T is more angular than planned but still easilly useable on many medium to heavy patterns. With a touch of scotch brite the ball rolls about 3 feet sooner and tames out the backend about 4 boards and allows me to open up the lane when there is more oil or when a deep inside line is required. Overall the 920T is a very versatile ball that will find its way to the lanes on many different patterns and for many different styles. Another great ball from Track.


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Re: 920T
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2011, 08:42:35 AM »



Volume: Meduim

Type THS



Likes: Really enjoy the way this ball looks, and rolls. It has a great motion, but not over aggresive.
I have it drilled a little weaker so I have the chances to throw it more often. I have only bowled on tounry in the last few months, and used it the whole time. Had serie of 714/748/690, and was 4th qualitfier. It rolled great the whole time, and was easy to adjust with. I great addition to the bag.








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Re: 920T
« Reply #11 on: February 15, 2011, 07:39:42 AM »

Patterns thrown on: Mexico World Junior Pattern, Heavy House Shot, Chameleon



Bowler Stats (RH):

380-450 rpms

18.2 mph in the heads

PAP: 4 1/2 over 1 inch up

Balls is drilled pin under ring with the mb 1 inch past the VAL line

Likes: Gives me a ball with a similiar shape to my 920A, but can handle oil. The ball does obviously read up sooner than the 920A, but the shape itself is the same, in that it has the patented Track backend controlled flip.

Dislikes: It can handle oil, but it can't handle the flood at box surface. I am still trying to dial in the cover and it seems that the ball responds best to finished at 1000 with a light 2000 by hand.


I wasn't exactly sure what to get from this ball, because I only picked it up because it was on closeout and I absolutely love Hybrid coverstocks (3 out of my top 5 balls of all time are Hybrids). I wanted this ball to be my strong ball for shorter sport patterns. Not quite the ball for the flood, but the ball that I can go to on the sub-40 foot patterns, but stay with through the block for a while.

In the end, while I wasn't sold on the layout, once I realized it was the box surface that was the issue this ball has been everything I wanted it to be and more. Realize that this is probably one of the touchier surfaces from Track. The ball comes at 4000 from the factory, and it probably should of come to you at 2000.


What I got out of the ball once the surface was adjusted to 1000 with a finish of 2000 by hand, was a 920A that was 3 feet earlier, and didn't give me any over/under on a fresh sport pattern. Considering how much I love my 920A this piece has been a godsend to me, because I can make a fluid ball change once I need to put the 920T away do to fading head oil.


The core/cover combo of this ball allows me to make minute hand adjustments, and stay with this ball often times for a full block.


You should really pick up one of these while they are on closeout, because you get a fantastic ball that can fill a huge hole in a sport arsenal.


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Re: 920T
« Reply #12 on: April 26, 2011, 06:12:58 AM »




Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):



Likes:i had this ball 2 weeks and throw my 1st 300 with it already








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Re: 920T
« Reply #13 on: September 15, 2011, 01:47:31 AM »
House 1: High volume 8 to 8  You miss in and it skates
House 2 Plenty of oil to start, outside from 10 out has more volume in an effort to take away the swing area


Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): 
House 1 Mom and Pop synthetic house shot with not very clean backends. Shot does not transition much at all.
House 2 Synthetic house shot. Starts out with plenty of oil and transitions quite a bit. Heads go quickly  


I bought this ball for a condition where/when my UpRising squirts, I wanted a ball that would roll earlier and still finish.. This ball does the trick. 

Layout: pin under bridge on centerline 1.5" up from the mid/MB out 3" from the centerline. I will add the dimensions when I find the paper that I wrote it all down on.

Had to polish the surface as the ball checked up early for me. Left it at 4000 and hit it once with Magic Shine. Ball now rolls super. Rolls simular to the Up, but no squirt, and its also continuous but smoother. It hits very hard.  I love the ball


Proud Member of the Track Legion

Edited on 9/14/2011 at 11:54 PM


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Re: 920T
« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2012, 09:06:56 PM »
I drilled this straight up and down- pin above fingers and in middle of grip. Cg slightly to the right of the middle of my palm. No balance hole. Ball is smooth off the break, not jumpy or flippy even on the fresh. Just a nice, strong, even roll---- even on medium patterns. I've used this ball to play deep on fresh, outside of 10 on fresh, and everywhere in between. 
If you can pick one up on discount/closeout, I do not think you'll be disappointed. Once the cover lost some of its out of box shine, this ball started to deliver. It (along with my Wicked Siege) is the first out of my bag depending on where I am; I can count on this ball to give me a good read of the pattern, and adjust accordingly. 

Length: Variety; THS; flat Tokoyo pattern.

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS-- many different houses. Fresh, carry down, burned.


Likes: Command of the lane; carry; read-able on every surface.

Dislikes: Ball out of box; once shine wears down a bit or surface is adjusted to around 2000, this ball rolls consistently.


Just bowl
Reax-45x4.5x40(pin down)
Nexus (original)- 45 x 4 x 35 (pin up)
Source-60 x 5.5 x 50
Nexxxus f(p+s)-70x5.5x35
Marauder-55x5x50 (2k+polish)
300t-60x5.5x50 (+polish)
Melee-75x6x40 -- Anyone want to buy this?