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Author Topic: Machine  (Read 16891 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Featuring the most innovative asymmetrical core design today, Track is excited to announce the Machine, which is specifically designed to produce the strongest midlane/backend combination in the history of Track innovations. The unique biaxial, u-shaped flip block arms have been modified to a .025 Mass Bias which dynamically is the strongest core ever introduced in the Track line. Wrapped around the Machine is the potent Fang LSâ„¢ coverstock with a compound finish.

Machine Specs
Hook Rating 42-34  
Length 4.8  
Backend 9.7  
Core Technology Robo core  
Core Power N/A  
RG 2.52  
Differential 0.052  
Determinator Spin Time 5.4  
Flare Potential 7  
Coverstock Fang LS  
Friction Rating N/A  
Finish Compound-polish  
Polish Magic Shine  
Reaction Shape Strong Arc  
Lane Condition Medium



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Re: Machine
« Reply #16 on: June 10, 2006, 03:19:47 PM »
I recently purchased a Track 16lb Machine. Drilled pin at 2clock next to ring finger, cg kicked out 3inches right of thumb with balance hole. So far this year I have drilled up - Total annialation, big time, epic & epic battle, rsp, 2 trifectas, rule gp2, columbia professional,monster slayer and a couple others I can't even remember at this moment. My first real event with my new Machine was a very competitive Trios league, high average in this league is 241, I was stiff & sore from rolling a 3 day tournament and a couple of practice games with my new Machine earlier. So I wasn't really throwing very good at all. First game I'm standing on third dot throwing down first arrow and I am seeing the most amazing pin action of any ball I have ever thrown, twice I took out the three pin with messengers from behind, end up with a 238 game & a 229 average for the four games that night! This ball goes wide it comes back to the pocket, inside it rides the heavy oil and makes a hard left. Pins fly everywhere and that great sound like waves crashing on the rocks happens and there is just nothing left standing. Never since my faball black hammer has any ball taken over top spot in my arsenal in one nite. This ball is a winner, if you don't have one - get one! It has jumped my average 25 pins in the last 4 weeks. the ball is easy to control, handles heavy/med to lite oil and hits like a monster! And does not seem to need a lot of maintanence. And by the way the pictures do not do it justice, it really is a lighter green pearl look than the pictures of it. This ball will go down as one of all the time best ever made.

El Capitán

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Re: Machine
« Reply #17 on: July 02, 2006, 05:52:35 AM »
Drilled 4 X 2 1/2 to PAP, 3 inch Pin to CG. But that's the boring stuff.

I won mine on the Track Ball-A-Day Giveaway, and I am very fortunate to have won this jewel. Works well for medium oily to medium/sort-of-broken-down shots. I found it hard to get turn on a lot of carrydown.

Things I like::
  • It's continuation through the pocket is flat out amazing.

  • It rolls so strong all the way down the lane through each shot, thus the amazing carry and, like I said, amazing conituation.

  • It was free.

If you have an opprotunity to pick this ball from Track, or have about $200 to find a new ball, this would be a very good choice. I am not loyal to any particular brand, but I found a seriously amazing ball from Track. I have heard many many good things about this bowling ball, and as of the first week, they are all true.

I see myself succeeding with this ball, and I hope my vision is true.


The Striking King.
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Re: Machine
« Reply #18 on: July 03, 2006, 03:54:25 PM »
Del Warren and his crew have already started to stir up some "on the lanes" excitement for the coming bowling season.

The Track Machine was introduced late last season as a "bench Mark" ball for the 2006-2007 bowling season, featuring a Fang LS coverstock wrapped around Track's tried-and-true "Robo Core". This core gives Del and his engineers a lot of future core dynamic options with density changes. Match this with different coverstocks for future introductions in this series, and you have a potent combination.

Our balls were drilled with the pin above the ring finger and 4-1/2" from the PAP with the a slight kick on the Mass Bias' to control the backends.

The Machine in itself is very friendly and readily adaptable to a large range of lane conditions threw sanding and polishing. This ball is designed for predominantly medium oil lane conditions, putting this ball right where most of us live.

We found the Machine to be very "happy" with typical league play lane conditions. As the lanes changed, it was easy to keep this ball in play just by moving inside and following the oil line. As we moved deeper, we were still able to retained great hit and carry at the pocket. This ball just flat out "Crushes" the pins. The Machines reaction was very smooth and controlled for both our High Rev tester and our Tweener testers. Keep in mind that the "Fang-LS" coverstock on this ball is matched up better with medium volumes of oil.

When we moved to a pair of lanes that had a lot of open play during the day, we found that the "out of the box" finish started bleeding too much energy in the mid-lane and lost some of its hit at the pins.

When we moved to a pair of lanes that had a heavier volume of oil, the coverstock didn't give us enough bite in the mid-lane. Our High Rev tester faired much better on this condition than did our Tweener testers.

Overall, we love this ball! The Machine will fit the middle for most bowlers arsenals without much adjustment. Don't be hesitant with coverstock adjustments to get the look you want.

We highly recommend this ball to all bowlers. If you want to be on the "Cutting Edge" of technology this season you'll need to keep your eyes on Track..........



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Re: Machine
« Reply #19 on: November 06, 2006, 09:08:05 PM »


 ok that is the layout of my machine..
     to start out this ball is sweet it is a very strong ball. i wanted my machine to get more length and snap hard in the backends, and i got it. this ball is great goes down smoothly and makes a beautiful arc to the pocket. the house i bowl in has a league before me and so all the oil is pushed in the back, and the machine still hooks it's great. except that i find myself leaving a lot of solid 10 pins. so i talked to my pro shop guy Steve Harms and he told me to throw it faster or use sand to a 1000 grit. well the next week i tried throwing it faster but still left a lot of solid pocket 10 pins, so sometime i'll try to sand it, but this is a great ball. i'm just having a hard time with it finishing well.



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Re: Machine
« Reply #20 on: August 02, 2007, 11:26:12 PM »
i think I owe track this review. I got my machine off ebay for 10 bucks. I thought i was getting a mean machine and when the ball got to me needless to say i was upset . Didnt even think i was going to drill it,but i did.
   Its drilled with the pin 4in. from pap which placed it right of my ring finger and up about an inch. I was looking for strong midlane with retention for the backend. I got just that.
   This ball not only didn't disappoint me it made track seem like the best ball out. this ball is really really good. Carry ,hit and recovery are outstanding on med to med light conditions where there is dry. This ball might skid 50 ft. but when it finds dry its,"home james",to the 1 3. I love watching this balls move to the pocket .I just got a secret agent and oob on both balls its stronger than my secret agent by about 4 boards. This ball takes out the corners because of its finishing potential ,it just doesn't stop coming. Track is ok with me I think i am going to have to buy the rising cant wait till it comes out. If it performs as well as the machine on heavier oil look out cause the machine handles everything else.

my style, the art of bowling without bowling


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Re: Machine
« Reply #21 on: September 29, 2007, 09:16:54 PM »
Folks, this is one heckuva ball!! Drilled 4 1/2 x 4, pin above and a little to the left of ring finger, MB about 2 inches right of thumb, X Hole on the VAL. This ball has surpassed the Freak and Synergy Pearl as my all time fav Track ball. You can throw this ball on any condition except for the extremes. Very, very strong yet very versatile. Strong continuation thru the pins and that great Track HIT. This ball seems to work best with the OOB finish.


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Re: Machine
« Reply #22 on: January 06, 2008, 08:04:19 AM »

med revs


..O..O.P (half upwards of the fingerline)

Coverstock preperation: 800grit slightly polished approx 1000grit "shiny"

Condition played on:
A: longer THS with broader Oil
B: shorter THS with out of bounds

Condition A:

On this med THS even with its broader oiling and fast breaking down lanes the ball shines!
I can play the ball almost 6 games on a 2vs2 set on two lanes (12 games per lane) when my Solid reactive starts to burn up after game 3-4!

The ball goes easy through the heads reavving up slightly on the midlane with a big pop on the backend... not really flip but very strong

Carry is difficult to explain. Missed shots often are carried but mos times a single pin stands. Forgivness is there but not as much as I am used from my other two balls but that is just on the perfect condition and I cannot play those the whole set of games! So the Machine is forgiving in respect to the time you can play it!

I give the ball a 9/10 on this condition
- for its power in the pins and it long time I can play it plus the still good carry on light hits. Hits through the nose means splits 4-6 with either 7 or 10... but what ball carry's noseshots regularly?

Condition B:

more oiled THS but shorter with OOB on the first five boards
Not breaking down as fast as condition A but slick oil!

I as forced to play real deep and tighter or the ball would either hook off through the nose or be stuck out there on the outter boards and not make it back

Either weak hits from that angle - bad carry of the cornerpins
 or nosehit with the above mentioned 4-6-7(or 10) split.

Hit'n'Carry still is good! The ball seemed not to burn up but jump off the dry like crazy. Adjustments are important and need to be done fast and be brave! - the ball won't let you downe even when played weaker it will do the work.

I give the Machine a 6/10 (personal) on shorter patterns no matter how much oil there is cause with this drilling it will jump of the dry or hook too early and forces me to play very accurate.

People with a good game will do better than I did! I was able to get some good pockets but any misstake and the ball is not carrying.

Overall/ Sumup:

Med oil... even if longer and the ball is a Monster!
It does not mind about carrydown.
Carry is good.
Forgiveness is also good to very good
- IF the condition is right... anything else and you will be in trouble!

From my view this ball is for the advertisem med-oil conditions.

Adjustment of the coverstock to ~1000grit made the ball a good 3-5 boards stronger than OOB and I guess with the OOB it might be better on shorter patterns yet I wanted the ball to work on longer med patterns with fast breaking down and carry down.
-> and that is when the ball shines!

Hope I gave you a good picture of this ball though I guess I got one of the last ones out there...
"Have fun and bowl well!" - Grayson
"Some things are made so even idiots won't fail using them.... But I aks what about the genius?" - Grayson


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Re: Machine
« Reply #23 on: April 28, 2008, 09:26:58 PM »
I, like one of the posters below made the same mistake.  I bid on Ebay for what I thought was a new Mean Machine.  After I won the bidding and I took a closer look I realized that I bought the Machine. Wasn't much I could do about it so I had the ball drilled with the pin about 3 inches above my ring finger.  My pro shop guy said he drilled it for being a true skid/flip ball.  I didn't know what to expect but what I got was exactly what I was looking for.  Long and straight with a turn and slam back end.  WOW!! This ball is terrific.  I used it on THS in a four game tourney and did not change where I stood all four games. I threw the same line and ended up with a 283, 203, 265, & 267.  Now if I can find a NIB 15# Power Machine to compliment it that would be great. This is my first Track and it's too bad it took me this long to find a ball like this.  Anyone know where I can get a NIB #15 PM please let me know.


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Re: Machine
« Reply #24 on: May 07, 2008, 09:45:20 PM »
*This review is for a TRACK STRIKE MACHINE, not an original Machine.*

Layout - 4 1/2" pin by 4" MB
Layout Pic -

Stats are as follows:
PAP - 5 3/8 OVER
Speed - About 15mph-16mph
Revs - Lower-Medium, can go on a higher Medium rev rate if necessary.

Reaction Wanted: Out of this ball, I didn't know EXACTLY what to expect. I wanted a long and strong skid/flip out of the ball basically. I figured since it's a pearl with a strong rolling core, if I drill it with a long Pin-PAP distance, it would go long and strong.
Reaction Recieved: Out of the box, this ball was dead straight. I really don't know why, but it was. The first night I threw it, the first and second game, the ball was an arrow.. I then proceeded throwing it, and, wow, it sure came to life. It was a huge difference! Although it was not the reaction I intended on getting, the ball is still a big hooker. It revs up pretty good in the mids, and unloads a nice skid/arc type reaction. The ball doesn't cover many boards, though. It may just be me, but it really doesn't hook all too much. It slides a real lot in the oil, and needs a good amount of dry, and dry backends to hook its' true potential.
Coverstock: Like all COLUMBIA MADE Track balls, the cover on this ball is perfect. I have about 40-50 games on this piece, and not ONE sign close of ball death.
Overall: I figure this ball will be better for shorter oil patterns that you want to get a big hook out of. On a little longer patterns, or fresher THS, you'll be able to give it just a little swing unless you have some better hand than I do (very possible). When the lanes get used up a bit, just forget it, Strike Machine is too over/under.

Thanks for reading my review! If you have any questions, just LMK in a PM or something.
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Re: Machine
« Reply #25 on: June 19, 2008, 05:41:08 PM »
UPDATE of my previous review:

I have the Machine now for half a year and changed the surface and tried around and I found the ball to work best with a 1000grit basis and slightly polish.

with 1000grit the ball was good in the first game on our heavier, broader THS but tneds to burn up a bit later.

the polish helped a lot... it still is strong but it pushes down the lane better and regains more energy for the pins and this way is ideal for the local house I bowl.

as I stated the ball is very versatile in regards to how long and where I can play it and best at 1000grit polished.

Also I want to add

Condition C

New house... strong backends and a typical THS... with a very strong "WALL"
Well..... I can play the ball there... it works... but I have to go deep and it will not recover like a pearl there... so I tend more towards my weaker and more backend hooking pearl.
The Machine is working... but not the best choice.
7-8/10 on this condition for the simple reason that it is not forgicing as much as a Pearl reactive or a Solid which imho would be better.
Particles need oil... and this house simply has too dry outsides

old Overall/ Sumup:

Med oil... even if longer and the ball is a Monster!
It does not mind about carrydown.
Carry is good.
Forgiveness is also good to very good
- IF the condition is right and you know how to adjust... anything else and you will be in trouble! The ball.... from my experience... does not like short and light oil... and it is not built for this! So no problem!

From my view this ball is for the advertised med-oil conditions.

Adjustment of the coverstock to ~1000grit made the ball a good 3-5 boards stronger than OOB and I guess with the OOB it might be better on shorter patterns yet I wanted the ball to work on longer med patterns with fast breaking down and carry down.
-> and that is when the ball shines!
but it needed a bit of polish to get back on the backend

.... and nothing else
Sebastian Koch
"Have fun and bowl well!" - Grayson
"Some things are made so even idiots won''t fail using them.... But I ask what about the genius?" - Grayson


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Re: Machine
« Reply #26 on: December 27, 2008, 05:35:31 PM »
I found that the ball is more versatile on a 2000grit abralon basis!

works like a charm!
Sebastian Koch
"Have fun and bowl well!" - Grayson
"Some things are made so even idiots won''t fail using them.... But I ask what about the genius?" - Grayson


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Re: Machine
« Reply #27 on: June 07, 2009, 03:24:52 PM »
This ball works like a charm for me. After around 2 years+, this ball still works fine. When my  other balls have problem with carry down this ball will shine on a broken down lane and heavier oil. It has the characteristic of late roll (Pin Over Bridge 4 inch to PAP about 45 degree) and big hook on the back. On the drier lane, this ball can still manage a good carry but I wouldn't recommend it.

This is my saviour ball when my other balls just couldn't match up with the lane. I mostly use it OOB, but I will try to bring it down to maybe 2000grit just like other people say in this review. I will let you guys know how it works for me here.

Oh, I found that this ball works well on synthetic lane. On the old wood lane even in heavier oil, this ball just couldn't shine as much as on the synthetic lane.

When my Black widow and The One (original) died, this ball still roll like a bad boy. Great ball, medium versetality and awesome durability.
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