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Author Topic: Havoc  (Read 13874 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available

High tech with a smaller price tag. That's what you get with the Havoc. The Havoc is the first mass bias technology ball in the Track line that is NOT at the high performance price point. The Havoc's Horizontally Biased Plate (HBP) technology allows for a wider range of motion when the mass bias is placed in different locations. HBP technology and Havoc's Power Plus coverstock create an ideal benchmark ball for all styles of play.

Wreak Havoc on the lanes.

Havoc Specs

Hook Rating 29-20  
Length 6  
Backend 6  
Core Technology Horizontally Biased Plate  
Core Power 7  
RG 2.5  
Differential 0.43  
Determinator Spin Time 11  
Flare Potential 5  
Coverstock Power Plus Solid  
Friction Rating 6.5  
Finish 1500 Smooth  
Polish Magic Shine  
Reaction Shape Strong Arc  
Lane Condition Medium to Light Oil  



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Re: Havoc
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2004, 12:09:19 AM »
If this ball has a decent cover, with the  "Power Ring" core borrowed from the AMF Evolution,  This could be a good one.


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Re: Havoc
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2004, 11:29:32 PM »
I went to a Del Warren seminar and it was great.  This is a Nighthawk block with a more aggressive cover.  After Columbia purchased AMF, Del was able to get the block design back.  He had much to say about teaching and drilling techniques.  If he is in your area, I recommend going to the seminar.  They explained a lot about a bowlers technique in relation to how a ball is drilled for them.  How to Locate the PSA and PIN in relation to the bowlers Axis, Rev Rate, and Speed.  The Animal looks like a great ball as well.  
Del, if you see this, keep up the good Golf Swing, LOL.
The Perfect Fit Pro Shop

JuniorsProShop - Bobby

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Re: Havoc
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2004, 11:29:47 PM »
We drilled this one for a regular, pin over ring, cg kicked out about a 1/2 inch and the MB to the right of the thumb. Bowled on fresh house shot, 42 feet, synthetic lanes. Ball cleared the front pretty decent, not as well as I thought, but had a tremendous turn to the hole. What a strong ball on the backend. This ball amazed me, the flip anyway. Customer stated that he thought it would get a little more length than it did, considering it was advertised for med. to light oil. I guess I tend to agree, but this ball is definitely good. I just think that it may check up a little in dry conditions, but on medium conditions, this ball will be a killer, i mean the length is good enough, and the turn in the back is tremendous. I am interested to see what a little shine might bring to the table. We may really have killer on our hands than. Might still be good for the med and will definitely conquer the dry. Will post more when we polish it.

They are in stock and ready to be shipped, come visit our site, we have very competitive prices.
Robert Gogolak
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Re: Havoc
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2004, 03:54:28 PM »
Track Havoc

Drilled 1/30/2004

The ball being drilled was 2” pin out with 3.50 oz top weight. Top weight and CG location were verified via scale prior to drilling.

The drilling chosen was pin 5” from PAP and Mb 4.125” from PAP (55 degrees); pin is below fingers 1.75 inches above grip midline.

After drilling the ball was weighed at 0.75 oz positive side weight, 0.25 positive finger weight and 1.50 oz top weight. No weight hole was used.

Bowler Information:
Track diameter is 10.25”.
PAP is measured at 5.375 over and 0 up/down.
Average ball speed (foul line to head pin) is 17 mph.
Axis rotation is typically 45 degrees
Initial rev rate is typically 350 rpm

The first condition the ball was used on was a 42-foot typical wet/dry house pattern on HPL 2000 synthetic lanes. On this condition the ball played very well inside the oil line with the box surface but didn’t match up well when sent outside the oil line. A trip to the spinner and a light application of polish gave the ball more versatility on this pattern. After the application of polish the ball still worked very well inside the pattern and didn’t bleed energy as fast as the box surface when sent outside the pattern providing much more punch at the pins. Ball reaction was very easy to read and predictable which made reading the pattern easy. The Havoc welcomed changes in ball speed, hand position and rev rate. These properties make the Havoc a first ball out of the bag type of versatile ball that made me feel sure I’d be getting a lot of use from. Since this initial test I’ve used the ball on Pro-Anvilane and HPL’s with a lighter pattern at another center and loved the reaction each time.


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Re: Havoc
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2004, 12:02:40 PM »
this ball goes well with my animal. i can throw straight up 5 and hit pocket with no problems. and when it hit it hits hard.

BuddiesProShopcom - Bill

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Re: Havoc
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2004, 04:05:14 PM »
I have drilled a couple of these now for our pro shop guys.

Willie Willis ball was set up with the pin about the ring finger, and the mass bias in the strong position.  On a freshly oiled house shot, this ball was clean through the heads, while reving up.  Mr. Willis found this ball to have great midlane control and found the ball to be even better with Wet/Dry lane conditons.  Willie was able to move inside and outside with this ball and still have a consistant reaction throughout.  He also found this ball to be consistent from thestart of the night to the finish.

The second person that we drilled for was a left hander with medium ball speed.  I laid this ball out the same as a Nighthawk Menace that he loved.  The pin was beside his ring finger and the mass bias was in the strong position.  This bowler found the ball to clean through the front, reving up in the midlane and making a strong arcing move to the pocket.

After watching both of these bowlers, this ball will be the first ball out of most people's bag.  You will be able to read the lane condition easily, and make any adjustments.

If you have any questions, please email me.

"The Place All Bowlers Shop"

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Havoc
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2004, 02:29:41 AM »
I made a mistake with this ball, so I sold it. I expected it to be for medium conditions naturally----so I drilled it leverage (this was done before I got the dull Animal). This ball flat out hooks. I should have drilled it a little weaker.

It read the mids and was very smooth at the breakpoint but the breakpoint was so early. This ball easily outhooked my Raging Inferno. It hit hard, and when thrown good never left me a corner pin.

Hook: LOTS OF IT, 8.5/10
Controll: SMOOTH, 9/10
Backend: with this drilling not very sharp 7/10

OVERALL: Very good ball at a very good price tag. If you want high performance in the mid price range, GET THE HAVOC. 8/10
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

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Re: Havoc
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2004, 11:28:17 AM »
Sweet!  I loved the NightHawk series.  Looks just like it, right!


This cover is NOT for medium to dry conditions.  This cover is WAY TOO STRONG for the core.  Hey Del, have somebody with some hand throw these things before you release them.  I've drilled the Freak, Unleashed, Phenom, Crunch, CrunchTime, Thrash, Triple Threat, Havoc, and Animal in the last year for myself.  NONE of them are currently in my bag.  Animal, Freak, Phenom, Unleashed, Triple Threat, and Havoc are all great balls if you like all of your energy burnt in the first 40 feet.  The Crunch hooks more than any of these pieces on normal league patterns, and the CrunchTime and Thrash are victims of the dreaded "silver pearl" skid disease.  If I want a readable piece, I reach for something with an "S" or "B" on the side.

I absolutely loved the SLAM series as well but I'm assuming that the Crash will be cover-dominated like the rest.  I'll avoid that train wreck and drill some more Storm stuff.

On a scale of 1 to 10, I give it a 6.  It may not be a bad piece but it was poorly marketed and heavily mis-advertised.  Get it straight guys.  You've been in the business long enough to figure out that we're not all idiots.


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Re: Havoc
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2004, 07:44:24 PM »

Hi Rev 440 rpm
axis tilt 10º-15º
ball speed 21mph
PAP 5.675 and 1/2 up


pin 4.5" to PAP
CG  4.5" to PAP
mass bias in the strong position

box finish

41' pattern very heavy in the middle 10-10 no buff

All I can say is wow this ball is a true winner for the high rev player.....
This ball has good length it displays a strong continous motion but for me it flares over 9". This ball is very versatile it can be played down the boards or you can play in the mud. This ball hits like a tank just vacuums the corners off the deck. Can't wait for the pearl..... another winner from track
I would rate this ball a 9 out of 10


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Re: Havoc
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2004, 03:16:50 AM »
Hi everyone,
       This is the first Track ball that I have drilled since the Heat II. I have to say I am impressed with this ball. Here is what I did.

Ball Specs: 15lb 2oz
            3" pin out
Layout: Pin 5 1/8 from PAP above fingers on the grip centerline. MB 1 1/2 right of the centerline. Track pin #2 and mb #2 in the drill sheet.
Cover: polished with storm #3 compound to 2500.
My Specs: PAP 5 3/4>, 7/8^
          Axis Tilt 10 to 15 degrees
          Axis rotation 45 degrees
          Ball speed 17 mph
          Rev rate 320 to 350
Lane Condition: medium.
Here is my opinion.I drilled this ball to go long and snap. When I first threw it I was a little surprised at how early it read the lane considering I had polished it. Well I threw it for a while the get a read on it. Played in going from about 20 to about 7 at the break point. It recovered, but not like I had hoped. Because of the early read.I continued to throw it to see where and how it would work the best. Best on that day was 15 to 10 at the break point with ball speed at around 20 mph. Later that night in league I went to it because the pearl paricle I mostly use was not reacting the way the condition usually allows. Well I squeezed out 230 that game and went 250 the second and the front 9 the third for 279. The hit and carry are real solid. Threw it again tonight and what a difference. Tonight it had the backend I had drilled it for.Probably because I was on an end pair. All in all I am very satisfied with this ball. By the way with this drilling and being a tweeneer I was getting 5" track flare. I think this is a good ball to go to when the particle balls burn early.


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Re: Havoc
« Reply #11 on: June 27, 2004, 02:39:12 AM »
Another keeper.  This ball seems to work on almost everything I have used it on.  Not my biggest hooker but maybe my most consistent.  Very smooth and controlled backend.  Hitting power is awesome.  Carry on high/off hits are amazing.  Great companion to my AU79.  Chalk one up for Track!


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Re: Havoc
« Reply #12 on: September 18, 2004, 02:20:33 PM »
Drilled with pin next to ring and mb in strong postion.

I am a tweener and can be a cranker(depends on lanes) i use box finish. This ball can be tricky at times cause i can play head pin shot and blow rack but if i send it inside out to drew it will check up real earlier but with great carry. But it is very aggresive and controllable might take it down to 1200 and add a light application of polish. Overall great ball


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Re: Havoc
« Reply #13 on: January 12, 2005, 05:02:23 PM »
This ball is nasty. I bought it last season and drill it wrong for my game. While cleaning out the garage last week I came across it again and decided to have it plugged and re-drilled. I now have the pin 3" from PaP and the mass bias 5 1/4" from PaP.
This thing is a rocket to the pocket. It allows my to play up the 10 board with ample hand and WOW. I swear it has more backend than my Mother-in-law. (and that's a lot) I've just ordered another one which I'll leave in box condition and see how it works on a fresh shot.
Ball specs 15# 3" pin (mirror finish)highly polished
my specs- span 5 1/4 15mph med/revs
This is the sleeper ball of 04' hands down.

The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise grows it under his feet.

- James Oppenheim



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Re: Havoc
« Reply #14 on: March 10, 2005, 02:38:31 AM »
I love this ball specially on medium oil with backend it is a very good ball on this lane condition... i just shot a 708 with it and it was nerve racking....