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Author Topic: Assassin  (Read 22449 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
The Assassin features the Track Power Rev core with their state of the art modified, multi-colored ProTracktion coverstock. The ball has the same hook potential as the Enforcer (off the charts) with a different look on the lanes.

The Specifications are: BALL CONSTRUCTION: Modified 4-piece design; RECOMMENDED LANE CONDITION: Heavy to Medium Oil; HOOK RATING: 20 (On the Track Ball Reaction Chart); FLARE POTENTIAL: Medium to High; CORE DESIGN: Power Rev Technology; RADIUS OF GYRATION: 2.487; DIFFERENTIAL: .047; COVERSTOCK: ProTracktion; COLOR: Blue/Green/Yellow Multi-color; FINISH: Polished; PIN PLACEMENT: 0-5 inches; HARDNESS: 76-78; AVAILABLE WEIGHTS: 14-16 lbs. Power Rev Core, 12-13 lbs. Core 2 Technology, 10-11 lbs. traditional pancake core


Josh Telecky

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Re: Assassin
« Reply #16 on: March 15, 2001, 02:40:42 PM »
I bought this ball in September and it wass drilled for extra length with the pin above the fingers.  It worked great on almost every condition shooting 750, 775 with it in the box condition, but after 150-200 games on it the box condition wouldn't cut it so now I have it white pad finished on a Haus Resurfacing machine with a real light red pad for a little extrea hook and I shot a 700 at nationals and 719 last night, but the ball still goes long with a huge backend.  Another great ball from Track


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Re: Assassin
« Reply #17 on: March 19, 2001, 09:49:22 AM »
Well what can I say.  My assassin is drilled to go long and snap.  Thats exactly what it does.  This ball is unbeleivable and is always the first ball out of my bag.  Very consistent and the carry is awesome.  Just last week I had a 793 (career high) set and a 299 game.  The only time I couldnt use this ball was when I encountered a heavy oil shot with wet backend.  I highly recommend this ball to anyone who is looking for a good hard hitting ball.  Good bowling.

See ya


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Re: Assassin
« Reply #18 on: April 03, 2001, 08:34:13 PM »
stats:: right hander, 15-17 mph, above avg. revs...

drill:: stack leverage, pin is about 1 inch above my ring finger, and cg is 3/4 of an inch under my ring finger..

surface:: for the first 7-8 games i used the ball, i left it in the box finish, but then i couldn't get the ball to carry and i would consistently leave weak 10 pins or flat 8 pins... so i took it in to my pro shop, went over it lightly with a scotch brite, and now i haven't left an 8 or 10 pin..

the assassin is primarily the first ball out of my bag cause my rock is almost gone. i would ive this a solid 9 on versatility, an 8 for power, and a 8.5 for good control... a solid 8.5 overall

on my primary house condition, they put a heavy coat outside of 5 and a very thin coat inside.. my primary line is between 18-22 out to 15 and swung to about 10-11 and hits the pocket pretty flush... but sometimes we have a lack of carry.


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Re: Assassin
« Reply #19 on: April 13, 2001, 01:13:16 PM »
This is my first review, so I'll try and be as accurate as possible. Read my profile for stats. I bought this ball in Sept. 2000. I ordered it with a long, 4-5" pin to Cg. I had it drilled 5x5, with the pin just above the ring finger, and the Cg just left of center. Lane conditions: a WALL just about everywhere that I bowl. I usually play 12-15 at the arrows, out to anywhere outside of 10. Swing any ball outside of 10 and it'll charge back to the pocket. Anyway, this ball reacted very well for a few months. Lots of high scores, the ball was easy to flip, and great carry. I used it a lot, always cleaning it properly after 3 games, refinishing it when needed. I would estimate that I've got about 150 games on it. It's finally lost it's hitting power. I can still get it to the pocket easily, but the carry is gone (lots of flat 7's). I think that this ball should be drilled with more of a leverage drilling, so that when the cover weakens, the strong drilling will still be there. All in all, a great ball from Track, 8 out of 10.
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Re: Assassin
« Reply #20 on: July 12, 2001, 01:53:15 AM »
I got my assassin from my son. He didn't like it because of the over under reaction he got when he used it. He's only 14 but know's what he want's the ball to do. The pin's out about 3''  was polished with a weight hole. I really don't know if it's stacked or not but it look's like a mild leverage weight. He shined it up too much so lost all reaction gave it to, me tried it once hated it, put it in the closet for about 3 months trying to decide if I should plug it or change the surface? Decided to wt sand it with 600 very lightly to break the shine and give it some teeth! What a great idea that was I've used it twice since then but really haven't put it in my bag until after league tonite. First time I've used it at this center 238,248,240=726.By far not my best set, game 1 last 8, 2 splits 3 & 4 game 2 3 10 pins, clean game 3 same as the first, back to back frames of brain farts!!!!!!!! If you've never tried this one don't give up on it like I did tweek the cover until you get the reaction you want 9 out of 10

Mr Revs

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Re: Assassin
« Reply #21 on: September 30, 2001, 04:39:40 PM »

Hey, I have had my assasin for about 6 months now, and i have it drilled for extreme lenght with maximum back end. I find it very usefull on medium lanes to dry lanes becuase it gives me very good distances... i have shot numerous 279's with it and 4 800's, one of which included a 290 and 300. On oil i also think it does a good job, although i do not use it as much... i think it is a must for any bowler who likes Track Equipment...

Sweet Lefty

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Re: Assassin
« Reply #22 on: October 25, 2001, 12:07:37 PM »
I am a 14 year old Lefty. I am pretty good. I had the Assassin for about a year now and I just luv this ball. I have bowled my hiest game and my highest series with this ball. I usually keep the outside of my left foot on the 38 board and throw it around the 15 board. But it usually depends on how the lane it. The bowling center that i bowl at is usually heavy on oil so that is why i like the Assassin. It works good on those kinds of conditions. My pin is just above my ring finger. I throw my ball pretty hard and put a lot of revs on it. All I do is keep my eye on my mark and roll the ball over it and then BANG!!!!!! no more pins. LOL


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Re: Assassin
« Reply #23 on: December 22, 2001, 06:29:07 PM »
this ball hits like a mack truck in the backend the only thing this ball needs is some head oil.  Other than that its great.

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Re: Assassin
« Reply #24 on: January 06, 2002, 03:21:23 PM »
The assassin is a great track ball. It compliments an arsenal of a silencer and enforcer. My ball is having its one year old birthday this january, so happy birthday, but the ball has gotten better with age. It helped me make the counties and finish #20 with a 198 average. This year it has helpedme bowl 668 and 670 (with a 265, which also gave me high game in my yaba league). I a 16 and a half, power tweener, the power of the cranker, the accuracy of the stroker. I an rave all I want about this ball, its that damn good. I have found tremoundous place in my arsenal with this ball. The pin isbelow the ring fingr hole aboout an inch. Ball works well on med to oil to dry. I give it a 265 out of 10. HAppy Birthday Assassin.

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Assassin
« Reply #25 on: February 19, 2002, 09:15:41 PM »
I have had this ball since it was released. I love it. But this ball is not a huge hooker, it has alot of backend, but if you have spotty backends or the lane is just flooded put it away.
The Assassin has its place and oil is not it. If you can find a dry board this ball will RIP the rack.
to rate this ball I give it an 8. If it were a little more reliable on oil I wouldn't need another ball
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Zach Cauthron

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Re: Assassin
« Reply #26 on: June 08, 2002, 08:59:43 PM »
Out of all the balls I've ever owned this ball is the best ever. It has the most hook and does great on heavy oil but on a dry condition it grabbes the lane to quick. On oil it is great and the best part about it is when you let it off your hand you don't have to flip it to get it to hook. I won my first travel tournament with this ball. I am rating this ball a perfect ten and thanks Charlie's Pro Shoppe for recomending this ball!


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Re: Assassin
« Reply #27 on: June 09, 2002, 01:39:25 PM »
I bowled with the Assassin for a little less than a year.  I moved up from YABA to ABC in May of last year.  The 3rd night of league play with the ball, I rolled my first 300 at age 16.  The Track Assassin is the best ball that I have ever thrown.  I am now trying out a new Hex, but I stand by my Assassin!


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Re: Assassin
« Reply #28 on: August 05, 2002, 02:47:37 PM »
I have had my assassin for about 2 years now and it has never really done me any good. Maybe it's because it's drilled with the pin under and to the right of the ring finger with the CG down and to the right of that. It also has a weight hole larger than my thumb hole.  It cuts through the front oil but the backend reaction is very weak. It has a slow arc to the pocket and doesnt carry well. Rating 3 out of 10.


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Re: Assassin
« Reply #29 on: August 10, 2002, 04:10:33 PM »
I got one in July of 2000 which makes it about 2 years old.  For the first year it hooked too much for me so i didn't use it much but then it mellowed out and i scored well with it (several 270s and an 821) but then it just lost everything it had.  I resurfaced it but that didn't do anything for me.  I wish it wouldn't have changed so much from new to now.


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Re: Assassin
« Reply #30 on: May 29, 2003, 02:45:13 AM »
Stats are in profile

Review 1:  At first I had this ball drilled 5 x 4 1/2 with the pin over the ring finger and the CG below it no weighthole.  This ball was great for the flatter Medium-Heavy oil sport shot with flying backends that I was playing on in a sport league in the spring.  This ball enabled me to keep it in play while swinging 15-9 and gave me a few boards more to miss than the rest of the competition.  I felt comfortable missing right because this ball rolls so heavy in the midlane that it had enough energy to carry the light hits and if I missed a board or two left I was able to go high enough in the pocket to leave a makeable 4 pin or 4-7 combination.  On a house shot this was equally good except that the ball would check up way too early if it got in the dry part of the lane around 30 feet or so.

Review 2:  I redrilled this ball 1 1/2 x 4 according to the drill sheet for more of a Hook-stop reaction.  Now I love this ball even more.  It enables me to play the drier part of the lane without worrying about a continuous hook.  This ball gets through the heads really well, revs midlane and arcs but rolls forward in the last 5 feet or so of the lane giving me perfect control over the pocket.  Now it's alot easier for me to know when I made a bad shot since the ball won't hesitate to roll into the nose if I miss 2 or 3 boards left.  It is also good for swinging the lane with a house shot since I don't have to worry about a sharp breakpoint leaving me with washouts.

Overall this is one of the best balls I've tried in consistancy with different drills.  I wish track had a suitable replacement for this thing.  The Mojo and Revmaster are supposed to replace it but they are much too flippy to resemble the smooth roll of the Assassin.  Great job Track, just make something new to replace this thing.