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Author Topic: Animal  (Read 18456 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »

The Animal is the most technologically advanced ball produced in the history of Track. The Morpheus 2.0 core uses six pieces of different densities to achieve a balance of control of the breakpoint and overall hook ability. The addition of a wing attachment on the opposing side of the rev plate increases the Animal's mid-lane control while the aggressive Mega Fang coverstock provides its lane gripping ability. There is so much power inside the Animal that we had to use our Clean N Sheen compound to tame this wild beast. Put an Animal in your hand and be an Animal on the lane.

Animal Specs

Hook Rating 40-34  
Length 2.5  
Backend 8  
Core Technology Morpheus 2.0  
Core Power 9.5  
RG 2.53  
Differential 0.055  
Determinator Spin Time 6.4  
Flare Potential 7.5  
Coverstock Mega Fang  
Friction Rating 9.9  
Finish Compound  
Polish Clean N Sheen  
Reaction Shape Arc  
Lane Condition Heavy Oil  



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Re: Animal
« Reply #16 on: April 04, 2004, 06:06:38 AM »
This is a ball that needs some oil.  IF you toss it up the desert, it's going to burn out.  My Animal is great, but I have to keep it in the soup.


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Re: Animal
« Reply #17 on: April 20, 2004, 04:55:08 PM »
I have been bowling for 20+ years. I finally broke down and purchased the much acclaimed Animal...AARRGGGHHHH. This has to be the worst ball I have ever thrown. I would have better luck with a plastic. So, I am back to using my trusty Chaos and any other ball in my collection of 30.


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Re: Animal
« Reply #18 on: April 21, 2004, 01:42:17 AM »
What weight is it and would you sell or trade it.

AUS leftie

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Re: Animal
« Reply #19 on: April 22, 2004, 06:18:08 AM »
Ball specs: Factory polished (some come polished, some come sheen), 15lb, 3"pin, 3 ounces top weight.

Drilling: I placed the PIN directly under my 2 fingers and tilted the PIN to a 1 o'clock position with the mass bias directly under my vertical axis line. No balance hole, 5/8 positive side was left with 1/8 finger

Reaction: I drilled this ball on purpose to match the hole my Superfreak left when I got rid of it. I wanted a ball that hooked a ton, got through the front, and offered a controlled movement through to the pins. The drilling I chose was perfect for this giving me medium flare with a controlled yet aggressive movement on the backend with no roll out (to date).

This ball is amazing and I if I could, I'd have 3 of them drilled different ways. The ball really gives you alot of options with the aggressive cover and strong core. The core has a lot of flare potential which means you can hook it alot or drill it alot tamer, a very versatile ball indeed dependant on drilling!

I've posted a 802 and a 803 in the last 2 months in my five man teams league, avg 236 for 42 games, with this ball only! It's a one man show and has got me out of trouble many a time already.

I can't recommend this ball enough, I've had some good match ups with balls but honestly this is the best Track ball I have put in my hand since the Superfreak 12 months ago. There are a heap left here and the people I've seen using them are wrapped.

In summary the ball clears the front, and offers a strong yet controlled movement to the pocket with no rollout and on the scale of things, it doesn't get much better than that!

9.9/10 (I haven't thrown a 300 yet)


Jesse James

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Re: Animal
« Reply #20 on: May 28, 2004, 04:02:42 PM »
Just a Note: To Chuck,GaryUSA1, Romchip and others.....this is the review board!! If you want to discuss the ball, take it to the forum section!!

Ball wgt: 15lbs. 4oz
Pin: 3.5" pin-out
Drilling: Label Leverage with a 1" shift off the the centerline
(pin next to ring finger, mb on right side of thunmb)
House: Synthetics, light oil

I used this ball with the factory polish condition. Been playing with it off and on for about two weeks. The ball gets thru the heads amazingly clean. It reads the midlane very well, and has remarkable recovery. It has a very similar angular attack, just like the Phenom. It hits extremely hard on the backend. A change in your release will give you a completely different arc-shape. I normally release the ball with about 45 degree rotation. This ball gave me the usual gentle arc look with a lab/lev drilling...until it hit the dry. Then it became very angular, right at the end. You must be consistent with your speed and keep it up to be effective with this ball. After switching to a fan release, I found this ball extremely responsive to a major swing shot. Did this in the third game of a three game set. Usually, with a ball of this magnitude, aggressive cover and core, I'd have to put the ball away. But this this ball responded like a champ. Still got thru the heads cleanly and finished hard!!
I was able to move inside and literally go coast to coast with this ball. Standing 25, swinging to 5 and problem. Hit 10 strikes in my last game, on a THS, light oil. What I was amazed about was that there was no over/under in this game and no over reaction even when I hit the track area. I'd have to say this is a great addition to the family by Track. And to those who don't like the ball....REDRILL! More than likely you've drilled it wayyy to strong, and it's not finishing. Goood job Track, I love it!
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Re: Animal
« Reply #21 on: June 03, 2004, 09:16:25 AM »
hi from germany,

i got my animal and drilled it 5 1/8 x 2 3/8 and x-hole on pap.
Amazing power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i use that ball on a 41 feet pattern.
the reaction is much stronger than my icon300

thank you del for that ball


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Re: Animal
« Reply #22 on: June 04, 2004, 02:43:05 PM »
Drilled with pin 3 inches away from the PAP and the MB swung 1 inch past my VAL (needed something that would start to hook as soon as i laid it down to get through all the oil)

Just got this ball drilled yesterday and used it last night.  First game ran the front 5 with a tug for a split, strike, split, off the sheet for a 228 what a waste of 10 strikes huh?  2nd game, went 240, then 246.  This ball hits like a truck....left 1 10 pin all night and that was in the last game.  ball is very predictable throughout the entire lane. all i can say is amazing.
Ike Brownfield


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Re: Animal
« Reply #23 on: June 16, 2004, 05:47:07 PM »
Hey........I'm like Tom Cruise in Days of Thunder.....I don't know all those specs, I just chuck it.  I bought the Animal and took it to my pro shop.  This guy drills for Parker Bohn, so he knows what he's doing.  I just told him to drill for max hook.  I have been using it in my summer league which is oiled to PBA regulation.  My average is 227.  I had been using an old Track Shark from 1991 (yeah I know).  My winter leage average was 190.  This ball makes me do little work.  I chuck it down the first arrow with very few revs and it smacks right into the pocket all by itself.  Those of you who say it's uncontrollable, maybe you are working too hard.  If I can control the ball, most people with more than just a few years of bowling experience should be able to.  I love it.

R0y Muns0n

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Re: Animal
« Reply #24 on: August 27, 2004, 08:20:54 PM »
Ok i had this drilled with the pin under the ring finger, and MB slightly passed VAL, for a little late but strong arc.

Great reaction ! Even greater hit ! Just be near the pocket and pins want to fly on the lanes next to yours !

This ball has a bit of length, just enough to store a little energy. Then in the middle of the lane, it starts fighting the oil.....and it wins !

I use it 3 times so far for a total of 15 games. I have few revs (12-15) and decent speed (17-22). I could play on fresh oil (38 ft, heavy, but with less on the outside), standing on 35, throwing at 8 (breakpoint).

So, predictable strong arc, needs oil, hits with a lot of power.
I believe this , paired with the Animal Untamed, or the Rule, are a very valuable combination to own


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Re: Animal
« Reply #25 on: August 28, 2004, 05:31:37 AM »
I threw his animal(Roy's) cause he let me and since i have a few more revs than him(our thumb and fingers are not all that different),although you would expect a roll out or less power at the hitting point,this ball still carried ...a LOT!!!.i would ask for more than 10 pins over there,just to see how many they fall down in the end!!hehe

Very controlable and predictable.It helps when you have missed your board also.


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Re: Animal
« Reply #26 on: August 28, 2004, 11:07:10 AM »



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Re: Animal
« Reply #27 on: August 30, 2004, 12:31:11 AM »
Weight: 14lbs 0oz
Pin: 2"
Drilled: 4.5x3.5  pin under ring, mass bias in strong position
Surface: Out of the Box
(for bowler stats, check my profile)

Hook:  The Animal is clean through the heads and very aggressive in the midlanes.  The Animal produces a very early and strong midlane roll and gives excellent continuation all throughout the lane and through the pins.  Hooking motion is a very very strong and continuous arc.  In comparison to my Phenom, it revs up a few feet earlier but the MB is 1" closer to my PAP on the Animal than the Phenom.  It's also about 3 boards stronger overall.  Absolutely impressive overall hook! 10/10

Hit: Hits harder than anything I've thrown!  I thought my Phenom hit hard, but since I've gotten the Animal, I haven't seen anyone's ball hit the pins so hard!  The pins just explode and stay low.  Rarely leave 10 pins, and when I do, it's my error...not the ball's.  The only other ball I've seen hit harder is Hammer's Real Deal (but its user has about 510rpm and throws at 20mph).  It hits so hard that I sometimes wonder if the ball is 14lbs or not... 10/10

Control: The Animal is very forgiving when outside of target.  It somehow recovers and still has enough energy to get a strike.  It's not very forgiving when if it's thrown inside of target.  It doesn't really hold its line; instead, it goes through the nose.  It's very controllable.  It never over or under reacts at the breakpoint.  Excellent response to changes in ball speed or hand position at release.  Excellent control (on heavy oil)! 10/10

Overall, excellent heavy oil ball by Track.  Matches up very well to my game.  It outhooks many of the balls I see in my area and it hits the hardest out of all the various balls I see.  Hook is excellent, hit and pin carry is excellent, and it's very easy to control the ball! 10/10  

Another excellent ball by Track!  
Evolutionary.  Revolutionary.


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Re: Animal
« Reply #28 on: August 31, 2004, 01:19:50 PM »
I actually thought I wrote a review for this ball, but I guess I forgot, so here goes.

I think this is the reason Track released the Animal Untamed.  To make up for this medicore ball.

This ball was so hyped.  I remember the website stating the hook was so strong they had to put polish on it.  Well, I guess all the lanes at Track HQ are dry, cause this thing won't hook on med to oily lanes.  And forget throwing this thing with any carrydown.  A big disppointment in my book.

Now, it does have one redeaming factor.  That is, there is a lane condition for this ball when it works the best.  I would call it light oil, with relatively clean backends.  In that case, the ball works fairly well.  Altough, I find there isn't much room for error.  And, it does hit pretty well on those conditions.  But, leave this ball in the bag if there's any oil out there.

I haven't thrown the Animal Untamed yet, but going by previous balls, the Phenom Unleashed is a better all around ball, in the Track line up.

I can't provide the exact drilling for this, as my pro shop guy just drills all my balls agressive, for max length, and max backend reaction.  Most likely started with a 2" to 3" pin.
I throw approx 16Mph, and would say avg revs.

This review may be outdated since the release of the Untamed, but for those of you who are still looking at getting one of these, good luck.  I hope it works better for you, then it did for me.

Your mileage may vary,
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Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.  -Ben Franklin


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Re: Animal
« Reply #29 on: October 10, 2004, 07:09:25 PM »
Track Animal
Weight: 15#
Pin: 3"
Top Weight: N/A

With the big hype going around this ball, I wanted a very heavy hooking ball for oily lanes.

Bias at 5 o'clock, weight hole 1.5" below PAP on VAL, Pin 4.5 from PAP under ring finger.

We chose this layout because it seemed to be the most popular favorite for this bowling ball.

I have bowled with this ball in different houses and shots. This ball is great for heavy oil. When the lanes are very dry, this ball is much too aggressive to use. I am very pleased with the Animal on many levels. One "con" about this ball is the finger holes have the tendency to crack easily. In my opinion though, the "pros" outweigh the "cons". The Animal is more aggressive than my Rule and rolls out more but the recovery is excellent.

Excellent high performance ball, if equipment your using isn't hooking enough, the Animal won't let you down!
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Bob Hanson

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Re: Animal
« Reply #30 on: October 11, 2004, 09:21:03 PM »
I drilled this ball out last week after being interested in it for some time.  One of the reasons I waited was my perception that it was a much stronger hook monster than is actually true.  I set this up with the pin at about 4 inches and kicked the cg right to require a small balance hole in the thumb quadrant.  

As I said, it is not a hook monster but that doesn't mean it isn't effective on heavy oil.  The Animal is as clean through the heads as many of my pure resin balls, then makes a smooth controlled move to the pocket, even on snappy conditions.  For me the carry is better when I can throw it a little straighter rather than letting it open up the lane, but that is my preferred style anyway.  It almost reminds me of my older pearl particle zones ( Riot and Shock ).  Very versatile for a particle.  It doesn't roll as heavy and rev as much as my Ultimate, or even my old original Inferno, but it is stonger than the Powerkoil 18 resin balls.  I think it is going to be better than the Phenom Unleashed which was one of the better Track balls I have thrown in the last few years.