This ball, according to TRACK, is supposed to be one of the skiddingest, flippingest balls on the lanes. Well, I found this ball to do neither of those things particularly well, but still manage to get a good reaction.
Got this one to fill a spot in the tournament arsenal, for when the backends are dry and/or when I have to play deep inside. I had one of these before drilled 3 3/8 x 3 3/8 leverage, and had WAY too much ball, so I decided to tame this one down a bit.
Out-of-box specs on this ball- 15lb. 3 oz., pin out 2"+, 3 oz. top weight.
I punched this one up with a 5 3/8 x 5 3/8 pattern-pin above bridge and CG in the middle of the grip. According to the included drill sheet, " legnth and strong backend reaction."
I first threw it after the kids bowled on Saturday morning, and it was great-everything I wanted. It wasn't as sharp on the backend, but still strong. Clean thru the fronts, bump the dry, and shred the rack. But....
I then broke it out for league on Sunday morning. On the fresh condition, it just wouldn't roll hard enough to kick a 10 pin. Still a good, hard arc, but not enough to punch through the rack. At Sunday evening league though, it was the ball to go to. On a shot typical 9-to-9 house shot that had two shifts on it already, the Heat was long and strong on the end of the lane-good for a 259-224-255 = 738.
All in all, good for what I drilled it for (deep line/dry), bad for the everyday league shot. Have to have a clean dry spot to bump it off of. I give it a 7 out of 10. I really expected better from TRACK on this one, but I'm sure I'll give them another chance sometime

Tear 'em up y'all!