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Author Topic: Hx16  (Read 10874 times)


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« on: January 09, 2015, 02:02:05 PM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00 has the largest selection of bowling balls
Click here to shop.

- Color: Orange/Gold Pearl/Blue All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
- Coverstock: DR-8 Hybrid
- Core: i-Core (dual density) - Asymmetrical
- Factory Finish: 500/1000 Abralon with Factory Finish Polish
- Reaction: Aggressive
- Recommended Lane Condition: Med-Heavy Oil
- RG: 2.49**
- Differential: .053**
- ** RG and Diff are based off of 15 lb. balls
- A few tiny pit holes in the cover stock of the ball are normal



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Re: Hx16
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2015, 12:23:27 PM »

Length: 40 and 42ft

Volume: medium

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS, and Broken down THS


Likes: Length and angularity.

It didn't surprise me that the ball got down the lane. It is an HX ball so that was never going to be a problem. I was surprised by the sharp back end this ball has. This ball is going to be great (for me) when lanes break down but I need something that make the corner from inside. I was able to throw this ball on a Fresh THS and worked great for about a half of game and then I had to open up angle and the amount I had to open up was way too much for Fresh THS. (I am a High speed High rev player) So I went down in ball. When I threw this on a broken down THS that a bunch of carry down (It has been a very long time since I have seen that much carry down) it didn't start early and when it got to the end of the lane it still had enough in the tank to make the corner.

Dislikes: Nothing really as this does fill the gap I have of a shinny ball that I can play deep with on a broken down shot.

Member Number: 1211-42947
Twitter: @Redman18
Check my stats (Via Bowler I.D.):
Rev Rate: 496
Ball Speed: 19.47
Tilt (degrees): 10.82
Rotation (degrees) 54.93


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Re: Hx16
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2015, 11:38:45 PM »

Length: House pattern and 2009 EBT 46ft pattern

Hx16 drilled 60 x 4 ¼ x 20 pap used 3 over and 5/8 up (I am right handed)
I have been able to use the Hx16 on several patterns as well as add surface to the ball.  I will say at first I didn’t love the reaction almost look like the ball wobbled down the lane a little could be color this is a different color profile (pretty though).  On the house shot (out of box) I was able to stand 22 and look at 10 at the arrows I could miss in a little as well as miss right and the ball didn’t lose finish or recovery.  The hybrid cover out of box didn’t give me that big hooking motion.  So playing straighter as well as moving a little deep works best for me with this layout and ball.

On 2009 EBT 02 46ft pattern I played around with the surface using the ball spinner.  The grit used 180/500/1000 the roll was strong but not as soon as I laid it down strong the ball got down the lane and you could see it pick up but not dive left.  The reaction was very readable and predictable, I am impressed with the way it rolls once surface was added.

Track Amateur Staff


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Re: Hx16
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2015, 08:07:24 AM »
Ball:       Hx16
Layout:    65 x 5 x 40 – Pin above ring finger
Surface:    2000 Abralon

Bowler specs

Rev Rate:   335 RPM
Ball Speed:   16 MPH
Pap:      6-1/32 – 1 UP

I drilled this ball as my pin up dull for the first ball out of the bag on the fresh condition.  With the dull surface there needs to be oil but when there is enough oil this ball really performs well.  This one gives me the extra length on the fresh I am looking for, and will be my benchmark ball for the remainder of the season.   Thanks Track!

Dan Paul
Track Amateur Staff


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Re: Hx16
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2015, 11:53:12 AM »

Personal Stats:  280 rpms/17.5 mph (avg)--  Stroker-rt hand
                        Drill: 65 x 5 x 35  with a P4 hole

                        PAP: 5/1/16 x 5/16 up

Length: 41 ft THS; 39 ft Viper

Volume:23 ml; 24ml

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):


Likes: Great transition ball

Dislikes: none

I tried this ball on a 41 ft THS (on both, Pro Anvilane & HPL 9000),  and on the PBA Viper pattern (Pro Anvilane only).   This ball was a little squirty on the fresh Viper pattern but worked well on the fresh THS on both lane surfaces. However, I was looking for a ball that would be more of a transition piece and indeed, it did not disappoint. I drilled this ball for just such a purpose. The combination of the core, coverstock, and drilling pattern allowed me to open up my angles on both patterns once the shot started to go away, something I usually struggle with. This ball was
very clean through the mids and very angular off the breakpoint. This is a ball that
I could comfortably feed to the right and get very good recovery and excellent carry on both patterns. I also had decent shim on THS, but no so on the Viper. This is a ball that will turn left before it puts on the blinkers.

For me this is a ball that shouts,
"If you're gonna miss with me, miss me right". Although this ball was designed for
higher rev players, it works very well for a player with my stats who is looking for
a ball to handle transitions and who has a difficult time opening up the pattern
to the right. Nothing loosens an armswing more than when I can get the ball to recover from angles where recovery is usually difficult or next to impossible. 

Thanks Track!



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Re: Hx16
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2015, 10:26:32 PM »

Length:  39 Foot

Volume:  Medium

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):  THS


Likes:  Easy length with an angular breakpoint. This ball has very little problem getting down the lane.  The HX16 has great control in the midlane, and doesn't struggle with the transition downlane.  The shape at the breakpoint lets you move left, into the oil, and still keep the energy needed to carry out the corners. 

Dislikes:  The HX16 is a very versatile ball. It is hard to find something I don't like about the HX16.  Too much oil can cause the ball to fade on the backs and too much dry can cause the ball to roll up too soon. As long as you know that the HX16 is great on medium oil conditions, you will not be disappointed.



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Re: Hx16
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2015, 11:16:11 AM »

Length: 42ft


Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS


Likes:Very strong on the backend. Nice length and the colors look good.

Dislikes:Had to adjust the cover alittle to smooth out the reaction of the Hx16.



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Re: Hx16
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2015, 09:35:45 PM »
If I Could Only Choose 1 Ball For Everything...

The Track HX16 is a thing of beauty to behold through the pins. It is an awesome combination of strength and length. The hybrid coverstock comes polished but also responds well with surface changes. The coverstock itself is not particularly strong…but that’s the beauty of this ball! Because of that, it is very clean through the front of the lane and through the mid-lane. That’s where the strong core takes over and creates and incredible roll THROUGH the pins. With surface, I have had success on very long patterns – and with polish, creating a great skid/flip motion on house patterns and not responding too quickly to friction on medium length patterns.

If I could only pick one ball from the current Track line to be able to throw on ALL pattern lengths and volumes – I think it would be the HX16. This is a really good ball!!!

Dave Han
Track Advisory Staff
Vise Regional Staff



« Last Edit: September 28, 2015, 09:38:06 PM by davkarsports »