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Author Topic: Heat  (Read 19575 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »

It's back and in its pure, original form... the Heat! The innovative tri-core technology contains three components: the Rev Core to lower RGs and create a higher rev rate, the Flip Core for increased flare potential and backend transition, and the Balance Core designed to provide increased dynamics throughout the weight range.

Drill Patterns
Magic 8  

Heat Specs
Hook Rating 26-21  
Length 8.0  
Backend 7.0  
Core Technology TRI-CORE Technology  
Core Power 7.0  
RG 2.56  
Differential 0.037  
Determinator Spin Time N/A  
Flare Potential 5  
Coverstock Power Plus with Mica  
Friction Rating 6.0  
Finish Compound  
Polish Magic Shine  
Reaction Shape Arc  
Lane Condition Medium to Light Oil  



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Re: Heat
« Reply #16 on: November 09, 2005, 10:40:06 AM »
With so much hype around this release, I had to try it out.

15lbs, 3 oz, 3 oz of tw, 3" pin.

Ball ended up pin over bridge, cg 1" right of grip center, weight hole on PAP.

I purchased this to use under my Xception when it is moving too early, but also when my Desert isn't the right fit. This ball fit that slot perfectly.

I have been able to use this ball on anything from a fresh ths, to a broken down, spotty second shift shot.

On fresh, I had to square up a bit and play a controlled line hitting 12 at the arrows using 8 as my bp. Ball went long and smoothly turned the corner. Very nice reaction. The hit on this ball is good. Especially for the price point.

On the broken down second shift, I had to move in deeper as the midlanes were drying up a bit. I played over 17 at the arrows and used 5 as my bp. On the drier mids, the ball grabbed early and made a strong, swooping arc and crushed the hole. It was easy to play on the broken down shot. I am not one to brag about my scores, but the first night throwing this in practice on the second shift shot, I shot 258 and 279, then switched to the Desert Heat.

All in all, this is a nice piece to have in your arsenal. With drilling it can be used on anything from med to light. Hit is great, keeps pins low and promotes ALOT of messengers for me. Great ball for the price!!
Kid on Bus: "What are you gonna do today Napoleon?"
Napoleon: "Whatever I wanna do....GOSH!!"

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Re: Heat
« Reply #17 on: November 12, 2005, 02:50:39 AM »
This will be a short review. I only have a few games in. I will post again after a period of time. I am a right handed tweener. Medium revs. Ball speed is 15-17 mph. PAP 5-1/2 inches. Weight balance hole. Pin just under and to the right of ring finger. This drill pattern is designed to be the most hooking. The ball is in the out of box condition. This ball goes very long. While practicing I noticed if I just stroked the ball it would walk up and crush the rack. I got fooled. I was fluffing the ball down the lane. The ball would go long, rev up and jump. I threw a wopping 147. I went back to my usual style of bowling and shot 216, throwing the last four. I properly adjusted my feet and threw the last five in the second game, the first four in the third game (crushed rack in fifth for a 4-9)threw the next five and then the ball jumped to leave an eight pin for a 256. At one point I threw nine in a row between the first and second game. This ball goes long, but absolutely saves all of its energy for the back end. This is a great medium to light to dry oil ball. Even in the medium oil, you have to find the break point at the right speed. If you do this ball will crush the rack with very few corner pins. If the oil is heavy-medium or heavy, put the ball away for something more aggressive. A great ball for when you are having trouble getting the ball down the lane to the break point. Holds all of the energy for the back end. Beware of heavy oil, it will be washout city.
When the tide of life is against you, and the current upsets your boat, don't waste those tears on what might have been, just lay on your back and float!

Monster Stitch

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Re: Heat
« Reply #18 on: November 18, 2005, 10:55:30 AM »
15lbs 3oz
3 inch pin
3oz top

4.5 x 3.5
Pin next to ring finger
Cg kicked out
X-hole 6 inches from center of span

The Heat brought back a lot of memories of my original Heat. This ball revs up early and has a big backend reaction when it hits friction. Especially on a THS shot you can play various lines and it responds easily to different hand releases. As long as you have friction somewhere, this ball is responsive.
When there is a lot of carry down this ball just skids. I haven't tried to sheen
down the cover or dull it to see what it can do. It can possibly can handle more oil that way but as you know it will decrease the amount of backend.

But overall i am very please with the remake of the HEAT, and maybe in the future i wil get another one.

I would like to thank the all the Track Staffers and Track guys on this forum for all their advice. It really helps when you answers our questions with detail and from your personal experiences.

The Original Chewmiester

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Re: Heat
« Reply #19 on: December 07, 2005, 09:10:01 AM »
Track Heat
Weight: 15#
Pin: 3"
Top Weight: 2.25 oz

Layout: Pin under ring finger, drilled aggressive but coated with a lot of polish

I got this ball used from SteveAustin2808 a couple of months ago. I haven't thrown it in a while until last night. I realized what a gem this ball is when the lanes get drier. I guess you could say I was surprised at what I saw, to say the least...

Lane Pattern: THS, with slight wear due to open bowling and possible league bowlers....(drier than usual for the house I bowled at)

I hadn't been to Pin Palace, the house I tried this ball on, in a while..(since the Alabama-Tennessee game). Their shot of late has been drier than it has been in some time, with the outsides dry and the backends mostly booming....basically just throw it right and hit about a 3 board area and you strike...plain and simple.

I went with 6 other men I go to church with(including the pastor) and bowled with them. I noticed that my Slash told me by its reaction that I needed something with more backend and less hook in the heads. The Heat was what I pulled out, and I noticed why the re-released this ball. I was playing 23-12, and this ball(even in its polished state) came back on the backends like someone kicked it left. I was able to see the strong backend arc that this ball contains, and how smooth it was through the fronts. It didn't once over react on me, and that is something I like to see in equipment....balls that don't snap too hard or arc too hard on the backends....too unpredictable for me. I need smoothness and predictability in my stuff, and the Heat proved it can do just that and then some.

The Heat has its conditions, though. As it was promoted and stated, it is meant for the lighter side of oil. It can be very unpredictable on heavier conditions if the backends have carrydown. It also by no means is a Desert Heat or a Dry/R, so don't use it for dry lanes. The Heat likes dry, but too much is not good for say the least.

You can tweak the cover to make it react earlier, and also different drills will help make this ball attractive to a lot of bowlers. This ball is a pearlized medium-medium dry ball, and it serves its purpose well. Just remember when to use it and put it away, b/c you will pay if you don't...


On Heavy oil: This ball is not made for heavy oil, especially since it is a pearl. Backends have to be clean for it to work, and a direct line will have to be used to make it work...The Heat doesn't react well here...4/10

On Medium oil: The Heat really burns the competition and the lanes here. It reads clean and smooth, and comes off the dry very well with an arc on the backends. The Heat serves up strikes on the condition the most...10/10

On dry lanes: The Heat still does decent, but it needs a little oil to make it perform on this shot. Other balls that are weaker like the Desert Heat or the Dry/R would be better choices here. Otherwise, be ready to move inside....6/10

On carrydown: This ball struggles with carrydown. It is very squirty, and can be very unpredictable when carrydown affects the backs. Either move outside, change hand positions or change balls, otherwise it is inconsistency all the way around. 5/10

Versatility: The Heat is limited on the conditions to be used on, but it can be beneficial to bowlers who know when to change hand positions or releases. A cranker, tweener or stroker could have success with this ball..This ball is not an Inferno, but it ranks up there in its variety of style compatibility. 8/10

Overall: Track sets the lanes ablaze with this re-release. I never got to throw the first Heat, but it makes me wonder how successful it was back in 1997 when it was first released. The Heat's amazing ability to recover off the dry and not be to snappy makes it a ball in my arsenal that helps when the conditions start to dry up. This is a great ball for tourney bowlers and league bowlers alike, considering they will see the condition that the Heat excels one way or another.
This ball is as advertised and I give Track an A+ with this ball. 10/10

I am amazed every time I throw a Track ball, from the Phenom Unleashed, the Slash, the HexPlosion and now the Heat. 4 great balls from Track, and I am impressed at the consistency they give me, game after game, session after session. The hit is like no other, and their durability is outstanding. I am looking forward to more outstanding releases from Track....keep it up.
Take the FastTrack to victory with Track bowling doubt the fastest, most hardhitting speedsters on the road!

4 ways to victory:

Unleash the Phenom
Slash the pins to bits
Make a Hexplosion on the lanes
Turn up the Heat on the competition

No doubt, you are on the right Track when you go with the gameplan to success, one frame at a time!

Caveman #1: I invented this game that requires a ball to knock down 10 pins.

Caveman #2: A ball knocking down ten pins? Brilliant!!!


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Re: Heat
« Reply #20 on: December 20, 2005, 11:46:51 AM »
Track Heat
Weight = 15.04 Lbs
Pin = 4 inch Pin
Top Weight = 4 oz Top Weight

Layout = 5 1/2 x 4
Weighthole = 6 1/2 over

-------------WH 6 1/2 over

Picture of Layout with other Track balls

Ok party people time to review Track's re-release of the Heat. Back in the day, this ball was meant for Heavy Oil, but today's re-release is meant for more Medium-Light conditions.

The key word to describe this ball is versatility. I have almost 50 games on this ball in 3 months. I've used it in different centers and different surfaces (synthetic & wood). What I like about this ball is that it is one of those bail out balls or the piece you should always have in the bag. I thought my Slash was that ball, but the Heat quickly started to become one of my favorites. The reason being that the Heat for me can play on many different conditions (not just medium-light).

The true test was using it on a Christmas Tree pattern with Heavy Oil (Heavier in the middle and tapered towards the gutter) in the middle portion of the lane and screaming backends. I couldn't get this ball to hold starting it around 10 board at the arrows as the ball would just make a left turn at 45 feet. As I fed the ball into the oil line (around 15-20 boards at the arrows), my strategy was to get the ball out to the dry with enough room so it wouldn't dive through the nose. This seemed to work. For a pearl, I thought it would skate too much on oil, but surprisingly, this ball could handle a good amount of oil.

For me, this ball is not a hook-monster on Oil, but on most medium patterns it shows its' true colors. With the Long pin layout, I get good length, but the recovery on the back is very good. This ball is great on normal house patterns and I found the ball's performance was still going strong even during the 3rd game carrydown.

Pearl ball + Long Pin to Pap = Good length. This is just what the dr. ordered in regards to filling a gap in my arsenal at the time. I didn't have a ball that would give me good length and good backend recovery on most mediums. On Heavy Oil, this ball will go too long, but I've noticed that this ball would work on some Medium-Heavy patterns which was a plus. However, this ball does not have enough length on drier conditions unless you polish/shine the heck out of it.

With a High Pin position, I was concerned about jumpiness on the backend. Surprisingly, the ball isn't as jumpy as I thought it would be. This is why I made the comment earlier about the ball was starting to gain more attention than my Slash (which was my primary control/benchmark ball with a Pin Below position). The Heat has great control on most normal THS and the motion on the backend was predictable.

Great pin action with this ball as with all the other Track balls in my Arsenal. There is nothing really out of the ordinary in regards to "Hit," but carry in general has been pretty good (*knocks on wood hehe)

Overall Impressions and Final Thoughts
I got what I needed out of this ball. Good length and predictable backend on Normal House Patterns. Like I mentioned earlier, I was surprised at the amount of oil (some succes on medium-heavy patterns) it could handle for a pearl. It is a great "1st ball out of the bag" or "go to ball." Great job Track!

Regards, M.C. RAMmer
Official Jerry Rice Cabbage Patch Dancing Instructor


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Re: Heat
« Reply #21 on: April 21, 2006, 01:23:57 PM »
Avg Speed(First Ball):16-18 mph
Avg Speed(Second Ball):19-22 mph
Type of Bowler: Tweener
Average: 185
Age: 23
Hand: Right

Ball: Heat
Weight: 15LBS
Pin: 1
Top Weight: 2 1/4


Expectations of the ball: To be like the orginal Triton Heat and go long with alot of backend

Expectations met: Yes

Lineup: Ball fits in between my Xception 5.0 and Heat Blast  

Likes: 1) Ball is exactly like the orginial
              2) Crushes the pins
              3) Overall Reaction on the ball
              4) OOB shot 664

Dislikes: 1)  None this is my favorite ball of all time

Heavy oil: I do not recommend the Heat on Heavy Oil.  The Heat skates to long and does not have enough backend to recover on this pattern.  There are much better candiates in the Track line up to fill this slot
Rating: 3-10

Medium Heavy: I have had some success playing straight up on this condition as long as there is no carrydown.
Rating: 5-10

Medium: This ball works great in medium condition. I usually right up the 5 board and it gets a beautiful reaction into the pocket
Rating: 7-10

Medium-Dry: (Recommended Conditon) When oil starts breaking down the Heat really performs.  Especially when all of the oil in the front of lanes starts to carrydown to the back. With the length and the backend this ball provides it is a prefect candiate for this condition
Rating: 10-10

Dry Lanes: Ball works well on this shot.  I well switch back to this ball and play a swing shot with it when my Desert Heat is having carry issues
Rating: 9-10

Overall All this is a great ball.  Track did the right thing by rereleasing this ball.  I have an Orginal Triton with the exact same pin and top weight as my heat.  Drilled the Heat up Identically to the Triton Heat.  To my amazement they where like twins in comparison. Highly recommend the heat to anyone.

Overall Rating: 10+-10
The question isn't why do I throw all Track, it's why don't you.

Arsenal includes:
Rule GP2, Rule Delta 1, Xception, Heat Blast, Heat,  Desert Heat


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Re: Heat
« Reply #22 on: April 29, 2006, 01:16:25 AM »

this ball is AWESOME. mine is drilled pin inside the finger. this ball goes down to the midlane beautifully and starts to rev up and then arcs into a STRRRRIKE.
"Revs isnt the game, accuracy is."


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Re: Heat
« Reply #23 on: February 14, 2007, 10:52:40 PM »

RPM rate: 300-325 RPMs
Speed: 17-18 MPH at the deck
Style: Tweener/Cranker, med-high rev player.
Layout: Pin next to and slightly under ring finger, CG in palm.

Reaction: This ball is one of, if not, the best pearlized ball I have ever thrown. With this layout, this ball starts to pick up in the midlane quite heavily, and if it hits dry, it takes off. This ball is especially good on your typical house shot. You could stand far right (for a lefty), or far left for a righty, and toss it out to that dry area outside of 10 and watch this ball bounce back into pocket. I actually qualified for state championships this week, throwing only this ball, averaging 202ish. This ball grabs in the backend harder than the midlane and just crushes pocket. The only time I could see putting this ball away is when you get a lot of carrydown. This ball gets through carrydown excellent but you see a drop in carry percentage (weak or ringing corner pins, any back row pin really).

I say this ball is perfect if you are bowling on a medium to med-heavy house shot, and maybe even some sport conditions. I recommend this layout on their Heats really, because it seems like I see the full potential out of this ball, having the pin lower than normal and the CG in my palm. You won't be dissapointed with the Heat from Track! GET BURNED!
- CJ Coan

Absolute Bowling - Absolute Mantelligence

300 = Shot on 1/22/07, using PBA Ultimate.

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Re: Heat
« Reply #24 on: December 30, 2015, 09:28:12 AM »

The Track Heat is a medium to light oil ball that has a very nice motor when it finds friction. My Heat is drilled using a 2 ½” pin to CG, the pin placement is immediately right of my ring finger and the CG is stacked directly underneath with no weight hole.
For me, this drilling permits a stronger mid-lane motion than my Track MX05 or Tour X – the comparable symmetrical pearls in the TRACK line – without sacrificing the strong flip and heavy roll through the pins that I look for when transition hits.

On a higher friction THS, I am able to use the Heat on the fresh but normally wait for some transition/additional friction before pulling it out of the bag. I have chosen to remove the out-of-box polish finish and have replaced it with a machined 4000-grit finish.

I highly recommend this ball for any lane condition that has friction in the mid-lane and/or back end. You will absolutely love the way this ball rolls heavily through the pins and the predictability of the lane motion – even on higher friction. It is earlier and stronger rolling than both the MX05 and Tour X – so it will compliment those balls in your arsenal very well!

Dave Han
Track Advisory Staff
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Re: Heat
« Reply #25 on: January 15, 2016, 10:25:30 AM »

Length: 42ft

Volume:19.8 mL

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): USBC Blue


Likes: Heat (Box surface) – Pin above the bridge CG in the palm with x-hole on my PAP but in the finger quadrant.  (positive axis point) is 4 3/8 right 1/2 up
Pattern was Fresh USBC Blue pattern 42ft at an AMF (Bowlmor) bowling center
I don’t remember the first Heat that came out, I watch a few videos from the older telecast, and the shape and finish looks to hold true with this one as well.  I would say this ball is great for those fresh and or later in the day patterns that don’t have a huge amount of oil to dig into and enough friction at the end of the pattern and or if there is a lighter oil on the outside of the pattern the Heat really shows how strong it can be.  The layout didn’t have the weight hole at first I rolled it and the Heat was sharper then I wanted and putting a weight hole in the finger quadrant on my PAP (positive axis point) I was hoping I would not lose the shape as well as the hitting power from the stored energy.  The Heat didn’t lose any hitting power and or driving through the pins, the x-hole took that extra sharp motion out. And for me this is a shape I can read and know what the ball is going to do.  I have yet to leave a nine pin with it even on the higher flush shots which lets me know it is not finishing to strong but just right for me.  It is really hard to put this ball down when I am rolling with it, very smooth and excellent watching the ball through the pins.

« Last Edit: January 15, 2016, 10:27:27 AM by ronaldhjr »
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Re: Heat
« Reply #26 on: January 21, 2016, 01:33:42 PM »
Track Heat 2015

60x5.5x35 - Standard Layout

With my game, I normally don't have many balls that will have a sideways reaction on the backend. With that said, the newest version of the Heat gives me that. I never had a chance to throw the original, but I love this remake. For me it clears the head and doesn't pick up to early in the mids and has a strong back end movement.
Andy Cline
Best Bowling Pro Shop
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Re: Heat
« Reply #27 on: January 29, 2016, 10:54:15 AM »



Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS


Likes: Great for medium to light pattern. This is the smoothest ball in my arsenal right now. Could definitely be my benchmark ball. Even though it is smooth it still has strong continuation and i am seeing this with a lot of the Track bowling balls right now. If you were fan of the Heat before, U will not be disappointed with the new one.



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Re: Heat
« Reply #28 on: February 08, 2016, 01:26:31 PM »
Ball:       Heat
Layout:    60 x 4 x 60 – Pin in ring finger
Surface:    Box

Bowler specs

Rev Rate:   335 RPM
Ball Speed:   16 MPH
Pap:      6-1/32 – 1 UP

I drilled the HEAT for when the lanes break down and I have to start moving left.  This ball does not disappoint!  The pearlized cover gives me the extra length I am looking for when the lanes dry up and the carry is exceptional.  Another great piece from Track! 

Dan Paul


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« Reply #29 on: March 16, 2016, 09:11:40 PM »



Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):






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Re: Heat
« Reply #30 on: April 18, 2016, 11:59:06 PM »

Love this ball. Had 2 of the originals. Rolls great for me on the low end. It is a must have.  This ball rolls sweet for me. Must have ball.


Likes: Great remake of the Texas release. Excellent go to ball for a house shot. Very clean up front, easy length, hits hard.   

Dislikes: none