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Author Topic: Freak  (Read 18913 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »

Hook Rating: (Dull-Polished) 32-35

Length (1-10): 3

Backend (1-10): 8.5

Core Technology: Morpheus

Core Power Rating (1-10): 8.5

Radius of Gyration: 2.54

Differential: .054

Coverstock: WOW II Particle

Friction Rating (1-10): 9

Factory Finish: 1200 Fine

Recommended Polish: Magic Shine

Reaction Shape: Strong Arc

Lane Condition: Heavy



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Re: Freak
« Reply #31 on: November 10, 2003, 02:30:43 AM »
Update (after several hundred games, de-oiling and refinishing many times)

16# leveraged drilling, used primarily on long LONG/heavy oil w/ carrydown, wood lanes.

This Ball was amazing when new, but lost its' reaction very quickly. When I first purchased this ball it was a favorite, but my opinion dropped within a couple weeks of purchasing it, and it continues to decline. When visualizing this ball, picture a twirling Ballerina - graceful, dainty, and definitely high maintenance. This ball doesn't hit the pins, it dances gracefully through them leaving them miraculously standing in its wake. If a normal bowling ball hits like Mike Tyson, this mashmellow hits like Mr Rogers on prozac.

But be warned, you are not going to get that flacid Mr Rogers hit unless you are willing to devote HOURS a week to heavy maintenance. A weekly de-oiling in a bucket or dishwasher, followed by sanding and heavy cleaning will keep this ball performing like any other companies medium oil balls. If you are not willing to do this the ball is not going to do a damn thing for you.

I would hesitantly recommend this ball for medium conditions with the stipulation that the purchaser be willing to devote the time this lemon needs for maintenance. With that said, there are FAR better balls you can buy that will give you hundreds of games of consistent power without demanding this level of commitment. For comparison, I rolled this side by side with the Dynothane "Thing" (control drilling). The Thing, with this drilling, is intended for light/medium oil conditions. This particular Thing has about one hundred games on it yet has never been refinished, de-oiled, or sanded. Despite this, on heavy oil the "Thing" actually had a FAR stronger reaction, greater angle and total hook, and a significantly more powerful hit.

SUMMARY: If you want a good medium lanes ball the Freak will do it for you, but there are FAR better products out there. Consider them first.

Scott Kinney

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Re: Freak
« Reply #32 on: November 28, 2003, 03:15:37 AM »
Oil pattern: 36"  buffed out to 39-40" med.-heavy oil.
Check profile for player stats.
Ball: 15# Pin 3"
Drilling: 3 3/3" X 3 3/38"  balance hole 2" below PAP

At first I got this ball running down the lane like a raped ape.
Ran nice at first, but unpredictable, until it clicked. It really is an oil ball from nature. So with out med.-heavy oil I either had to play my line with more speed or in the middle where there was more oil. This ball kicks ass. unfortunately I've also experienced the Freak death. It still rolls well and throws the pins with out problem BUT only when the lanes have broken down a bit. Right know I still play it on oily conditions but with a really slow ball speed and a lot of hand.

If you can afford to buy a ball every 9 months then buy this one without hesitation.

Rating: A 8.5 - 9 out of 10
(Why so high? because all the balls will die, it's only a matter of how it dies.)


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Re: Freak
« Reply #33 on: January 18, 2004, 10:49:08 AM »
I couldn't be more happy with this ball.  I bought it a few weeks ago since I was in need of a med oil ball.  After it was drilled, I had to have a counterweight put in the ball to calm the hook down somewhat.  Then I had to have it polished as it wasn't going down the lane long enough to have a shot at the pocket.  Since then, this ball has been a beast.  I can throw this ball with a few different lines depending on lane conditions.  It seems to seek out the pocket and with the exception of a few solid 8's (lefty bowler here), the ball hits like a tank.  Carries well and sends the pins low and scattered.  I've even been able to deaden the ball to pick up those pesky corner pins. Overall I have to say this is one of the better balls I've thrown and look forward to getting more games on this ball.  I'd definitely recommend this ball to anyone looking for solid games.
Don't blame my left-handedness for beating you, you just need to bowl better


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Re: Freak
« Reply #34 on: March 23, 2004, 06:34:52 PM »
Not a particular fan of this ball. Ive been told its a right handed set up of a ball by nature. Im LH. Drilled pin below fingers with the cg kicked way out and a very low weight hole for min. thumb weight. The reaction is consistent. but the ball does not hook at all for me. I find my less aggressive resins to be hooking more than this ball. Some success is to be had on dry patterns with carrydown, but the hits are horrible. I think its because of a delay in the reaction for the ball.


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Re: Freak
« Reply #35 on: September 04, 2006, 04:56:34 PM »
I was bolwing with my friends and I found this ball laying around and it amazingly fit my hand like it was my ball. I found that this ball rolls great and bites in the end hard. This ball carries great and hits fairly hard. After 12 games with this ball I have averaged around 210 with a high of 257 with this ball but it was in a buisy house with a ton of carry down. If you like a good track ball then the freak is for you.


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Re: Freak
« Reply #36 on: January 24, 2007, 06:18:07 PM »
Weight: 16 lbs.
Layout: See signature

Got the ball new in middle of '04.

At first had some trouble with it...

would find that it would go out to the break point and just could not make that turn back, usually resulting in 2-10 splits or washouts.

had the ball plugged and redrilled, with the pin slightly adjusted.. (pin initially slightly under the ring finger, now it is out beside it)

Ball is alot more steady now..

can play a more outside line and it simply hits like a tonne..

A solid overall ball, no big complaints.

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