This review is actually for the Crunch Time, which Ball Reviews apparently hasn't deemed worthy of it's own review section....
I walked into my shop this week looking to fill the void of an aggressively drilled reactive ball. Had a Time Zone in mind, but my driller suggested this ball instead. At first I was skeptical, since I had never tried Track before, but I figured what the heck.
Drilled this ball with the pin and CG stacked 2 inches from the grip centerline. Small weight hole 7 inches out.
For a pearl ball, this is amazingly smooth. Starts to read and arc early, but saves plenty for the backs. This drilling seems to match the ball perfectly; on dry it doesn't over-react, and even when it's going straighter on heavy stuff it starts up early enough to drive. Most versatile ball I own right now.
Don't let the factory specs on the ball fool you; it's not a "dry lane" or "mid-range" ball by any stretch. Easily as strong as my polished Monster Smash/R and only slightly weaker than my Cherry Bomb on most lanes. If this is Track's low-end ball, I might be tempted to start looking at more of their stuff...