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Author Topic: Heat Blast  (Read 12653 times)


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Heat Blast
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available
Introducing the new Heat Blast. Designed for medium oil, the versatile Heat Blast features Track''s unique, Tri-Core technology wrapped up in a solid reactive coverstock. It boasts the highest flare in the Heat line, provides consistency in the midlane, and burn ''em up in the backend.

Drill Patterns
Magic 8  

Heat Blast Specs
Hook Rating 28-22  
Length 6.5  
Backend 7.5  
Core Technology Tri-core with bottom flip block  
Core Power N/A  
RG 2.50  
Differential 0.050  
Determinator Spin Time N/A  
Flare Potential 6  
Coverstock Power Plus Reactive  
Friction Rating N/A  
Finish Compound polish  
Polish Magic Shine  
Reaction Shape Strong Arc  
Lane Condition Medium  



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Re: Heat Blast
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2006, 10:01:02 AM »
Not so good for longer oil patterns.  Does kick off the dry quite a bit and still hits hard. Drilled it 3" pin @ 1:00 with cg in the palm.  Flares good and backends good.  Tried to play a 42' pattern with it and couldn't quite control it off the dry and definitely didn't move inside of 7.
Those of you that know me, MED-HIGH Speed, 45 deg. tilt, stroker, always play the dirt one way or another.  Yesterday it was 12 to 5 hitting 5 about 35' and it worked.  Tried 15 to 5-7 and couldn't get it around the corner.  15 to 10 forget it, 3-6 pocket all day.  Then tried 10-10 (straight up 2nd arrow) and tickled the head pin, but no action.  
The ball definitely needs dry boards and shorter oil patterns.
Overall B+


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Re: Heat Blast
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2006, 12:06:44 PM »
Right handed, 15lbs., pin = 2-3 above ring finger, top weight 2.7oz.

This ball needs to be used on drier lanes or short oil to give the ball a chance.

Rolled 289 on wood lanes 36ft oil in league on 2-17 in game 3 (first time out with this ball).  Was releasing ball at 25, out to 10-12, late break point and hitting hard.  Attempted to roll this ball in tournament over the weekend and could not get a good reaction in the heavier and longer oil.  I tried to swing it with no results, I tried straight up 8 and was finding the pocket but the ball was not hitting hard and would not carry.  If you are looking for a ball that will perform on dry and/or short oil this is a good choice.  This ball is a great additionto my bag with my other equipment (Paradigm, The One, and a spare ball).


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Re: Heat Blast
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2006, 01:03:09 AM »
Del Warren is Back! and So is the Track Advantage!

The New Heat Blast in simple terms is the best ball going for medium oil and typical league play lane conditions. The new core design lowers the RG's for a early mid-lane grab and then TON'S of back-end! The coverstock is the old "Power Plus Reactive" that we first saw on the Track Rev-Master. (without the Mica) The coverstock on the Heat Blast is very versatile and easy to adjust using Abralon Pads and Track Magic finishing products.

We have already put several of theses balls on the lanes and we have noticed that if you get a ball with "Low Top Wt." (Under 3oz), This ball will want to go really early and ROLL, ROLL, ROLL! If the Top Weight is 3+oz. or more, the ball pushes down the lane much better and explodes on the backend with more power and authority at the break point.

I have already drilled three of these balls for myself and have personally experienced the difference that the "Top Wt." can have on this balls personality. We suggest you keep this in mind when picking a Heat Blast for yourself. We have also learned that a simple label leverage drilling provides more than enought ball reaction for just about any style of bowler.
This ball is strong and does not need alot of help.

Please keep in mind that the strong your release is the tamer you will want to keep the drilling. The Heat Blast is our current ball of choice for league play and we highly recommend this ball to all bowlers.

For your bowling success


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Re: Heat Blast
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2006, 04:19:01 PM »
Track Heat Blast
Weight: 15#
Pin: 3"
Top Weight: 3.25 oz

60 X 4 1/2 X 40 Pin at 1 o'clock. No Weight Hole needed.

First Impressions:
In the beginning, this ball had about 55 feet of length and 5 feet of backend. This ball would NOT move at all. Had to move my feet about 5 boards right in order to find the pocket on a consistent basis.

Heavy Oil -- Unless you like watching a ball go 60 feet straight then I would suggest you hold off until the heads are medium fried because on a fresh shot even with fresh backends this ball has no pop what-so-ever!
Heavy Medium -- Even when the lanes are just at the point of changing this ball still doesn't check up from semi deep angles. I could play this one up the boards though and had decent recovery to the pocket. The only downside as with any other ball played direct is the number of 7 or 10 pins left depending on which hand you throw with.
Medium to Medium Dry (Best Condition): This is the best condition to use the Heat Blast on, it gets wonderful length and has quite a bit of pop on the backends, even when carrydown is present...
Dry to Toast -- The Heat Blast becomes very erratic for me on the dry to the point where if I tug, the ball goes high, if I put it out too far, it doesn't recover very well...

Reaction Shape:
The Heat Blast in my opinion has a very smooth arc to the pocket. It does NOT have the incredible snap like the original Heat or even the Desert Heat. The reaction is smooth yet continuous.  

If you are seeking a smooth arc or lack it from your arsenal, you can't go wrong with purchasing the Heat Blast. The layout we put on it was suppose to be very archy; however, the reaction is still tame for such clean backends and moderate carrydown conditions. I'm alright with it, although it is NOT my favorite. The Heat Blast is considered a true benchmark ball but I would highly recommend the Solution Power Plus EX over the Heat Blast. Finally, the upside of the Heat Blast is that it would suit a beginner bowler perfectly if he/she were looking for something above the Tornado/Scout beginner series!
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Brian Eger

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Re: Heat Blast
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2006, 05:41:03 PM »
Layout 5 x 3 1/2
Pin over ring finger, cg shifted from center of grip.
1/2 ounce finger and tw, 3/4 side.

Ball is a lot stronger than I expected.  I would have went with a weaker layout had I known. For my game the ball definitely needs some head oil.  On one of our oiler house shots in my area the ball worked great. Was able to move inside and really open the lane up.  Tremendous move at the break point with the usual hit from a Track product.  I'm sure with weaker layouts this would be a very versatile piece of equipment.  For me it's a arsenal ball on heavier conditions or when you need to move left of 3rd arrow.
Brian Eger
Track Amateur Staff
Brian Eger


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Re: Heat Blast
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2006, 04:33:32 PM »
Drilled 5 X 4 Pin Up 3”  X-Hole on Axis

Tweener with Average rev rate

Patterns used House Pattern and PBA Regional Pattern 1

The Heat Blast is a wonderful benchmark ball.  It is a ball that can easily give you a true read on different lane patterns.  This ball for me is good on medium to medium to dry lane conditions.  With the drill pattern I put on it the ball easily gets down the lane to a smooth and controlled breakpoint.  The surface is easily tweaked for your desired reaction but I left mine right out of the box.  Overall a good all around ball that can fit into anyone’s bag.

Dave Beres
Track Regional Staff


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Re: Heat Blast
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2006, 11:11:21 PM »
The Heat Blast is the answer to my problems. Bowl in a house that is typically wet dry and I have been having fits for most of the year was pretty good early in the night but struggled as I went on too much hook or not enough were my problems and i couldn`t beat them. Enter the Heat Blast first night out of the box I started left of where I normally play, to keep it in the oil a little longer 254 out of the gates. Here is where the problems usually arrive But I was able to move left and get into the oil more and still get good recovery something that I have struggled with all year overcame a few operator error weak tens and shot 229. The third game is usually the worst but alas I had a couple of bad breaks and chopped a spare for 202. With the one problem here the ball actually came too hard of the breakpoint. So to sum it up the Heat Blast is pretty clean through the front and packs some serious punch on the back. Definately another good ball by Track and a ball that would be a good addition to your arsenal.
Ray Lathrop
Track Advisory Staff
Raymond Lathrop
Better Bowling Concepts


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Re: Heat Blast
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2006, 11:19:36 PM »
Sorry all forgot to give the drilling details of the ball 4 1/2 by 3 1/2 with the pin 4 1/2 above the midline this put the pin about 2 1/2 inches above my ring finger The ball had a 5 inch pin, I put a small weight hole on the vertial axis line 2 inches below the midline.
Ray Lathrop
Track Advisory Staff
Raymond Lathrop
Better Bowling Concepts

BuddiesProShopcom - Bill

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Re: Heat Blast
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2006, 12:18:45 PM »
I drilled this ball up with the Pin 4 inches from my PAP and the CG 3 1/2 inches from my PAP (Positive Axis Point). I did not need a weight hole in this ball.

My positive axis is 4 3/4 up 3/8.

I tested this ball on our house shot and was able to play anywhere on the lane, without much problem. The ball reacted with a midlane arcing reaction. It was stronger than what I expected this ball to be.

I also tested this ball on a 30 foot sport pattern, and I felt that the ball was too strong to be effective on this type of pattern.

Overall, I would say this would be a great ball for bowlers looking for a strong arcing reaction. This ball was easy to read and make adjustments with.

Any questions, please email me at
"The Place All Bowlers Shop"
"The Place All Bowlers Shop"

Mike Meifert

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Re: Heat Blast
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2006, 09:06:23 PM »
Drilled 4x4 stacked above the fingers.
Used mainly on house patterns so far.
The Heat Blast is a great benchmark ball.  It is usually the first ball out of the bag for me.  It gives good push through the front and a very controllable arcing motion to the pocket.  It also hits very hard like all Track equipment does.  It works best on a medium to medium dry pattern.  Too much oil and it will squirt on you.  Overall a very good ball to give you a predictable reaction.
Mike Meifert
Track Regional Staff


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Re: Heat Blast
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2006, 01:04:05 PM »
Avg Speed(First Ball):15-18 mph
Avg Speed(Second Ball):19-22 mph
Type of Bowler: Tweener
Average: 185
Age: 23
Hand: Right

Ball: Track Heat Blast
Weight: 15LBS
Pin: 2.5"
Top Weight: 21/4


Expectations of the ball: Wanted a medium oil ball that would fill the GAP between my Triton Heat and Delta One.  One that is good for medium oil and has a decent amount of backend

Expectations met: Some what

Lineup: Ball fits between my Xception and Triton Heat

Likes: 1) Cool colors
              2) Overall reaction
              3) Strong finish into the pocket
              4) Triton Heats core with a Flip Block

Dislikes: 1) Ball was not as aggressive as I wanted it to be

Heavy oil: Haven't tried this ball on heavy oil, but judging the way that it works on other conditions I would not consider this a good candidate for heavy oil.  Ball would skid too much to finish strong
Rating: 3/10

Medium Heavy: Ball can be used on this shot if you are attempting to play straight up the boards.  Even though it works there is still better equipment to choose over the heat blast to fill this category. However on this note I did not attempt to adjust the coverstock.  Dulling the ball down may actually make this a pretty playable ball for this condition
Rating: 6-10

Medium: (Recommended Condition) In my opinion this is where the Heat Blast starts to shin.  Ball get a nice strong arching hook into the pocket and pins don't stand a chance
Rating: 10-10

Medium-Dry: Heat Blast actually is not a bad ball to play on this shot.  With the amount of backend this ball gets it actually plays swing shots fairly well.
Rating: 8-10

Dry Lanes: I haven't tried this ball on Dry lanes, however with a couple coats of delayed reaction or protrackion polish this ball maybe useable.  Would not recommend it being used on toasted shots though
Rating: 6-10

Overall At first I did not like this ball.  But once I figured it out my opinions on this ball did a complete 180.  This is a very versital ball. Great backend reaction + Strong Finish = Another great ball from Track

Overall Rating: 9-10
The question isn't why do I throw all Track, it's why don't you.

Arsenal includes:
Rule GP2, Rule Delta 1, Xception, Heat Blast, Freak A Zoid, Triton Heat,  Desert Heat


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Re: Heat Blast
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2006, 10:43:46 PM »
Well I am back with the awaited review on the Heat Blast!!!!  The heat blast is drilled 3 1/2" by 2 3/4, pin 3 1/2 above midline.  This ball has great length to it, a great ball to have when the lanes start to break down and you need to get through the heads and create length.  On the house shot I had to keep this ball pretty straight, untill the lanes started to break down then I could move left with it.  It is very clean in the fronts, but the ball doesnt start its pick up till further down the lane.  It has a great arcing motion in the back.  I must say to if you are a bowler that likes colour then this ball you are going to want.  For the tourney bowlers that need that extra length that they cant get out of there Artillery or Xception 5.0, get this ball in your bag....  I find this ball to be very good on the broken down lanes aswell as the short patterns that you run into at some tourneys.  Looking for that ball that reads late on the lane, look no further than the Heat Blast.  This ball is a great fit between the Artillery and the Heat.  I am out of here for now keep on reading more reviews to come....  Lata from Canada!!!

Jason Dee
Track International Amateur Staff

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Heat Blast
« Reply #13 on: July 05, 2006, 12:42:47 AM »
I just realized I never posted a review of this ball.

Ball: 4x4 layout pin next to my ring finger....identical layout to my Blue Heat.

I have used the Blast on many different shots. I have not found it UNPLAYABLE on anything yet.

Line: I have played all over the lane with this ball already, and it is awesome from any area I want to play it at. I have to say that the straighter you can play this ball the most you are taking advantage of what it will offer up.

The Heat Blast reads the midlanes very well and is strong on the backend. It is not as strong as a ball like the Artillery in the backend....when the Artillery stats moving too much in the backend the Blast is the perfect ball to switch to. The Blast is a strong arcing ball.

It is very strong at the pin deck. It drives through the pocket keeping the pins very low.

It is the benchmark ball in Track's line right now. It reads the lanes nicely throughout the pattern. Similiar to how my Slash was, just a bit stronger overall. The factory finish on the Blast keeps it in play longer because it does not roll up too soon. Perfect for reading a pattern.

Overall Comments:
The Heat Blast is the little brother of the Blue Heat. If you liked the Blue Heat but need something not quite as aggressive the Blast is the ball to get. Extremely readable....consistant....and reliable. The Blast is a ball that every bowler should have a use for, SOME may have to adjust the cover depending on their style. It is a very nice addition to the will not be disappointed.
C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio

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Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Re: Heat Blast
« Reply #14 on: August 05, 2006, 02:54:14 PM »
Well Track fans I have to say yesterday I had the mean machine, equation and heat blast all drilled up. Mean Machine & Equation was awesome but I didn't feel like there was enough oil on the med/lite house shot to give either one a real test so I really took a look at the Heat Blast. I have drilled up "mid priced" balls from other companies before and they have performed adequate, but I was no where near that with the Heat Blast! Drilled pin next to ring finger at 5:0clock "drill pattern two" 3 3/8 X 5 15lbs, no balance hole needed. The drill sheet says "highest flare potential, med to strong skid front part of lane and big back end reaction." WoW   ::shock:: is all I can say! The ball seemed to glide down the alley, then it was like it hit third gear, the move to the pocket was like those funny cars taking off, smack! Pins are low and flying everywhere. What amazing carry ( for a mid-priced ball?!) unbelievable! What a great matchup of core and coverstock and the ball is beautiful too. ::happy:: You can tell it's going to be easy to mantain since the pearl finish doesn't soak up to much oil. It is also very forgiving, tug inside it rides the oil to the pocket, outside it comes back! Thankyou Track is all I can say! ::