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Author Topic: Freak Out  (Read 17331 times)


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Freak Out
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Hook Rating: (Dull-Polished) 28-22

Length (1-10): 5.5

Backend (1-10): 9

Core Technology: "Morpheus-High Reving

Core Power Rating (1-10): 8.5

Radius of Gyration: 2.52

Differential: .046

Coverstock: WOW II Particle

Color: Purple/Silver/Red Multicolor

Friction Rating (1-10): 7.5

Factory Finish: Compound

Recommended Polish: Magic Shine

Reaction Shape: Flip

Lane Condition: Medium with Carrydown


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Re: Freak Out
« Reply #16 on: June 16, 2003, 08:46:50 AM »
drilled this ball pin over fingers, cg kicked out mass bias strong. looking for control for when the lanes started to go away. really nice movement, no surprises here just nice arc, and good carry. ball definately has a place in anyones arsenal,just remember there are stronger balls outhere, do not think this is a hook monster, drill it as such. i will give this ball a 9 out of 10. thanks track!


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Re: Freak Out
« Reply #17 on: August 19, 2003, 03:28:13 AM »
Ok, first some backround information on the ball itself, the Freak Out I got is a Bonanza ball, and I was told it had a 8" pin, after I actually took the ball to my proshop, it had a 9+3/4" pin, this was on Thursday, and my guy didn't know how he was going to drill it and wanted some time to think about it. Today I went in and he weighed the ball, turns out the CG was missmarked and it was only a 4" pin, so I actually got a decent ball for a Bonanza price. I got the ball drilled with the pin about 3" directly above the bridge and the GC about 4" below and slightly to the right of the ring finger (RH). This ball for me will be the ball I goto if my Muntant is hooking too much and my Inferno is skidding too much. It has a nice arc to the pocket, doesn't snap like my Triple Threat does. It gets good length, as long as I don't try to help it (which is often since I just got off a 2 week vacation). A good compliment to the Mutant and a great addition to the new Track line, add a Triple Threat and you have a nice 3 ball lineup that can handle anything from heavy oil to medium dry.
I am Sparticus

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Re: Freak Out
« Reply #18 on: August 30, 2003, 02:04:54 PM »
I bought this ball expecting to get a ball that would go long on medium oil and flip. I got a pin out ball and drilled it with the cg in the center of the grip and the pin about 2 inches above the fingers. The mass bias was to the right of the thumb. This drilling was supposed to complement the ball's tendency to go long and flip.

I am currently bowling in a house with older wood lanes - guardian heads, with the middle of the lane heavily oiled and backends stripped every time the lanes are oiled. Under these conditions I was expecting a hard snap to the left.

What I actually got was a rather strong, but predictable arc. The length is decent when kept inside the oil, but I never saw much of a flip. The hit and carry are good, but not outstanding. I'm sure this will be a good dependable ball for me, but not at all what I was expecting based off the manufacturers hype. I'm not sure it's really a medium oil ball for me - I think I could use it on some pretty heavy soup.


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Re: Freak Out
« Reply #19 on: December 23, 2003, 03:50:02 PM »
15 lbs,
2-3 inch pin, around 3 TW, drilled pin over ring, CG in palm, MB left of thumb.

This was the only ball I really threw for quite some time so I have quite an attachment to it.  Regardless I'll try to be objective.  I've played with this ball in three conditions, Box, Dull, Polished.

This is an excellent ball for medium down to dry.  I wish the guy who originally sold me the ball had told me that when I bought it, but I have no real complaints.  In the box condition the ball is a bit jumpy, but then again Track marketed this as a skid/flip ball so that's the ball doing it's job.  

I've found this ball to be very diverse.  In it's NIB cover the ball was quite strong, making a strong turn at the dry even from a pretty deep line 25 out to 10 or 8 or so.  I think this was definitely a temporary trait of the ball.  As it got older and had more use, the recovery of the ball declined.

With a duller finish, it was a go shorter, hook harder version of the original.  

With a highly polished finish (sorry, don't know the grit) the ball is a pleasure to play down and in.  With the polish I get more length than before, so that when it makes a move it doesn't chop.  Also, I think the shape of the movement the ball makes transitions from snap to arc as you polish it more.  While this may be intuitive and obvious to some, I see it as being a very good characteristic, as it demonstrates the versatility of the ball.  

The hit is nothing spectacular, no flying birdogs on every pocket shot.  I would say it is just average, but not bad.  I also think it is nothing special on carrydown as it is marketed.  I've watched my ball lose a ton of reaction as the carrydown gets thick, so I'm not sure if I'm throwing it wrong, or of Track is full of it.

Overall, very versatile, good length, nice slow arcing ball when polished.  Dulled and NIB it's a little jumpy for my liking.

This ball introduced me to ball death.  Now I know this might sound awful, but it's not that bad.  I enjoy throwing the ball more now that it is more than a little dead then I did when it was new.  The surface got a little bit too tame around 300 games and I had it resurfaced.  I got reaction back for a few games before the ball was just slow moving again.  After making big adjustments in how I threw it, I began to like it even more.  I like how the shape of the movement transitioned form skid/flip to a nice slow arc.  I have to say that as the ball died, the control increased.  So you take the good with the bad.  As the ball lost reaction, it became more suited for drier conditions than medium or heavy.  In heavy this ball is useless.  It just doesn't have the muscle given MY abilities to make a big turn in oil, and when it does expect the bucket.  
Finally, as the ball did die, I was less and less able to play an inside line.  The ball just didn't have the steam to come back from anything deeper than the 4th arrow or so.  Oh well, I have other stuff for that.  

Overall negatives, ball death its oil-phobia.  

I would highly recommend this ball to any who ask, but I would also like to try some more stuff from Track.  This ball makes me worried that all particles will die young.  But if they are still good in death as my FO was, I would be glad to keep buying.  I still use it from time to time, and I still enjoy it.
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Re: Freak Out
« Reply #20 on: February 19, 2004, 11:42:51 AM »
My favorite track ball by far.. unless you go back to the days of the blue triton then theres competition. I got this ball off a friend of mine that bowls in college. Its drilled pin below ring cg at 45 degrees with an axis 3  3/8 from pin pitched 1 1/4" out to give max flip on the backend.
 I used this ball at my college tournment in philly this past weekend after my stinger low flare was go 3-4 ft too long. Took this ball out an shot 960 for my back 4 games. Went onto finish 4th. The next night in league used this ball.. little big of a drier condition an shot 245-247-259-269. won all the high game pots an the king of the hill we run within the league. So i am a big fan of this ball!! Great job track


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Re: Freak Out
« Reply #21 on: March 08, 2004, 11:09:57 PM »
Well....It's time I do one of these.  I've been around long enough.  My Freak Out is 14lbs with a label drill and left in box condition.  I bowl at a house with a medium top hat pattern.  Well this ball kicks ass!!  So far the only other ball that I have seen with soo much hitting power is the V2 Clean.  My Freak Out is starting to tame alittle now that I have about 60 games on it.  I can play any line that I want to as long as I change what I need to.  This ball is very forgiving and gives you enough room you should be able to strike with it.  I've been able to string many strikes and have some nice games with it.  This is a very even rolling ball and you can make it go loooooooong and snap or arc very hard to the pocket.  This ball just rolls threw the pins.  All in all I love this ball and will update this when I have more time!
I bowl bad because my balls have holes in them.....whats your excuse?


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Re: Freak Out
« Reply #22 on: November 12, 2005, 12:07:33 AM »
Well, i just had the chace to drill up one of the NIB Freak Outs at the local pro shop. All i can say is that i love the ball. Though it was not really snappy but it gave a very good skid and a very strong yet controlled arc to the pocket. The ball was very predictable at the breakpoint and did not really overreact. The ball was exceptional at carrying the light pockets and the flushes, if i missed right, the ball would come back to the pocket. I think the only slight drawback could be that the ball did not really hold its line very well when i went brooklyn. The ball was drilled up for control, lots of length and a strong arc at the break point. Though this is a old ball, but it is my favourite in my arsernal. This has been my first track ball but i sure am going to continue buying Track next time.


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Re: Freak Out
« Reply #23 on: June 03, 2006, 09:11:46 PM »
Drilled my Freak Out with my fav 5" span, pin above ring, cg stacked.
Bought this used from a BallReviews member, and it was in great condition w/ no blemishes, dents, etc. I must say I was impressed on how this ball reacts. No alteratons to surface, I just clean it til it shines.
   I bowl on light-med oil mostly, from board 29-30 to around 8-10 with high revs at about 15-17 mph. No problem for the Freak Out to come back, and come back hard! Wasn't sure about this ball at first, but I'm very glad I got it, this ball rocks. Usually don't make much adjustments when lanes break down, normally take off or add speed as needed. Versitle ball. Another fantastic Track product.
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Re: Freak Out
« Reply #24 on: October 11, 2006, 03:27:10 PM »
drilled at about a 60 degree layout.  

goes pretty long starts reading the mids really late and then has a nice sharp arc on the backend.  good for carrydown as its able to get through the heads with no trouble.  is a little jumpy as it hits the dry so longer patterns and carrydown are usually better to be using this than the fresh stuff.


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Re: Freak Out
« Reply #25 on: March 13, 2007, 10:50:09 PM »
Not sure about the pin and top weight on the ball but I believe it is 3 inches and 3oz.
Ball is 14lbs and drilled label.

This has been my favorite ball for 3 years.  It has been the first out of my bag and I still have plans to use it now that I have gotten a ball to possibly replace it.  This ball goes long and snaps back into the pocket.  I can play any line from down and in to a deep hook.  The hit from this ball is incredible and I can flatten my hand and shoot the ten pin.  This ball fits in just above my Lane 1 H2o and above my Ebonite V2 Clean.