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Author Topic: Arsenal Artillery  (Read 14259 times)


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Arsenal Artillery
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available
Super Low RG and energy retaining reactive coverstock on today''s modern lane conditions is a great match for a variety of bowling styles and lane conditions. The Arsenal Artillery, Track''s new High Performance Symmetrical is that match featuring a Quad density symmetrical core with Track''s strongest reactive coverstock Goo LS. This core coverstock match is the benchmark piece for the widest variety of players, lane conditions and produces the strong predictable motion that the pro shop just loves because it is so easy to match up the drilling and surface to any customer.

Arsenal Artillery Specs
Hook Rating 30-24  
Length 6.2  
Backend 8.0  
Core Technology Quad density symmetrical core  
Core Power N/A  
RG 2.45  
Differential 0.046  
Determinator Spin Time N/A  
Flare Potential 6  
Coverstock Goo LS Reactive  
Friction Rating N/A  
Finish Compound finish  
Polish Magic Shine  
Reaction Shape Strong Arc  
Lane Condition Medium  



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Re: Arsenal Artillery
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2006, 01:54:16 PM »
Track Arsenal Artillery
Weight: 15#
Pin: 2"
Top Weight: 3.25 oz

4" Pin Below the Ring Finger. CG kicked out 2" with Weight Hole 1" below PAP.

First Impressions:
My pro shop driller refers to this one as the booger ball because of its color; but, I have never been so impressed with a piece from Track when I got the Arsenal Artillery. This ball has definite implications of being Track's best ball of 2006 and its early in the year! The RevMaster core and X-Ception coverstock is designed for supreme backend performance!


Artillery Vs. Aggressive
While the Aggressive has overall hook ability, it cannot live up to the Artillery's durability. The Artillery has twice the snap on the backend and to me is more consistent.

Artillery vs. Angular
These two are very similar; yet, they have many different characteristics. The Angular's reaction on the backend is more erratic and sharper while the Artillery has a very archy but smooth movement on the backend. The Angular goes about 2-3 feet longer even though its particle but cuts back quicker than the Artillery.

Artillery vs. Reactive
The Artillery is a great compliment to the Reactive. I believe bowlers looking for a two ball and a spare ball arsenal could get away with these two being their set "arsenal" pun intended. The Reactive has an aggressive sharp return towards the pocket while the Artillery gets down the lane further and matches the Reactive in backend performance as well.

Oil Conditions:
I have been able to play this ball in the slick stuff to medium-dry conditions. This ball reacts fantastic on the slick stuff and definitely makes a sharp turn on the backend. The Artillery has a sharp arc reaction shape! After the medium dry I would have to go to either the Solution Power Plus EX or Desert Heat as a step down because the Artillery would have way too much backend.

As stated in the beginning, this ball has implications to be the Track ball of 2006 and its very early in the year. The Arsenal Artillery has definitely opened my eyes in a new way about Track's Mid-Price Plus line. This is my favorite out of the Arsenal series as well. If you desire backend reaction and want an overall versatile piece of equipment, then you need to get your hands on an Arsenal Artillery!
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Re: Arsenal Artillery
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2006, 04:31:43 PM »
Drilled 4 ½ X 4 ½  Pin Down Under Ring

Tweener with Average Rev Rate

Patterns Used House Pattern and USBC Nationals Pattern on HPL’s

The Arsenal Artillery is very smooth through the front part of the lane.  The Xception coverstock gives the Artillery the same sort of look through the front part of the lane.  The artillery is a little more controlled on the backend than the Xception.  With the drilling I have on the Artillery it is very good from the gutter to third arrow.  Perfect for your typical house conditions or shorter tournament patterns.  I would not recommend this ball for heavy oil or very long patterns because of the easy length that the coverstock gives you.  The Artillery is a ball that can fit into your bag.

Dave Beres
Track Regional Staff


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Re: Arsenal Artillery
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2006, 10:54:29 PM »
Here it is the review on the Artillery....From Canada...  Drill pattern 4" by 3/4", pin 3 1/4 above midline.  This ball has strong pick up through the entire lane, I find that it reads the lanes very early, a good ball for those medium to heavier patterns.  Tested on the house shot, strong pick up in the fronts and mids, but still had energy for the backs.  This ball kept the pins very low and kept them moving.  This ball I had to get deep with, if I was playing staright I had to come off the back of the ball to keep it in play.  Good ball for those longer patterns, or those bowlers that are looking for a little more ball but dont have alot of hand.  For those bowlers that have this ball and have hand dont put a balance hole in this ball and you may have to put some polish on it to keep this ball right, or a weaker drill pattern.  This ball is a great fit between the Arsenal Reactive and Blue Heat.  If you are looking for stronger pick up through the entire lane, the Artillery is the ball to get...  I am out from Canada...  Keep on reading... Lata...
Jason Dee
Track International Amateur Staff

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Re: Arsenal Artillery
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2006, 08:48:14 AM »
After putting some games on this piece, I decided to finally give a review for this great ball.

Track Arsenal Artillery
Weight: 15 lbs. 3 oz.
Pin: 3.5"
Top Weight: 3.25 oz.
Layout: 4 3/4" x 5", pin above ring finger (no X-hole needed)
Surface: OOB(Compound finish)

I was looking for something that would compliment my Arsenal Reactive, b/c my Reactive is great on the fresh THS I see regularly. What I had seen with the Xception caught my eye and I wanted one. But since I couldn't find one at a reasonable price(I am frugal), I got the Artillery instead. I noticed the coverstocks were the same, Goo LS. Also, I noticed the finish on it would help it skid further downlane and hook stronger on the backend than my Reactive, which I was desperately in need of.

Lane conditions tested: Various, from Heavy fresh to medium with carrydown

When I first threw this ball, I was impressed with the reaction I got from the last 15 feet to the pindeck. This is not a true skid/snap reaction by any means, but the Goo LS cover, layout and surface I have on the Artillery give it a really strong backend on the fresh and on the transition conditions I see out there. Also, it is not hard to control, b/c it is more arc than flip, but not by much.

Performance Grades:

Heavy oil: The Artillery is not good for the heavy stuff b/c of the layout and surface I have on it. I have the Phenom Unleashed for this shot, b/c it works alot better than the Artillery would. If I had to use it on this shot, I would have to be very direct and slow with the speed....and then it wouldn't be used on what it was designed for. Grade: C-

Medium oil: On the fresh shots and most of what leagues put out there, this ball is great. I can use it as the first ball out of the bag here, especially if the Reactive is a little too strong. I can really get comfortable on this shot b/c of the length the Artillery gives me plus the strong backend on patterns like this. I got what I was looking for here....Grade: A+

Carrydown shots: The Artillery is good on carrydown, b/c of the cover being the surface that it is for me. I use a combo of the Reactive or the Artillery when the shot gets a little squirrely for me. But really, it is really me more than the ball. Grade: B

On any other shot, this ball will not work for me. Either it will skid too far or be too strong on the backend to handle. Other pieces would suit better, such as my Slash or my HexPlosion or even my Magic and/or JackHammer. Just know your limitations on this ball, b/c this ball is not the versitale ball that some pieces are(such as an original V2 from Ebonite).

Compared with my Reactive:

This ball is a great 1-2 punch. The Reactive grabs earlier and rolls strong on the backend, whereas my Artillery goes longer and has a much stronger backend.

Compared with my Phenom Unleashed:

These two are a great combo as well, b/c of the coverstocks and layouts I have on each. The Unleashed grabs much sooner(at least 5-10 feet) than the Artillery but both have great backend. Both serve me well if I had just those two to use.

Compared with my Slash:

The Slash is more of an even rolling ball from start to finish compared to the Artillery. The Slash would compliment the Artillery in a tournament where you need smoothness compared to backend strength.

Compared with my HexPlosion:

The Artillery grabs a little sooner than the HexPlosion, and is stronger overall with hook and backend. The HexPlosion delays its reaction about 3/4 of the way down the lane and has a nice roll on the back but not snappy.

Overall: This ball fulfilled my expectations and produced immediate results for me ever since I bought it. I have shot career highs in scores at the end of the season, a 661 series and a high game of 268(both sanctioned). My average went up a couple of pins at the end of the year to 190 by using this piece. It fits my game perfectly and suits the conditions it was made for. The boys at Track made a great addition to the Arsenal series with this ball, and it has given me great success so far!

Plus, the color is simply awesome and it has become my favorite ball based on appearance alone....which is good for display purposes.

Overall Grade: A

God Bless You All and Thanks for reading this review!
What are you waiting for????

Take the FastTRACK to victory with Track bowling doubt the fastest, most hardhitting speedsters on the road! just can't beat that!

Name: Michael Bradford
Nickname: "The Rookie"
Ball Reaction: "99% Ball, 1% Bradford" - Evolution Tag Team Member #3 Dain Stewart, "The Beast"
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The SuperHitMan

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Re: Arsenal Artillery
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2006, 03:22:30 PM »
I call it the Granada or Grenade because of well thats how it looks to me (very cool might I add) Slapped a 5X5 drilling on to it add watch the results happen and boy did it happen. Skids through the front part of the lane and makes a smooth arc on the back keeping pins low w/the sweeping messengers from time to time. Track has brought me back since the xception days and I like what I've seen so far, it can only get better from this point on.

Opponent: Its fun to bowl against  bowlers who just spray the lanes!

K.C.: Thats not my style.

Opponent: Oh but Iv'e seen you play!

K.C.: Then you would make smarter comments.


K.C.: Lets fight


K.C.: I win


K.C.: Lesson learned.

R.I.P Eddie Guerrero Viva La Raza

Win or Go Home...Shwosh-The SuperHitMan

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Re: Arsenal Artillery
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2006, 10:28:29 PM »
Well Track fans being that I already have the T-ball, Mean Machine,Machine,Equation,Delta 1,Heat Blast and Arsenal Reactive, I thought there would be nothing much different about the new arsenal artillary I had drilled up today label leverage Pin 2" right of ring finger 3-3/8 X 4. Wrong! med house shot oil bowling on two lanes. Standing on the 18 Stroking over the 10 board to about the 4 down and in. First ball 9/ then 11 ina a row for a 290! ::shock:: What a pin destroying monster! throwing with med rev & speed this ball carries the pins in the next deck over! Absolutely beautiful! ::happy::
TRACK AMATEUR STAFF   ps: three days later at the NABI tournament 257 & 300 to win the tournament. What a monster ball!

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Arsenal Artillery
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2006, 11:47:07 PM »
Pin 4 1/2 from PAP under the ring finger, CG stacked directly below...factory finish

Lanes: Varied surfaces and patterns.

Heavy Oil: OOB the Artillery is not quite an oil ball. Longer patterns are not conditions you are going to want to use the Artillery on.  Even at a lower grit it med/heavy ball at best due to the GOO LS coverstock.  

Medium Oil: from medium oil up to med/heavy the Artillery will absolutely SHINE....providing that there is enough head oil on the pattern to assist it in getting down the lane.

Light Oil: The RG on this core is just too low and no matter what layout you use to expect it to work on a lighter pattern or a second or third shift.

Medium to medium/heavy patterns and this ball is right at home.
8 out of 10

This is an area that the Artillery can stand out. it controls the mids because it rolls well, but too early------------and it backends well, but not hockey stick type backend reaction either. Very readable.

Expected Reaction:
I expect the Artillery to be a strong skid/arc type of ball. The layout I used on it normally gives me just that. HOWEVER---the Artillery gave me even more backend than I thought it would.

I normally prefer to use equipment with smooth surfaces to read a pattern, but the Artillery is very readable through an entire pattern. It is probably a hair stronger than a benchmark ball should be...but it does a very good job identifying a pattern.

Extremely consistant throughout the entire lane. Good read of the midlane, but not too early. Medium patterns to medium heavy patterns(with sufficient head oil)and it will shine.

Longer patterns and shorter patterns. Patterns that are breaking down  and the head oil is going away.

I place the Artillery below the Machine as far as oil handling ability and above the Equation.

This core was used in the RevMaster. It is very nice to see it again, and it almost seems like this core was made to be used in this coverstock. The Artillery is a good all around ball. It cannot handle the floods or deserts, but for the league bowler that only uses one ball this ball should be ideal. I do not want to forget to mention how the Artillery hits....very hard. If you liked the RevMaster...grab this ball.

Carl Hurd
C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio

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Carl Hurd

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Re: Arsenal Artillery
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2006, 09:31:30 PM »
Weight - 15
Layout - Pin 3 3/8 x 5
Surface - OOB

When i got this ball I wanted it to fit a hole in the middle of my arsenal, a ball that could be a ball after the oil starts to break down but is still plenty of the slick stuff out there.

Heavy Oil - You will not find much success in heavy oil with the Artillery, although if sanded I think with aggressive Goo LS coverstock the Artillery would do well on Medium to Heavy oil.

Carrydown - The Artillery is a good ball in carrydown not great. When I moved my feet left (I am left handed) and played straighter in the oil the Artillery would make the move to the pocket but leave many 7 pins, but with a slower speed it would carry the corner pins

Medium - THS is where the Artillery will find it's home. Playing a little swing or firing it up the Artillery is a has a great reaction in medium oil. This ball has nice length and backend. As long as the heads are fryed or the oil has carried down this is the ball is awesome

I hate the 7 pin.

Mark T. Trgovac

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Re: Arsenal Artillery
« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2007, 05:39:38 PM »
Layout - PIN 3" - CG 4 1/8" ( all from PAP)

Surface - Out Of Box

The reaction is awsome, this ball gets down the lane with the oob finish and just arcs nicely into the pocket. The reaction is very smooth and controlable. The last ball I had that gave me this kind of control was the animal
Rateng 10

The readability of this ball is awsome as well. The reaction it gives off dry is so smooth, and so consistant. There is never a big jump or overraction. This ball is completly underrated. The low rg of this ball is something you would think would make it rev up so fast but the oob cover helps it get down the lane and the rg then gives you such great control.
Rating 10

The versatility of this ball is great also. I had it at 800 and this ball was a oil loveing monster. I tryed useing it on dryer shots and it rolled out. The cover at 800 brings out the early hook of the low rg. This ball is a 3 ball arsenal in itself. Versatiliy at its best.
Rating 10

This is the ball I have been waiting for. This ball hits every bit as hard and good as my animal. Never did I think that would happen. I love the hit, keeps the pins low and causes great carry. The hit the bowling world has missed for over 3 years is back. I hope this time they keep a ball that hits like this in the arsenal.
Rating 10

Overall comments
At first I wasnt sure about this ball. Yet the more I used it the more I loved it. This has grown to be my go to ball. When I am not sure what to do I just pull this ball out and rip the rack. I dont think I will ever sell this one. I think it will join my animal and havoc on my ball rack at home in my retired section soon.
Rating 10

Overall rating
10 for reaction
10 for readabilty
10 for versatilitay
10 for hit
10 for overall comments
Final rating - 10 Third fav. ball of all time.

Mark "scoot" Trgovac
C-G Pro Shop
Offical "Spokesman"
Youngstown, Ohio

(The fallowing is said in a larry the cable guy type voice) "You mean to tell me that if I drill a Mass bias Ba-all, that the cd dunt matter for anything other then wens you weight it up?"

"Freak Bowling Ball cleaner of the TRACK Revolution."
Mark T. "Scoot" Trgovac
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Re: Arsenal Artillery
« Reply #10 on: October 26, 2007, 01:03:36 PM »
This is a great ball for medium to medium heavy. I wouldn't use this on anything more then that because its not designed for it. Ihad a 16LBS one with the pin about 2" to the upper right of the ring finger with the weight hole even with the fingers.

I bowl about 16-17MPH on average and when you throw this ball on a medium condition..WOAH watch out cause this is a very aggressive ball on the backend. It goes long and then just flat out turns. The layout used was very snappy and aggressive. I loved the reaction but just couldn't deal with it being 16# becuase I usually bowl 15# so ended up selling it but the guy that got it got a great ball.

I would recommend this ball to anyone who likes sharp backends!