This Kinetic Pearl is a piece of art...
I drilled the whole kinetic line the same way..
Pin to Val: 4 1/2
MB to Val: 2 1/2
Pin to Pap: 5 1/2
Pap: 5 7/8> 7/8^
Let me tell you with the original Kinetic it's so versitale, on the right conditions you can open the whole backend up as if the ball was the width of the lane, but when the Kinetic Energy came out you talking about a ball that was a lil earlier, but atleast 5 boards in the backend. How could you miss with that? I mean this ball got through the heads good and you had nothing but raw power on the backend anyone was sending pins flying as if they didnt have any weight to them. Along came the Kinetic Pearl to me this ball get's you down the lane with ease, and you talking about a ball that turns the corner this is what you mean, you have almost the same amount of length if not more than the original Kinetic, and the backend of the Energy this is what we call the 1,2 knockout punch you need to have the whole series you cant go wrong with nothing Track makes get them now...
Howard Ball Jr.
Track Amateur Staff
Vise Amateur Staff