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Author Topic: Heat 2 Pearl  (Read 12571 times)


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Heat 2 Pearl
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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Coverstock: Reactive pearl with Mica; Factory Finish: Factory polished; Radius of Gyration: 2.48 (Medium low); Differential: .047 (Medium High); Flare Potential: Medium to High; Length: 8 (1-10 scale); Backend: 9 (1-10 scale); Hook Potential: 18; Available Weights: 14 - 16; Recommended Lane Condition: Medium Oil


Brenton Davy

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Re: Heat 2 Pearl
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2001, 09:31:21 AM »
Me: Lefty, 18mph ball speed, forward roll and low to medium revs

Ball: Heat2 Pearl, 0 finger/thumb weight and 5/8oz + side weight, 4" pin above ring finger, CG on grip mid line, 1" out from grip centre line, balance hole.

This ball is one the players who have worn out their Tritons will love.  THe cover is stronger than the Stomp pearl and the core (straight out of the Enforcer) causes the ball to rev earlier, allowing the mica enhanced cover to do its thing in a big way in the back end.  Have had this one almost 1 month and it is a perfect addition to the original Heat2.  The cover is quite abrasive for a pearlised ball, so dry heads might well be out of the question.

This will be a popular ball amongst the staffers on tour I would think.  Won on debut in Australia at Canberra Open for George Frilingos and used at Melbourne Cup by Mike Muir to take top seed position, eventually winning with EMB with 268.

BuddiesProShopcom - Bill

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Re: Heat 2 Pearl
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2001, 02:09:03 PM »
Well we drilled this ball for one of our staff member and he loves this ball.  

This staff member revs it up pretty good and is able to get most balls through the heads without a problem.  We laid this ball out with an 1" shift, stacked layout.  With this drilling he is able to get this ball a little longer than most of his other stuff with more pop in the backend.  

The one thing that stood out when I watch this ball, was the way that pins stayed so low.  This was one of the lowest I have seen in recent balls.  

If you liked the Heat 2, you will like the extra length that you are able to get with this ball and a sharper break to the pocket.

On a scale of 1-10, I would give this ball a 8.5.  This is an aggressive pearl and will be a great ball for bowlers who are looking for something a little more aggressive than most of their other pearl balls.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at

"The Place All Bowlers Shop"
"The Place All Bowlers Shop"

AUS leftie

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Re: Heat 2 Pearl
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2001, 03:07:17 AM »
Lefty, 16mph, med rev's

Ball:  15lb, 3 3/8 leverage with balance hole on PAP 5" from centre of grip

This ball felt abrasive when I first got it and thought it offered a little more surface than the other pearl balls I have seen.  Wanted a ball for insde so I drilled it 3 3/8 leverage with the axis hole on the PAP.  Didn't get a chance to use it at all and took it down to Canberra for the AMF Super 6 Canberra Open.  It turned about 5 boards more than my Avenger which allowed me to swing the ball through 12 out to 8.  

Carry was incredible, won the tounranament and averaged 234 for 30 + games.  2 x 300's within 3 hours in the finals.  Kept the pins incredably low and offered excellent carry from inside.  Used it down the edge (3-5 board) in Vegas in a brackets tournament and got nailed with corners all day.  Great ball but the pattern for me will keep me inside with this ball.  I'm sure it would work down the edge but the leverage pattern wasn't suited to edge bowling.

Definetly the best ball in the range, 10/10 from me

Charlie Lacy

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Re: Heat 2 Pearl
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2001, 10:15:29 PM »
What a great Pearl this is. Ball has good length and great backend
and will handle the oil well. I drilled mine Pin3 3/8 with a 90
degree arrow. I am a fairly straight player but this pearl gives
inside action as never before. I've used it at the ABC and the Orleans
PBA Senior Stop and found it has great adaptability to most conditions.

Mike Mineman

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Re: Heat 2 Pearl
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2001, 11:43:00 PM »
This is one of Track's best issues if you are looking for a ball for the medium to drier conditions.Do not let the rough texture of the coverstock fool you,this ball clears the heads super with plenty of drive down the lane. I have 2 drilled; one pin over bridge,cg in palm. This gets down the lane well with a hard arc on the backend. The other is a 3 3/4" stacked layout,x hole 1" past axis. This ball rolls up sooner and I can use it on a slightly slicker cond.I have used both of these on the Midwest PBA regional tournaments the last month or so and have had some nice finishes.The patterns have given some very dry boards near the gutter and the Pearls really reacted good. I would highly recommend the Heat 2 Prl. for med. oil patterns or possibly slicker conditions that have strong backends.


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Re: Heat 2 Pearl
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2001, 03:53:43 PM »
Out of box ball-pin 3-4,31/4 top weight.I drilled this ball 2x4(135 degree layout)expecting a ball to be smooth on a fresh house shotwhen going from wet to dry!WRONG!On the fresh condition this ball had no out of bounds,the wider you threw it,the harder it turned the corner!IT WAS AWESOME!you had to make sure that you kept your speed consistant,or you could get some over/under reaction.When the condition broke down a little,the ball then became the smooth & more consistant reaction that i expected with the drilling.However,if you like to watch your ballchange direction suddenly & dramatically ,FIND DRY BACKENDS & ENJOY!!!!!the sharpest backend i've had yet!!!!10 out of 10 to Track


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Re: Heat 2 Pearl
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2001, 04:35:17 PM »
Hello! Got the ball last week. I have used it for almost 15 games now, and I have to say that it is the perfect compliment to the heat2. I drilled mine at 11 o'clock, with the pin right under between my ring and middle finger holes. All I could say is that it goes longer than the heat2, but snaps harder. Great ball!


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Re: Heat 2 Pearl
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2001, 04:35:46 PM »
Hello! Got the ball last week. I have used it for almost 15 games now, and I have to say that it is the perfect compliment to the heat2. I drilled mine at 11 o'clock, with the pin right under between my ring and middle finger holes. All I could say is that it goes longer than the heat2, but snaps harder. Great ball!
Tyrone Ongpauco

The Tracker

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Re: Heat 2 Pearl
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2001, 12:55:50 PM »
Had this ball for a couple of weeks and its the ball with the best percentage of strikes (when you hit the pocket) that I have ever seen. Another very good ball from Track. For me its a 10/10.


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Re: Heat 2 Pearl
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2001, 10:05:31 AM »

Ball characteristics: 2 and half in pin. Drilled under and center of fingers. This creates length and a sharp backend.

Conditions thrown First condition: Fresh lanes; med oil; Good oil through the heads; most oil through the middle (out to ten) 38ft; 10-4 light oil; 4-1 dry; crisp back ends.
Second condition: Drier condition; light oil through the heads; med carrydown

First condition:
I used this ball on league last night which I joined just to work on different shots. The perfect shot for me in the house is throw over 12 and flare out to 6. Well I tried this with this ball and instead of flaring to 6, it rolled to two. Then when it broke, it went through the head pin. So I kept scooting left and giving the ball more lane, but it just seem like I could not give the ball enough lane. Playing this ball you have to have speed and very little fingers. I put fingers in it and this ball left some wierd splits. I also tried to throw over the 5 arrow (deep inside) and the ball was too inconsistent for me. Luckily I did not buy the ball for this house or this condition. The next condition is what I bought it for.

Second condition:
I jumped on a pair of lanes where two leagues bowled prior. The lanes were pretty much dry and some carrydown. I tried some different lines but of course the ball just ate up the lanes. I then decided to go where I really never adventured before. I moved in front of the ball return and threw the ball over the 6 arrow. I just do not believe the length of this ball. This thing just rolled forever, but it had tons of hook. I shot some good scores with this and impressed a lot of people that I can pull that shot off. I like this shot because I open up a whole new line that I can play almost all night at a dry house (which I bowl at two)

Likes: LENGTH, LENGTH, LENGTH. This ball will let me play new lines that I tried to expierment with, but none of my equipment can get this long.

Dislikes VERY AGGRESSIVE. Now let me say I was not looking at a ball that hooks out of its mind. In fact I was looking the other way. My pro shop guy kinda mislead me and he felt bad for it and gave me a good deal for the ball. But if you are looking for an aggressive ball this is it.

work for: If you throw hard and little fingers, or power cranker, this ball would be an awesome ball to add to your arsenal.

need to stay away: High rev low speed; low speed; This ball would probably eat your lunch.

****Remember I am only talking about these lane conditions. I have not thrown the ball on heavy oil since there is no such thing down here.


Being a ball I pull out first:3
Being a ball where I need to change to a drastic line:9
The other Ben for Admin

"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools. "-Douglas Adams


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Re: Heat 2 Pearl
« Reply #11 on: October 26, 2001, 08:32:35 PM »
pin 3-4 out  3.5 top weight  pin between ring and middle finger, number 1 drilling on track sheet that came with the ball. This ball goes long and finishes very strong. Middle of approach  to number 10 board is automatic, as long as I keep my speed up. If I miss pocket I usually only leave 1 pin, could be any pin 4 - 10. This ball is fun. Not as forgiving as the contender.


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Re: Heat 2 Pearl
« Reply #12 on: November 26, 2001, 02:30:48 PM »
Fifteen lbs.
2 and a half oz of top weight
pin 3-4"
Drilled 3 3/8 x 3 3/8 flip leverage w/ 7/8" hole on PAP

Great ball!!! especially when they dry out, it can clear any heads with only a trace of oil, and as long as you don't increase you speed, it will make it back to the pocket and crush hard. I can get it to roll off of the pin deck to left of the 8 pin!!! Not bad for a right hander (lookout smash 7-9). Definitely an arsenal ball. On a fresh shot it is somewhat difficult because it is sensitive to fresh backends and I found myself adjusting a lot for tons of hook, and then moving rapidly back, past where I started because of small amounts of carrydown (37' pattern). Great investment for a tournament bowler! Hope this helps.

Good Bowling!!!


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Re: Heat 2 Pearl
« Reply #13 on: December 21, 2001, 11:28:17 AM »
Two words here "deceptively strong".  A couple of months ago I went looking for a pearl that would be a go to ball on synth w/a medium/oily condition with clean backends.  Just a nice smooth/steady late arcing ball is what I had in mind.    What I found here is quite a shock.  This pearl is a handful!  It is Zip (long) ...Zoom (strong).  This one needs some snot on the lanes to get it to the breakpoint.  Great length and soo strong at transition.  Lots of hitting power stored here.  Mine drilled w/pin just beneath the ring finger and cg slightly kicked right (nearly stacked).  I have found that it is a great ball to open a lane up (Geesh did I just say that about a Pearlized Ball...yup I did).  If you have any kind of hand, it is too reactive to dry backends, but really streches it's legs on carrydown when you have to get deep.    I have been stunned to say the least with the grip this one gets when it makes it's move.  Not what I was looking for but has been a pleasant surprise.


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Re: Heat 2 Pearl
« Reply #14 on: January 18, 2002, 10:07:47 AM »
I drilled my pearl Heat-2 with the pin 45 degrees to the cg with the cg on the midline favoring the pap. The ball is 2-3 pin out.  This proved to be a very strong drilling for this ball.  Heavy oil with a pearl ?  No problem for this combination.  No sanding or scuffing this ball went 10 boards on a tournament shot while sanded balls zipped by the break point.  I wouldn't compare this ball to the Heat-2.  The pearl seems to have qualities more in tune with the original Heat and could well be a stronger ball.  The thing that I found to be most impressive with the pearl is that it carries just about any hit.  The usual solid 9 or 10 pins are less frequent with this ball than any other Track ball I've used.  The glossy finish combined with this drilling allows for a ball that will play well from heavy oil to light oil.  It migrates from down and in to a 5th arrow swing shot without a peep.  The ball revs up nicely and hits as hard as any Track ball with the possible exception of the original Heat-2.