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Author Topic: Paradox  (Read 29098 times)


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« on: July 10, 2015, 11:46:47 AM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00 has the largest selection of bowling balls
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Description:  The Track Paradox is aggressive in the front part of the lane, the mid-lane, and the backend on heavy oil conditions making this bowling ball a truly unexplainable paradox.  This ball uses the i-Core 2.0 to create a big flare potential and the QR-9 Hybrid coverstock helps create major pin action by responding to lane friction quickly.


- Color: Blue/Blue Pearl/Light Blue  (Colors may vary from picture shown)
- Reaction: Strong Continuous Hook
- Coverstock: QR-9 Hybrid
- Factory Finish: 500/2000 Abralon
- Core: i-Core 2.0 (Dual Density)
- Recommended Lane Conditions:  Heavy Oil
- RG: 2.48 (15# ball)
- Diff: .057 (15# ball)



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Re: Paradox
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2015, 02:05:39 PM »


Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):USBC white pattern on Brunswick Anvilane

I kept the Paradox at box surface and standing 18 and looking at 10 at the arrows the Paradox was to much overall roll and hook from this target area and standing point.  I moved 10-12 boards left and looked at 15 at the arrows allowing the Paradox to get to 10 down the lane.  The overall strength of the ball roll mixed with the amount of hook potential the Paradox stands out to me as that ball when you want to see the ball hook.  The good of the Paradox is being able to play in a zone no other bowler has and or having that strong ball roll playing straighter the Paradox has that ability.  I have not seen a high performance ball like this one in a while.
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Re: Paradox
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2015, 11:20:54 AM »

PAP/Track:  5 1/8” x 1” up
Axis Rotation:  25 degrees
Axis Tilt:  12 degrees
Rev Rate: 425
Ball Speed: 15-17 mph


Lane Patterns Used: 41' House Shot, 39’ PBA Chameleon Pattern, USBC Nationals Team Pattern

BALL LAYOUT: 65 x 5 ¼ x 40


The new Track Paradox has a “Special” ball motion that has not been seen in the Track line. I was skeptical about the hype that I heard about this ball when introduced, so I had to try it out to believe it. I saw this ball rolling great in all three parts of the lane (very clean in the front, strong mid-lane roll, AND back end motion continuation)… which is rare to see all 3 motions with the same ball. I am impressed with the ball motion that I saw when other style of bowlers throwing my ball after league and they like the ball motion they saw too. I drilled up a Red Legend Solid (pin down), and the Paradox for me is about 3-4 boards stronger overall at the same surface prep of 2000 Abralon which is scary good feeling.

Dislikes:  For me, this ball is STRONG, so using this on medium or lighter patterns was way too much ball for what I bowl on in my area. This ball needs oil to really excel on the lanes. I would recommend this ball for the medium heavier – heavy lane patterns.

During the Bowl Expo in Las Vegas, the Paradox impressed a lot of pro shop owners with the ball motion they saw on the lane. I think the Paradox will be a ball if you need a strong rolling ball in your arsenal to battle the heavier lane patterns that you may see on the house shot to tournament patterns. I think you will be impressed with the ball motion the Paradox has which is definitely different to the other Track balls. This ball has a great motion that does not stop rolling thru out the lane & really continues through the pin deck!

Michael Thompson
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Re: Paradox
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2015, 10:36:11 AM »
Ive taken a bit to post this review because i wanted to bowl on a variety of patterns so I could write a good review of this ball. Ive now bowled on many varieties of house shots, longer, shorter and broken down, and a few sports shots. In my opinion this ball is a must have for patterns that have more volume. The ball was relatively clean thru the fronts and picked up a strong roll in the mid lane and continued to make that move in the back part of the lane. The great thing about this ball was the way it went thru the pins on all of these shots. The hitting power was second to none.

I will say this though you won't get the full appreciation of this ball if you try and use it on shorter patterns or where the volume just isn't enough. This ball is made to make the higher volume patterns playable and the ball does just that. I think for tournament bowlers this is a ball that you just have to put in your bag for getting out of he box in tournaments when the volume is there.

To sum it up this is a ball that I have in my arsenal at all tournaments because of the pure hitting power and the ball motion which is very strong. GRAB THIS BALL IN YOUR ARSENAL.


Master Eric

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Re: Paradox
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2015, 05:15:42 PM »



Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):






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Re: Paradox
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2015, 06:59:12 PM »
Let me 1st say that I most likely wouldn't consider buying pieces like this as they just look way to strong on paper for me.
Maybe the numbers don't tell the whole story anymore, it's just how I learned what to expect from equipment by looking at the numbers and factory surfaces.

The Paradox was the most surprising to me, I just figured that I would throw a few shots, put it away and wonder where I would ever find enough oil to use it.

1st - THS, 40', Ice oil and guessing about 24ul or so
This ball just recovers from just about anywhere on this shot unless I missed out to far down the lane, I have been waiting to try Track again and this is it. I would add a little polish if I were to use this on THS shot regularly
Its early rolling, very continuous, and smashes the pocket, eye opening for me with such a strong piece
On the long pattern is where I like this piece the most, fresh 47' and I'm turning the corner off the end of the pattern from shot #1, as long as I'm slower and accurate, it kicks the corners out like nothing
The light mixers are mostly strikes, an occasional 10 pin, don't think I left any 7 pins which is good for my side.
On the medium pattern, the ball changed direction a bit to quick for me, A surface change would be required to make this ball more playable on this pattern for me.

Get this ball, you won't regret it
This is a "ball of the year" candidate IMO

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Re: Paradox
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2015, 12:44:24 AM »
size=14pt]BALL SPECS[/size]

Pin Length:4
Ball Weight: 15lb
Layout: Pin over ring - Kicked CG at about 5pm
Rev Rate:400
Ball Speed: 16-17 mph
PAP/Track: 5 1/4 over and 1/4 up

Finish: (Matte, Polish, Sanded):  Box Finish
Length: 40ft
Volume: 50 UL
Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS

On a scale of 1-10 ( 1=Low, 10 = High )
Length: 6
Back End: 7
Overall Hook: 8.5
Midlane Read: 6
Breakpoint Shape: Aggressive / Strong roll

Likes: My first Track ball in a long time. You want to talk about a ball that has an "IT" factor......this is it!   I don't ever recall having a ball that was aggressive on the front part of the lane, the middle part of the lane AND the back end part of the lane AND still maintain an aggressive motion on and thru the pin deck.  The carry is unbelievable.    Such a strong ball on all aspects of the lane.   It is very versatile and allows for multiple angles.  I can see myself having this ball around for a very long time!  It is the perfect compliment to my Hammer Red Legend Solid as it is a little longer and still strong in the back portion of the lane allowing me to stay very versatile either through league or through a tournament going through transition.

Dislikes: The Paradox is not very found of light oil patterns but with my speed I don't find that as much a problem as some.  Overall all, I am very pleased with this and the direction Track is going!

Joe Leingang

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Re: Paradox
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2015, 11:03:34 AM »
Ball:       Paradox
Layout:    65 x 5 x 40 – Pin above bridge
Surface:    Box

Bowler specs

Rev Rate:   370 RPM
Ball Speed:   15 MPH
Pap:      5-3/8 – 1-1/8 UP

I drilled the Paradox pin up and left it at box finish and plan on using this ball as the first ball out of the bag on the fresh.  When there is enough oil the Paradox is outstanding.  No matter how deep I get the carry is great even with the dull surface.  This is a special piece and a must for every ones bag. 

Thank you Track

Dan Paul


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Re: Paradox
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2015, 08:18:32 PM »

Length:  43 ft on AMF HPL, 43ft on Pro Anvilane
Volume:  Heavy

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):  THS

Layout:  3-1/2 x 5 x 3


Likes:  Unique ball motion, continuation, carry, does not quit in oil

Dislikes:  None

For anyone that has read my reviews in the past, you know that I haven't bought a new ball from EBI in a long time.  In fact, the only ball that I really liked recently from Track was the 505T.  Well, I can now safely say the Paradox is the best ball EBI has introduced in a very long time.  It's also one that I've really grown to like for heavier volume and long patterns over the past couple of weeks.

The Paradox name suits this ball well.  I have not seen the unique ball motion it offers with any other brand on heavy oil.  This ball is clean in front, reads the mids well and also offers a lot of continuation in the back.  That is a huge advantage.  Usually most heavy oil balls tend to be in more of a heavy roll in back and thus can die out or start leaving flat 10's, flat 8-10's, etc. 

Using the same layout on my Defiant for the Paradox with the exception of not swinging out the mass bias as much, I found a very versatile ball to accomodate my higher speed and rev rate.  On a heavy 43' house pattern with a HPL surface, I found that I was playing much deeper than I was used to.  Normally I like to play straighter angles through the front or can get in around 3rd arrow and swing it a bit depending on how the back is reacting.  The Paradox allowed me to go deeper- 4th arrow and a little further left.  It loves oil and I had to get deeper so it would not over react.  That opened up some new options and I appreciate it.

On a brand new Pro Anvilane surface that also uses a heavy 43' pattern, I did square up a little more due to having a little less friction in back.  However, I could play straighter or move in as needed with no problems at all.  The Paradox easily continues in back and doesn't hit like a marshmallow.

An interesting thing I noticed earlier today during a practice session on Pro Anvilane is that on a shot, the Paradox continued too much in back.  I have not left a stone 4-7-9 split in the past.  I did convert it but it left me speechless in the sense that I had never seen that much continuation before.

The Paradox has a great cover/core match.  It's hybrid cover works very well on heavy oil and it offers a great option to the traditional solid covers you see.  At the same time, the I-Core 2.0 is driller friendly and does a great job with retaining energy and keeping pins low.  It didn't matter if I hit light or was solid 1-3 on a shot.  The Paradox hits hard and provides excellent carry.
I will warn you about using this ball on short patterns and short volume.  The Paradox is not really meant for that.  You absolutely want medium-heavy to heavy  oil to really get the benefit of having this in your arsenal. 
I see the Paradox being an asset for those who have a speed dominant game.  The box finish will work very well and give versatility to open up angles.  For those with an average speed/rev rate, you absolutely will be able to open up angles and play parts of the lane that you normally would not or couldn't before.  Slower speed or high rev players may need to add polish or add a weight hole to reduce flare.  In either case, I can see this replacing my Defiant.  I may also potentially buy a second Paradox to have with a different layout.
Anyone following the PWBA tour this summer knows that most of the wins have been with this ball.  Quite simply, if you bowl in tournaments or heavier sport patterns, this is a great ball to have in the bag.  If you have a heavier THS and want to have an option to play deeper, this is also a great choice.  The Paradox is easily the best ball that EBI as a whole has produced in many years.  I also think it's the best from Track since the 505T. 

I'm glad I bought one.  Now it's time for you to buy your Paradox.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2015, 08:43:50 PM by tommyboy74 »
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Re: Paradox
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2015, 02:08:04 PM »

I did this layout being left handed so the ball would get longer down the lane before reving up.. It does that. However, the ball itself is still soo stronger that it nevers burns the energy up and goes those the pins solid and keeps the low!


Lane Patterns Used: 42.5' House Shot


The new Track Paradox has a “Special” ball motion that has not been seen in the Track line.

WOW.. What a great new ball from track. This balls let me get Right. A lefty getting right is kinda rare... This ball gets through the lanes. and still have soo much energy to come off the spot and go through the pins!
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Re: Paradox
« Reply #10 on: September 17, 2015, 07:17:51 PM »



Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):house





The paradox is truly amazing!! I was able to move inside and play away from everyone else in the track area.  The paradox has great mid lane read with a strong continues drive at the break point.  Everyone should have a paradox who is looking for a strong ball that doesn't over react and has amazing hitting power!

Andy Featherstone
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« Last Edit: September 17, 2015, 07:24:16 PM by shaggy300 »


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Re: Paradox
« Reply #11 on: September 17, 2015, 11:30:04 PM »

Length:39 Foot

Volume:  Medium

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):  THS, Pam Buckner Open

I have posted a comparison video on youtube.  Please click on the link at the bottom of my review.


Likes:  BALL OF THE YEAR!!!  There is nothing like this ball.  The Paradox is the only ball I have ever used that just keeps going. It starts up early, rolls through the midlane, and keeps going through the pins.  I drilled my first Paradox with the pin above the fingers at 12 o'clock with no extra hole and an out of the box finish.  I have never had a ball with surface that threw pins around like the Paradox does. It needs some oil if you keep the factory surface, that much is for sure. If you change the surface and add a little shine, it makes it a little easier to get it downlane but doesn't sacrifice any overall hook on a THS. The shape of this ball is beautiful and deadly.

The second Paradox is laid out much stronger for the way I roll the ball.  I drilled the ball with the pin in the ring finger and the CG bumped to the right and an extra hole on my PAP.  The result for me is a strong, smooth, continuous reaction that needs oil in the fronts.  The Pam Buckner Open was the testing ground for this layout. Heavy, long, and flat.  The PBO is a speed sensitive pattern that is unforgiving.  The Paradox rolled through the oil stronger and with more control than I could ever imagine.  The only limits with this ball was with me as the operator. Everyone needs one of these balls.

 Take a look at my comparison video by clicking the link below.

Dislikes:  Out of the box it could be a little too much ball on a THS. Let's be honest, that is not a dislike in any way.

Jason Taylor

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Re: Paradox
« Reply #12 on: September 19, 2015, 12:02:43 PM » Bowling Ball Reviews

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September 19, 2015, 10:55:33 AM


About Me:Bruce Steffani
Rev Rate 280
Ball Speed 16
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Columbia staff member since 1997

 I feel funny saying this since I've been a Columbia staff member for so long,  but this will be the first ball that comes out of my bag every night.  This ball is very predictable through all three areas of the lane.  The way the Paradox rolls up in the mid lane I would think it would  slow down by the time it got to the pins,  but to my surprise it goes through the pins even harder than the mid lane and hits like a truck.  I did have to put  some polish on this ball due to my lack of ball speed.  We have six or seven guys throwing this ball in league and the amazing thing is it looks good for everybody from the stroker to the cranker. This should be "ball of the year"!


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Re: Paradox
« Reply #13 on: September 20, 2015, 08:57:38 PM »

Length: 5

Volume: hEAVY

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): bOTH


The Paradox is definitely deserving of its name. This ball is strong in the front, mid, and back part of the lane. It has the most overall hook of any ball that I have ever thrown. The only ball that I remember rolling like this ball was the original Track Freak. In case you haven't been watching lately, this ball has won more titles than any other ball this summer. I think everyone needs at least one of these in their bag.



Mark T. Trgovac

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Re: Paradox
« Reply #14 on: September 21, 2015, 07:36:10 PM »
I have 3 of these.
Paradox #1
Layout 65°x 3 5/8"x75° weight hole 1" inside and down my VAL. Surface 1000

For me this is the strongest ball I have ever used. It picks up early, reads the midlanes so well and continues harder on the backend and thru the pins like no other. I put my strongest layout on this for a reason and it was a success. I have so much confidence when using this ball that I often wait to long before I put it down. That in itself is a fault on me because I dont want to use anything els.

Paradox #2 layout is 65°x 4 1/2"x45° weight hole is on my VAL and 1" past my VAL. Surface 4000 cross hatched on a high speed spinner.

This is my long and controlled Paradox. This is the one I would use when I want to get in with but still control the break point. It is clean in the heads, with a small midlane read and smoother controlled motion on the backend. It is great for game 2 and 3 on a THS.

Paradox #3, Layout 0°x3"x0°, 1 1/4" weight hole 3 5/8" deep at the intersection of my Midline and VAL, Surface 4000 cross hatched on a high speed spinner.

This is my controlled Paradox. It is great to start right with and just control the lane. On sport patterns or THS, when they get goofy and I just want a ball to roll and not get to crazy, this is the ball. Play in the track arwa and just control the lane, picks up in the heads, and just rolls from the midlane on. Has some finish but nothing crazy. Pure CONTROL.
Mark T. "Scoot" Trgovac
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