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Author Topic: Kinetic Pearl  (Read 8984 times)


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Kinetic Pearl
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available
# Core: "Shuttle"
# Core Type: Asymmetrical
# Color: Purple/Black All colors and appearance do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
# RG: 2.46 Adjusted from 2.48
# Differential: 0.044 Adjusted from 0.040
# Intermediate Diff: 0.008 0.006
# Veneer: "UMP Gen 2" - Reactive Pearl
# Surface: 2000 Abralon Polished
# Recommended Lane Condition: Medium To Heavy



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Re: Kinetic Pearl
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2008, 11:39:36 AM »
If you're looking for a ball to get down the lane and turn the corner hard, look no further! The perfect compliment to the Tantrum! When I tested the KP and the Tantrum, I had a little more recovery room with the KP over the Tantrum. When the Tantrum is not enough then you can go to the KP. With these two you'll be able to stay lined up longer without the big move left(for righties). The one I tested had the #1 layout, pin above fingers and mb 2" right of thumb. You could send it right and have confidence that the ball would make it back and still have enough to kick the corners out! Just my $.02, Bruce
"Train a child up in the way he should go and when he is old he will "BOWL TO WIN" and not turn from it."
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Re: Kinetic Pearl
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2008, 01:28:15 AM »
This Kinetic Pearl is a piece of art...

I drilled the whole kinetic line the same way..
Pin to Val: 4 1/2
MB to Val: 2 1/2
Pin to Pap: 5 1/2
Pap: 5 7/8> 7/8^

Let me tell you with the original Kinetic it's so versitale, on the right conditions you can open the whole backend up as if the ball was the width of the lane, but when the Kinetic Energy came out you talking about a ball that was a lil earlier, but atleast 5 boards in the backend. How could you miss with that? I mean this ball got through the heads good and you had nothing but raw power on the backend anyone was sending pins flying as if they didnt have any weight to them. Along came the Kinetic Pearl to me this ball get's you down the lane with ease, and you talking about a ball that turns the corner this is what you mean, you have almost the same amount of length if not more than the original Kinetic, and the backend of the Energy this is what we call the 1,2 knockout punch you need to have the whole series you cant go wrong with nothing Track makes get them now...

Howard Ball Jr.
Track Amateur Staff
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Re: Kinetic Pearl
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2008, 09:34:43 AM »
Hi all, Just wanted to let you know I've drilled a couple of these Kinetic Balls and I didn't think I'd find anything better than the original Kinetic. I was wrong, the Kinetic Pearl may be my biggest weapon. It is versatile and can be used at every angle on the lanes. Anyone who is doubting Track should think again. I honestly believe that they have the BEST mid to upper mid range Equipment on the market. Kinetic Pearl and Tantrum are a great traditional one two punch.



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Re: Kinetic Pearl
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2008, 09:19:58 PM »
Layout 1 4.5 x 4 2.5" (pin down) buffer x-hole on PAP (1000grit then cleaned with energizer polish... acts like a light polish)

     Ball gets through the heads with ease and reacts very smoothly on the back end.  The KP acts like a pearl and in the heads and a solid in the back (with my surface prep).  Ball can be used on everything but the extremes.  

Length 6
Angularity 5

Layout 2 6 x 5 2" buffer (pin up) no hole box finish (2000grit with polish)

     Ball gets through the heads with ease but reads the mid-lane 2-5 feet later than KP 1.  This KP is noticeably more angular than the first without being jumpy.  I find that this ball carries a little better than KP1 on drier conditions when I'm forced inside the 4th or 5th arrow.  

Length 7
Angularity 7

Overall - This is one of the best pieces I have thrown in a long time, its may be up there with the V2, Inferno, and the fired up.  I'm confident that this is one of the best pieces on the market at the moment.

I haven't written reviews in a while so if theirs anything else you would like to know feel free to pm me.


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Re: Kinetic Pearl
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2009, 02:54:30 PM »
I contacted Track with a description of my game: 13-14 mph, medium revs, along with my desire to make sure that the ball wouldn't read the lane too early with such a low ball speed.  They suggested this ball and I am very happy with it.

The ball was drilled for middle-of-the-road reaction.  I haven't bowled in any league conditions yet, but the ball does what I need it to do- go down the lane 2/3 to 3/4 of the way and turn.  If my favorite line, straight up 10 gets burned up I can usually find some other line that works.

If you are tired of having your ball read too early and having it run out of juice after a mid-lane read, you owe it to yourself to give this one a try.  With very little practice, and on a variety of lane conditions I have improved my average by 20 pins.

Thanks Track!


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Re: Kinetic Pearl
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2009, 11:19:15 PM »
This ball is drilled the only way that track recommends you drill it. I used this ball on Medium house shot. If you want skid snap this is your ball. I can play anywhere i want with this ball. It just crushes the pins. This ball for me is three times better than the original kinetic. If you want a medium light house shot ball this is it. Great Job Track

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Re: Kinetic Pearl
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2010, 01:49:42 AM »
I bought this ball today i love it. I'm only been bowling for 6 months and I'm a big track fan. This ball has crazy length, just when u think is not coming back it makes a hard turn to the pocket. my current avg. is 176 tonight i had 196 avg on a house shot and 8 games. Cant wait to see what it will do on a league shot. Standing 37 boards from the right throwing 15.

Track Rising
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Track Kinetic Pearl
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