alrite after putting a good load of games on my Equation, i think its time to make a review.
bowler: tweener, ball speed about 20km/h (by the speed meter incorporated on the lanes), tracking low currently with pap 3 to the right and 1 up. This ball is 16lbs, was drilled by ASB-Joe, he didnt know my specs and had it with pin 1-2 inches above the finger holes and cg in middle of span, with a little xhole to make it legal. The Equation is OOB, gave it a hot bath and it was too much, put some brunswick factory polish (high gloss polish) so the reaction didnt change at all.
my house and my league: i would say med-heavy THS, dry outside 8, gold pins. Synthetic lanes and approach newly installed last november.
On my league, straighter is better, even thought no many people can play deeper than me i dont go deep unless i just cant find the shot.
The Equation is my ball to read the lanes, im very comfortable with the reaction. In my case the ball doesnt overreact on fresh oil, its possible after 2-3 games where i have to change lanes and get a big surprise on my first 2 shots on both lanes, adjustment and no overreaction.
I play the lanes in a easy way, 10 to 8, with the intention of keepin it in the oil with a VERY smooth and forward roll into the pocket. Playing this line sometimes will bring quite a few solid 10s or solid 7s on high flush pocket shots. But again, i preffer to sparing 7s or 10s rather than being all over the place.
so to make it simple:
Fresh Oil THS, med to heavy, with dry outside 8: my Equation will skid 40 feet and make a very smooth and forward roll to the pocket. Missing outside wont make it come back, missing inside is still ok.
Messed up overnight open bowling: i can move in and i still have the predictable and the smoothness with forward roll allowing me not to give away the pocket.
Forgiveness: currently in my arsenal, the Equation is the ball that give me the most room for error, compared to other stronger balls such as Recharge, TA (morich), RSX, pro Navy, all those react too much off the dry and tend to be jumpy, asking for a bigger distance from the breakpoint to the pocket, which means less room for error.
Hooking potential: My Equation is far away from being a hooking monster, the predictability and smoothness is the strength and what im lookin for when i take it out of the bag.
Reading the lanes: With couple of shots on different lines i can read the lanes very well, thats why this is the first ball i pull out for my league.
personal opinion: i first thought that this ball was going to be a monster, that was the reason i bought it. After seein the crappy reaction i was getting i totally left it in the closet for a good 2-3 months. In those 2-3 months my knowledge about the game has increased sigfinicantly and i decided to give this ball another chance. I have not looked back yet, my other balls are way stronger but not better. Unless i find a sport condition or extreme carry down, Equation is my best choice.
i hope i was clear enough and helped u to understand how this ball reacts for me, if any questions pm me

When a house bowler misses the mark, misses the break point and strike, for many ppl its called a wallshot. When a pro does that its call adjustment

When a house bowler gets his finger stuck in the ball and fall on the lanes, for many ppl its called lame bowler. When a pro does that its called the Machuga flop! ha i like this one
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