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Author Topic: Freak  (Read 18909 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available

Hook Rating: (Dull-Polished) 32-35

Length (1-10): 3

Backend (1-10): 8.5

Core Technology: Morpheus

Core Power Rating (1-10): 8.5

Radius of Gyration: 2.54

Differential: .054

Coverstock: WOW II Particle

Friction Rating (1-10): 9

Factory Finish: 1200 Fine

Recommended Polish: Magic Shine

Reaction Shape: Strong Arc

Lane Condition: Heavy



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Re: Freak
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2002, 12:49:29 PM »
I drilled my Freak with the pin 5 inches from my axis below the fingers and the MB on the VAL.

The Freak gave me strong backend with better than expected length with a box matte finish. I tried to throw it on a shorter pattern and it tended to stop a little, however when the carrydown gets down the lane, it looks great. I bowled on a wood surface in the afternoon and the ball was amazing. Other balls were overskidding if I got too deep where this ball was still driving and hitting. I was truly amazed with its reaction strength and carry even on a broken down wood surface which usually means strong shells are out.

More to come, hope this helps!!!

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Freak
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2002, 09:08:03 PM »
After bowling about 20 games with the Freak I feel comfortable posting a review now.

specs: #16lb pin above the ring finger and slightly to the left, cg on my midline and MB is placed about an inch or so right of my thumb.

In out of box condition this ball hooks about 2 boards less than my Reaction Arc, and about 3-4 boards less than my Trauma Trauma Response (very close to the same drilling), but both of those balls I have sanded to 600 grit. I have to imagine this ball would clear the Response by a few boards easily if sanded to 600 also.
The thing that sets the Freak aside is the POWER at the pins. This ball just HITS, and Hits real hard! Pins flipping all over (trying to run for cover).
Another point to this ball is that it reacts very well to hand position changes, speed changes and changing of releases. If you hit it harder, it is going to come harder etc.
This is a ball anyone should be able to throw. I think I am going to get another one and have it drilled even more aggressive. That is how impressed I am with it. If the rumors on the board are true and another one is coming out. I will have it!

Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

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Re: Freak
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2002, 01:25:49 AM »
Ok, just punched mine up yesterday.  Bowled 6 six games on two different patterns.

Ball Specs: - 15.2 starting wt. 4in pin, 2 1/2 top wt.

Bowler - Right handed, power player, not high power just I guess a tweener, fair amount of hand and revs, 17-18mph speed, PAP 5 3/4 over 3/4up.

Wanted to drill the ball with a Pin 1 or 2, MB 3 position, but with the location of the MB and the far pin, just couldn't do it.  Ended up going with a Pin2 MB 1 on Tracks Freak Drill Sheet...Pin above fingers and to the right a bit and MB to the left of thumb (or 5X6 almost)
First pattern was typical house shot, maybe a little heavier on the oil, length 40 ft.  Was playing 20-12 and then 15-8.  This ball was great...just like other people have said, the more you hit it, the more it moves.  Soft at the line, still a nice arc shaped breakpoint..a little bit more at the release point and much more angular.  

Second patter was flat, 37ft..supposedly what they are using at this years Asia games.  Had to move much deeper to get this ball into the 1-3.  Fourth-Fifth arrow out to 10.  Had to be very soft with the hand to keep this ball to the right.  Mind you, this wasn't the best ball for this condition...but it still was playable.  

What I liked about this ball on either condition was the HIT.  Keeps the pins very low to the deck.  It seems to gain speed in the last 10 ft just looking to destroy the pins.  

Will post another review after a regular league night and an upcoming tourney.

Scott Long
a.k.a PBAFIRE....keep burning up the PINS!

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Freak
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2002, 11:31:01 PM »
Freak #2.

I like the second one even more than I liked the first.

This one is drilled with the #3 drilling layout and the MB 1/2 an inch from the thumb.

It clears the heads better than the first drilling but has a much stronger and continuous move to the pins. I would say that hit and carry are equal, but when it moves, it just takes off. Definately the stronger drilling I wanted on this ball.

It has the same characteristics as the other in that it is very sensitive to changes you may do in your delivery. hit it harder, it moves harder, lay off and oves a little less.

Great ball and as close to a perfect 10 that I have thrown. A good ball for any condition (except dry)  because it does polish very easily.
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

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Mr Revs

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Re: Freak
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2002, 05:56:03 PM »
Well, I got this ball drilled.....and I have to say, it was scary. Just to see how it was, i used it on the challenge shot my house puts out for our big league, 42 feet buffed to 46. This ball was able to recover like I have never seen before. It is incredible, It honestly is like it turns harder and just puts it's head down and shoulders up and moves faster....nay, charges faster towards the pocket want to rip through the pin deck....I am scared that if i threw this ball and a pin chaser was walking behind the lane the Freak might try to go straight through everything and take off his leagues as well. Though my hand, plus the amount of backend this ball posseses has caused me to leave a few more raps...incredible.

side note, my brother (a power stroker only because he throws about 22 mph...) got this ball drilled. He has not had a ball like this, it is great. I have never seen him be able to swing the ball more than 10 boards on a fresh shot until now.

Dwight Albrecht

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Re: Freak
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2002, 03:55:49 PM »
Del Warren and Good Friend Bill Monce from Track are on the right page with this one and the new Track Ball "The Freak" is definately a winner in my book.

The 1st time I saw the Freak was at the Universal Trade Show in July in Chicago, and out of all the NEW RELEASES for the fall, this ball impressed me the most.

This lightly sanded WOW 2 Particle made for Track by Columbia features a small particle load which allow this ball to react more like a sanded reactive. The weight block was the thing that impressed me the most, I have never seen anything like it, so I was very anxious to try mine. I drilled my freak with the pin 3 3/4 from my axis and swung the mass bias at a 65 degree angle. Weight hole on my Positive Axis Plane.

The 1st time using the ball was on a AMF HPL panel, light oil outside and flood inside. The 1st game out of the box in league was 277. If the ball wouldn't have stuck on my thumb one shot, I would have had 300. I ended the night with a 734 series. What I liked about the ball was how clean it gets through the heads and how hard the backend reaction was. The hitting power was one of the strongest I've seen and I have drilled alot of balls. I had 4 shots that were light pocket hits in the 277 game that carried the 10 pin where other balls I know I would have left a weak ten. Teh hook is a touch less than my Swamp Monster.

The only negative with the ball is as long as the shot is there the ball is a weapon, flat out the hardest hitting ball I've thrown. But when the shot went away, it was a little hard to control, so much power with this ball.

In closing if you have a great shot use this ball, there is nothing that is more powerful, but if you are looking for a contol ball when the lanes are tight and inconsistant this might not be the ball.

Great job Bill and Del on truly a powerful ball that will give the League Bowler something that does not exist on the current market, Hook and Hit with massive backend out of a particle ball.

Thanks for reading my review and best of luck with your freak.


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Re: Freak
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2002, 03:16:42 PM »
Likes: it took me a while to find the rigth ball, but now i got my Freak
one my my favorite balls ,i have no complains about the freak
very nice hook,powerful hit, high on backends.
Dislikes: when the lanes get dry , go with another ball because the freak
wont get the job done,i try to bowl with it, i left a lot of spares.

Overall review is a10 because the Freak is a great ball
and it met my expections.i went to try my new freak , i bowl 4 games with it scores where 1game 178 2game 222 3game 211 and 4 game 202.
i had people coming over to watch me bowl .even do the price is high but it was worth it.I drill my freak
with 3 3/8 from the pin with a balance hole and inserts.when the lanes are dry i use my monster smachR it works good
even do it says for medium to oily lanes, well it works for me on dry lane


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Re: Freak
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2002, 05:10:06 PM »
16 lbs. 3 oz top with a 3.5 inch pin out of box condition.
Drilled up 5 x 4 with the mass bias in the strong position.
Balance hole 6 inches out. My PAP is 5 1/2 over and 1/2 up, very high tracker.
My speed is 18-19 mph with slightly above average revs.

Used it on synthetics (anvilane) oiled 41 feet typical house shot.
This was a heavy oil shot for me.

Tried my usual Reaction Arc that is drilled 5x5.
Was having trouble moving it.

No problem hooking the Freak on this shot. This ball outhooks my Arc by 7-8 boards.
Strong powerful arc with plenty of carry power.

3rd game the midlane started to dry out and I put the ball away as it started moving very violently in the mid lane. But the ball still was hitting strong
and continuing on the back ends.

If you have alot of hand you will need to find a flood for this ball.
This is the biggest hooking ball I have ever thrown.
More that the Arc or the Reaction Roll easily.

Plane Facts

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Re: Freak
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2002, 11:00:21 PM »

This will be my third attempt at using Track equipment, my first two balls were the “ EMB “, and I only had moderate success. The EMB delivered a powerful punch but was much to over/ under for me to control.  I had reservations on trying the Freak because of some reviews I had read, they stated it was hard to control, and was either condition or had position specific, I on the other hand have found this ball to be very controllable even with its massive flare/ hook.  

Mine is 14. 4 before drilling, it’s set up 4 x 3 3/8, pin next to and slightly below my ring finger, and the cg in my palm.

This set up gives me a very early read and strong roll through the mid lane, and an absolute pin crushing hit. ( This 14 LB ball hits hard ).

60 to 80 units of oil in the mids, and 20 or so from 10 out, 41 feet. The freak works so well in heavy oil, and is extremely user friendly to hand position and speed changes.  When this ball revs up it stays moving and carries exceptionally well.

I am very impressed and pleased with this high performance core, it delivers a flare band of six inches, and motors up like a well oiled machine.

Great job Track.

Mike Anoles
Plane facts

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Re: Freak
« Reply #10 on: October 30, 2002, 08:50:51 PM »
Ball:  15lb 4, top weight 3 3/4, PIN position 3 inches from CG.

Well when you first pull this out of the box you know it's going to turn!  My dilema was how was I going to drill it and how does the drill spec sheet really work?

I decided after several hours to put the PIN 3 3/8 from my PAP with the MB position strong (close to the vertical line from the PAP).  To look at the ball, it looks similar to a 1 o'clock drilling.  It finished with 1 1/2 side weight so I put a balance hole 5 1/4 inches from my centre of grip of the horizontal axis line.  My ring finger was to the right of the PIN.

I first used this ball on a fresh relatively easy pattern (however outside of 8 was shut down).  I swung the ball 16 out to 10.  Well didn't this ball turn the corner!!!  It not only turned and came back but cut straight through the deck for a solid 8 pin, great!  On average I was generating about 3-6 inches of flare which for me is pretty amazing.  I made the necessary adjustments and buried the pocket for 3 games finishing with a healthy 680.  

I was bowling in an elimination format (3 games head to head) and by the 2nd game of the second round I noticed the ball finishing not so hard.  I then swapped to my EZ Money and finished strong.

After reflecting at the end of the day I was of the opinion that the ball ran out fo juice in the front of the lane to rev up and turn the corner hard.  What had happended is that it slowley started reading the lane earlier and earlier which resulted in less and less hard snap at the end (even though it was covering the same amount of boards).

This ball is a monster and will cut through anything but from what I've learnt you've really got to be chasing the oil with this one or it will burn up in the front of the lane.  It did out turn my, Heat 2, Voodoo and EZ money and Money pretty easily.  A really handy tool to have in your arsenal but if there is no oil better put it away.

A really oil monster by Track which I have no doubts will come in handy when floods strike.  9.5/10.  

PS  Can't wait for the Freak Out!


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Re: Freak
« Reply #11 on: November 19, 2002, 12:33:38 AM »
Freak, 15 lbs, 3.25 oz of tw, 5 inch pin.

Pin to the right of the ring finger, cg down and to the right of the thumb, mass bias is strong position. Balance hole.

Let me start by saying this ball should be outlawed in the lower 48 states. My friends call this "rabies ball" because its like a salivating dog when you pull out the bag. To the review, this is one hard-hitting ball when this ball enters the pocket I sometimes think its going to fly out the back of the pit and continue rolling out of the bowling center. Make no mistake about it, in box surface, which I left it at this ball is without a doubt for oil. I was surprised at the length of this ball im not sure if its the length of the pin or the ball but nonetheless no early burn unless the heads are gone. This ball HITS, and HITS very hard. Far and away the hardest-hitting ball I have ever seen. I used this ball on a worn guardian surface with a flat 46 ft pattern. Typical long, flat pattern. Played 12-7 and destroyed the pocket while others were struggling to get the ball to wrinkle the Freak was laughing at the oil all the way down the lane. Once the heads go put this away because it will be weak 10 city. If you have oil you need a "rabies ball" or a Freak as Track calls it.
NLMB 150 Dream Team


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Re: Freak
« Reply #12 on: November 20, 2002, 05:47:56 PM »
If you need to cover baords, doesn't matter what style you game is, ust buy one of these, alright!!!

Happy Scoring


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Re: Freak
« Reply #13 on: December 27, 2002, 09:05:03 AM »
I have put off reviewing this ball to make sure I really had a good feel of this ball.  First my specs.  I have high ball speed about 20 mph.  I have average till a little higher revs.  I have the freak drilled with the pin to the right of the fingers and the mass bias to the right and of the thumb hole.  If you look at the drill sheet it is pin placement 3 and inbetween mass bias placement 2 and 3.  After a few games I had a weight hole put in the ball to tame the reaction some.

I have found out that in my opinion there are not a ton of conditions you can throw this ball in.  You need quite a bit of oil out there to throw it, but if you get too much carry down it just doesn't seem to finish as hard of course how many balls do you find that really do.  In the situation of a ton of carry down a lot of times I would rather go to a tamer ball that will get through the heads and gain the angle at the pocket by moving right.  One thing you will not do with this ball is move right.  

This ball is pretty speed sensitive.  Get a little slow and it will skid then snap right off the lane.  Get a little fast and it will really slide through the break point.  This has been good for me because it has forced me to work on controlling my ball speed.  When you get really consistent with the ball speed though this ball reads the lane condition like you would not believe.  It is very consistent.

It is a pretty angular reaction.  My last heavy oil ball was the Reaction Roll and this is a lot different move.  This ball is very flippy.  

I think for right now the jury is still out on this ball.  I have even considered polishing this ball to get it to go a little longer to possibly be able to use it in more conditions.  So, after the ball hits the spinner I will let you all know how it changes the reaction.  For right now I would give the ball a 6 out of 10 overall.  If you are talking heavy oil balls only I would say a 9 out of 10.

If I left anything out that you want to know message me and I will add it.  This is my first try at a review so any critisim will help.


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Re: Freak
« Reply #14 on: January 14, 2003, 06:41:48 AM »
I have had this ball for a couple of months now but waited on the review so I could get an idea as to what this ball does and what it is good for.

My Specs: RH, avg speed, avg revs. Like to play a swing shot when the ball and lane allow me to.

Ball Specs: 15lb 4oz. 3oz tw. 3" pin.

     Drilled ball with pin at 2:30, cg kicked out and mass bias below and to the right of the thumb. This drilling will make this ball go longer and have nice recovery in the backend.....stupid idea!! The coverstock naturally allows for the ball to go long anyway, so unless you have slow speed, do not drill this ball for length in anyway.
     With this drilling, I could not swing the ball at all. I like to play    30-15-7 and all I could to was play straight up 10. If there was carrydown, forget about it. The ball would get to the breakpoint and flatten out. Well, what I found out was that the factory finish on this, as well as many other Track balls is too slick. I wetsanded the ball to 600, hit it with some Doc's Elixir and this ball is amazing now. It truly responds to how it is thrown. Rev it more, it snaps more!!
     With the coverstock tweaking, this ball is now a good oil ball. I dont recommend it if you see a flood, unless you put an aggressive drill on it. All in all, a great ball from Track. Rolls nice and smooth, goes long naturally and will snap your neck if you rev it that hard. By the way, the hit on this ball is tremendous as well. Carries just about anything that is near or in the pocket. Great job from Track. This ball gets a 9 out of 10.