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Author Topic: Assassin  (Read 22449 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
The Assassin features the Track Power Rev core with their state of the art modified, multi-colored ProTracktion coverstock. The ball has the same hook potential as the Enforcer (off the charts) with a different look on the lanes.

The Specifications are: BALL CONSTRUCTION: Modified 4-piece design; RECOMMENDED LANE CONDITION: Heavy to Medium Oil; HOOK RATING: 20 (On the Track Ball Reaction Chart); FLARE POTENTIAL: Medium to High; CORE DESIGN: Power Rev Technology; RADIUS OF GYRATION: 2.487; DIFFERENTIAL: .047; COVERSTOCK: ProTracktion; COLOR: Blue/Green/Yellow Multi-color; FINISH: Polished; PIN PLACEMENT: 0-5 inches; HARDNESS: 76-78; AVAILABLE WEIGHTS: 14-16 lbs. Power Rev Core, 12-13 lbs. Core 2 Technology, 10-11 lbs. traditional pancake core



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Re: Assassin
« Reply #31 on: September 12, 2003, 12:13:06 PM »
pin 1-2"

Drilled:  pin below ring finger, cg @ 6:00

This ball rolls fairly early, and tends to roll out on drier patterns.  This ball works well on extreme over-under conditions.  It also has been a good ball when there is quite a bit of carrydown on the lanes.  I haven't had much luck with this ball on any other conditions.  I guess I would have to give this ball a 7 out of 10.
AIM:  phippsk813
ICQ:  81438986


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Re: Assassin
« Reply #32 on: September 20, 2003, 08:57:14 PM »
This is my first post since becoming a member.  I thought I'd make my first post on my best ball: Track Assassin.  I bought the ball almost 2.5 years ago and then had to stop bowling.  I started again and shot 711 with it right out of the bag.  One of the best balls I've ever owned.  I've got it set up to go long and snap hard and it does just that!  It has nice hitting power too which makes this a nice all around ball.


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Re: Assassin
« Reply #33 on: March 06, 2004, 01:57:39 AM »
I can't be technical because I don't have the vocabulary.  However, I went bowling tonight for the first time in 2 1/2 years.  My bowling balls have been in the bag the entire time.  I pulled the Assassin out and burried the pocket right away.  My games are nothing to brag about, but the way the assassin hit tonight is.  I was on medium oil, playing a down and in shot.  I was amazed at how long the ball held before it finally smashed the pocket.

Anyway, this ball is now some 4 or 5 years old and it still has all the power it had when I pulled it from the box.  I figured that was at least worth noting.


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Re: Assassin
« Reply #34 on: March 23, 2004, 06:30:25 PM »
Not one of the best track balls ive owned. but a fairly good investment. Was drilled for a different lefty...changed the span but didnt change the overall drilling so its not setup right, but rolls good enough. the 2 in pin label leverage. Used dull. Gets pretty good length but in carrydown its horrible. for me. condition specific on a shorter med. oil pattern. great carry, but gets far less length than my freak, mojo, and triton that are drilled 5x5. A solid consistent ball in my mind, but not the best.


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Re: Assassin
« Reply #35 on: March 11, 2005, 12:29:17 PM »
i have had this ball for about 4 or 5 years was my primary ball for the first 2 of those years, and then i got a new ball...for about a year and a half, it was sitting in my bowling bag not being used...i got it redrilled about 3 months ago, and now it is my favorite ball besides my Blazing Inferno.  i use it for my inside line, and it is REALLY consistent, i also use it for my middle-right side spares, works perfectly for them...
The future of bowling is here...And I'm only the half of it.

Tony Banks

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Re: Assassin
« Reply #36 on: January 31, 2006, 09:49:26 PM »
This is the first track ball I've ever thrown, and I love it! It is the best ball in my arsenal. Drilled pin right of ring cg stacked below. I bought this ball on it's third drill for the cost of shipping, and it puts all of my other balls to shame. The house uses med oil every few days before league play, so by the time I get to the lanes for the dollar a game bowling, the lanes are fairly dry. I'd say the assassin is most comparable to my Xxcel. It has a strong midlane roll, and an amazing backend reaction. I struggle a great deal with consistency in my release, but the assassin seems to be very "sympathetic to my needs". If I roll it too far out to the right it will take a sharp turn right into the pocket (usually leaving   6 and 10. If I miss my mark to the left, the ball will go straight at the head pin, then without losing it's revs will move slightly to the left of the head pin and result in an uncomfortable strike. I average around 156, but last night with the Assassin I bowled a 194, 170, and 225. The 225 was the first time I'd ever hit every pin! On a side note, the fellow who sold it to me got rid of it, because he couldn't get it to move in oil after it's 3rd drill. On the dry, it is more predictable and powerful than Ebonite's One, Over Time, and Lane 1's Hybrid Dirty Bomb.
Look for me in the upcoming PBA Tour! I'll be the guy in the back row with the foam finger singing "Take Me Out To The Ball Game" during the 7th inning.