I almost forgot to post a review on this ball, but I finally have the time to post my thoughts on this ball.
Track Heat Blast
Weight: 15 lbs.
Pin: 2"
Layout: 5" pin under the bridge, CG stable in midgrip
Surface: OOB
Lane Conditions: Various
I heard and have seen reviews on the Heat Blast, and for the most part, I heard that it was a smooth, arcing ball. I also heard remarks that this ball was similar to the Slash in length and backend reaction. All of what everyone has said is true....this ball is SMOOTH!
On heavy shots: This ball is not made for the heavier of conditions out there. The core and coverstock combo isn't really conducive to the heavier shot. If I were to play the Blast on this kind of shot, it would have to be direct and up the boards and with a reduction in speed(I already throw it slow as it is....). My grade on this is a C-.
On medium shots: The Blast works well on the mediums and the drier side of mediums. It reads smooth and clean through the heads and has a nice turn to the pocket. By no means does this ball jump or flip strong off the dry, but it is consistently strong in its arc on the backend. This is a great ball for reading the lanes for me, and it gets a strong A+ b/c the Blast is made for this shot.
On Carrydown: This piece works OK on carrydown, but not great. If there is too much carrydown, it will slide for me. If there is moderate to light carrydown, it will cut through it and not slide. For me, it is so-so and really depends on how much is out there on how it will react for me. My grade for this a B-.
On drier conditions: The Blast would have to find some oil for it to work for me. The coverstock is too strong for drier than medium-dry, and is tricky to control if wet/dry happens out there. My grade is a D-.
Compared with my Arsenal Artillery:
The Artillery gives good length next to the Blast, but is almost skid/flip like in reaction for me. The Blast rolls a little sooner and doesn't comeback as strong b/c of the coverstock and layout of the Artillery that I have.
Compared with my Rule Delta 1:
The Delta 1 rolls much earlier and it's backend shape is more stronger arc than the Blast. The solid Goo LS makes a world of difference here, and with the early roll layout I have on it and surface it is at, it is my strongest piece in my bag.
Compared with my Solution PP EX:
My Solution PP EX goes longer(at least 1 ft. longer in the midlane) and flips strongly on the backend compared with the Blast. These two compliment each other well for me, and give me options in terms what to do when the lanes transition.
Overall: The Heat Blast is a fantastic ball for overall smoothness, readability and legendary TRACK hit. For me, it fits in my bag for when conditions start to dry up some, but still have some oil out there. Also, it helps me to see what kind of condition is out on the lanes. I highly recommend this ball to all bowlers who want to try a smooth reacting ball that will give a nice backend reaction with a reasonable price tag. A+ work from the guys and gals at TRACK International!!!
What are you waiting for?

Take the FastTRACK to victory with Track bowling balls....no doubt the fastest, most hardhitting speedsters on the road!
Track....you just can't beat that!
Name: Michael Bradford
Nickname: "The Rookie"
Ball Reaction: "99% Ball, 1% Bradford" - Evolution Tag Team Member #3 Dain Stewart, "The Beast"
"98% Ball, 2% Bradford"- Evolution Tag Team Member #1 "The Franchise" Michael Price after witnessing "The Rookie" shoot 650 on May 28th, 2006 with his Rule Delta 1

"95% Ball, 5% Bradford"- Evolution Tag Team Member #5 "ThaGin" Willie Turner after seeing "The Rookie" get the front 10 for 286 on 6/25/2006 with the Arsenal Artillery
Evolution Tag Team Member #2 since 1/06