Track International recently introduced the Arsenal Angular Particle bowling ball, their newest high end/symmetrical performance entry from the Track team. This is part of the 1-2 punch of the new Arsenal series of Track bowling balls, as the other ball, the Track Arsenal Aggressive Particle was also recently introduced to this market.
The advertising literature states that the Arsenal Angular Particle is among the latest innovations from Track: one of two powerful weapons for the competitive bowler, thier performance helps minimize misfortunes on tougher lane conditions during tournament play. The Arsenal series features Track's newest cover, the PEAK particle cover stock, which combines the benefits of particle's midlane traction with the stronger, continuous backend of reactive resins.
The Arsenal Angular Particle Specifications include a hook rating of 34-40; a length rating of 6.0 with a backend of 9.0. The core technology comes from the Morpheus Radical Symmetric, a cousin of the Track Freak-A-Zoid core. The core power is 7.0 with the radius of gyration of 2.51. The differential is 0.048 with a flare potential of 5â€. The friction rating is 7.0. The Arsenal Angular Particle has a Cleen and Sheen finish while polished with Delayed Reaction. This ball’s reaction shape is for flip while the lane condition intended for is medium oil.
Matt Yablonsky from Matt’s Pro Shop inside Rapids Bowling Center in Niagara Falls drilled this Arsenal Angular Particle with a 5 x 5 1/4 drilling, with the CG kicked a little toward the track slightly, with a negative-side appearance. The pin was located above the fingers in the midline of the grip. After Matt drilled the Arsenal Angular Particle, there was 5/8 ounce negative side and 3/8 ounce finger weight; no extra hole was needed in the ball. This Arsenal Angular Particle started with about 4 ounces of top weight. The pin was 3 1/2†from the ball’s center of gravity. Since the ball came with a box shine, no additional surface tweaks were needed at this time.
After the Arsenal Angular Particle was drilled, I tested this ball out on a variety of fresh patterns, starting with Rapids’ familiar 21 milliliter, 42’ fresh house pattern. Note that the surface is wood and was last resurfaced in 2000 previous to the center reopening following being closed for seven years. I was playing around the fourth arrow to the 10th board at 50’, noticing that I got a real good look of hard hook in the next 10 feet. It was important to keep the speed on this pearl particle ball as the reaction in the back end compares to a strong resin look. After some carrydown of oil, the Angular Particle became a little tamer in the back, however, still very strong in reaction.
I then used the Arsenal Angular Particle at Leisure Land Lanes in Hamburg NY on a shorter, wetter 38’ pattern with 20 milliliters of oil on a pair of wood lanes in which the surface has been compromised from a number of years without resurfacing. Again, I got the same strong back end reaction not seen in most pearl particle balls. Also, strong ball speed is important to getting the maximum pre-hooking length from this ball.
As advertised, the Arsenal Angular Particle ball is very aggressive in the back and provides a lot of kick as the ball transitions in dynamic from roll to hook in the back end. I found the Arsenal Angular Particle to have the most back end hook of most balls I’ve ever rolled. This was a pleasant surprise as practically every pearl particle ball I ever drilled and used was comparatively tame in the midlane and back end. Most of my recent bowling success has been with pearl particle equipment as my ball speed is on the slower end of the acceptable speed range for effective scoring. The Angular Particle offers a lot of power and hook for the bowling ball dollar. Speaking of the Freak-A-Zoid, the Arsenal Angular Particle ball reacts similar to it, but is somewhat more aggressive in the back end.
The Arsenal Angular Particle is a great ball for bowlers who throw the ball straight on most conditions, or bowlers with a lot of hand who bowl on lanes that have a little bit of oil carrydown. The Angular Particle ball may be good on fresh oil patterns depending on layout and drilling, but it's definitely a ball that can stay in the bag on very dry lanes. Track makes several good balls for lanes that are drier in the heads and midlane, such as the Dry Heat, Slash, and Xception, just to name a few.
Our thanks go out to Track International President and PBA Champion Del Warren and Track's national sales director and world renowned bowling coach Brian Pursel, and Cheektowaga's Jeff Walsh, Track's Northeastern Sales Manager for the complementary issue of the Arsenal Angular Particle, while added thanks go out to Matt Yablonsky for drilling the Arsenal Angular Particle. Thanks go out to Len Pimm and his staff at Rapids Bowling Center in Niagara Falls and Pete Cambio, Jr. from Leisure Land Lanes in Hamburg for providing their facilities and oiling specifications.
Happy Bowling!
**Member of the Buffalo and New York State Bowling Association Halls of Fame
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