The new Mako Attack is a great compliment to the Mako. I was surprised with how strong this ball was. I was not expecting it to be as strong as it is. As far as hook potential goes, it is very close to the Mako. However, it is a lot cleaner and a lot more angle down lane. This ball can really open up the lane for you. I have had issues with Assym pearls in the past with getting them to see the lane properly and go thru the pins properly. This one so far I have not had that issue yet. I have mine drilled 45x4.25x45 with no hole. The colors look great on the ball as well.
On flatter sport patterns, I am not sure this will be your first option, its not for me, but as the lanes open up this is when this ball will shine. On your typical house patterns, don't be afraid to stand left and throw it right. The ball will get back. I haven't seen this ball just flat out skid too far yet. Seems to really create the correct angle to carry pretty well for me.