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Author Topic: Pearl Stomp  (Read 13617 times)


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Pearl Stomp
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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The Pearl Stomp features Track's new Powerplus III coverstock which helps get the ball further down the lane giving it the sharpest angle of entry of any current Track ball on medium lane conditions. In addition, the ball uses Track's best selling core design ever, Core 2 Technology (Elite, Elite Pearl and Contender).

The specifications are: Ball Construction: Multiple-Density Three-Piece; Recommended Lane Condition: Medium Oil; Hook Rating: 16 (On Track's Ball Reaction Chart); Flare Potential: Medium; Core Design: Core 2 Technology; Radius of Gyration: 2.503; Differential: .0476; Coverstock: Powerplus III; Color: Green Pearl with Yellow logo fill; Finish: Polished; Pin Placement: 0-5 inches; Hardness: 76-78; Weights: 10-11 lbs. (traditional pancake core design), 12-16 lbs. (Core 2 Technology).



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Re: Pearl Stomp
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2000, 01:00:00 AM »

Paul Meyer

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Re: Pearl Stomp
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
Drilled with the pin above ring finger and CG directly below (pin in ball).  Used the ball on a variety of lane conditions, finding that this ball has a pretty heavy roll and was best suited to medium lane oil (typical house shot), but the ball did show decent length even if the heads began to totally hook. Overall an excellent ball for the money and should be in your bag especially for a house shot.

Brenton Davy

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Re: Pearl Stomp
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
An ideal addition to the original Stomp and just as good in the bang for bucks stakes.  Matt Riley won the Australian Open with one and the ones drilled up in my shops have all performed inpressively.  Still too cheap for the level of performance and is a best seller, just can't get enough of them.  Many of our league players have gone to these from more expensive reactives and have seen their carry improve markedly.  An ideal combination of coverstock/core.

Ryan Peebles

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Re: Pearl Stomp
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
I just received this ball this past Monday, and I got my first chance to test it at Ducat's Imperial Lanes in Toledo, OH.  Using a 5" X 5" layout (pin up with the CG below the ring finger) and a slightly different finger pitch (taking out only 3/4 oz. of top weight), the Pearl Stomp had no problem with length and power, especially on a light oil pattern.  With the change in finger pitch, I produced a couple more feet of clean skid and length (i.e. I retarded the rate of revolution) before the ball made its strong turn to the hole.  For a reasonable price, the Pearl Stomp is a great performer, and with it, I averaged 213 right out of the box!  Another success to the Track legacy!
Ryan Peebles
Area Staff Member
Lane Masters/Lord Field/SWAG


bowler guy

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Re: Pearl Stomp
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
For what its worth,

I am a long time Track fan (Nuke, Critical Mass, TKO, En4cer)

and I recently bought a Pearl Stomp. I wanted it for second shift Classic League, but I couldnt get it to work and was ready to throw it in the dumpster. I have it drilled like Track recommended for lots of skid and snap (pin above right of middle finger). It does skiiiiiiiiid and SNAP! It way out hooks my Enforcer which is drilled kind of mild (pin above ring finger). I, however, was finding the ball way over/under as I have heard other people complain about. My solution was to scuff off the polish with scotch brite. Night and day difference!!!! The ball reads the mid lane and arcs more now, but still has plenty of drive in the back to RAPE the rack. The scuffing made the ball much more predictable. Afterwards I shot 692, not bad for a 18* average bowler. The ball had plenty of carry, and any bad shots were my fault. For a ball I was ready to throw in the trash, I now love my Stomp.


Dan Hoagland

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Re: Pearl Stomp
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2000, 08:36:44 PM »
This ball from Track is ideal for a tweener like myself on the drier conditions. I can play inside (for me that means third arrow, sometimes deeper) and still kick out the ten pin with authority! I have this ball drilled with a 3 1/2 inch pin @ 1:30 and the cg in the palm. I have found that this drilling gives me room to move inside when the oil disappears.

I can also use it in a medium oil and play down and in. Pretty versatile for a cheaper ball. On a scale of 1-10 I give it an 8. A bang for the buck selection.

Tim Ramsey

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Re: Pearl Stomp
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2001, 04:51:43 PM »
Hello first off i am a left handed cranker with average speed and above average revs. I drilled this ball up some time ago with a 5X5 patter and a 5/8 inch wieght hole on my VAL 1 1/2 inches below my axis point ending top and side wieght where about 1 once top

and 0 side.

   This ball is great for medium oil lanes with good back ends or for heavy oiled lanes playing a deep inside line.

The Pearl Stomp goes long and makes a nice strong arc to the pocket and hits very hard while keeping the pins low to the deck to increase pin action and carry. While this is a pearlized ball it doesn't have the tendancy to squit on oil as much as alot of other pearlized balls due to the loading of mica particles

Over all this ball would rate an 8 out of 10 due to its hitting power and consistency

bowler guy

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Re: Pearl Stomp
« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2001, 05:00:30 PM »

Just a quick follow up to my previous review. I have been experimenting with the surface of my Pearl the last couple weeks and I am glad I did. The ball is drilled with the cg in the center of my grip with the pin above my ring finger. In box condition the ball was erratic and unpredictable. I bowl on wood lanes, medium head oil with alot of backend, and the ball was very jumpy when polished. I sanded the cover to 600 and have found a maroon scotch brite scuff (on the spinner) before league keeps the ball in top form. The ball still goes long and turns the corner real hard, but is not so squirrely. Last night I set a personal best (735) series with my Pearl. I thought my first 700 was going to come with my Enforcer, but instead my stomp ruled the lane. I would suggest this ball to anyone who needs a ball that scoots through the heads good and still drives through the pocket, especially those of us with a weaker hand who need a little more angle to the pocket. By the way, 3 games without a single corner pin (yeah!)


Brenton Davy

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Re: Pearl Stomp
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2001, 12:53:30 PM »
Me: Lefty, 18mph ball speed, forward roll and low to medium revs

Pearl Stomp drilled 3 3/8 x 3 3/8 Rev Leverage, 1/2 thumb weight and 5/8oz + side weight, 3" pin 10 c'clock 1 3/4" beneath fingers, CG below grip mid line, 1 1/2" out from grip centre line, balance hole.

For my ball speed on a light oiled condition with carrydown on guardian this ball does it all.

It is clean thru the heads, revving almost straight off the hand.  The cover gets it down the lane and the dynamics of the set up combine with the cover to give it the recovery.   It reads the oil line with ease and holds on the tug shot and breaks back hard when outside the target.  The carry is exceptional, although it sometimes is a better proposition on the 1/2 pocket hit because the power it displays on the flush hit sometimes leaves cold 8's and 9's.

This ball now has some 80 odd games on it and the performance is as good as it was out of the box.  I resurface it fortnightly with 800, 1200 grit wet and dry and polish it with 320 grit to bring it back to box finish.

I am a member of Team Track 2001 andam available to assist whenever possible on any questions about Track equipment.  Please feel free to contact me.


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Re: Pearl Stomp
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2001, 07:28:44 PM »
See profile for specs. on me.

My Pearl Stomp is 5 1/2"X4 1/2" w/ a X-Hole on my PAP.

This ball goes very far down the lane before it even thinks about making the turn; however, when it goes, it goes.  It is nearly impossible for me to control w/ the X-Hole, but before I had the X-Hole it was impossible.  Too much angle to carry, along w/ to much length.  I did recently get to throw this ball on some choppy heads with carry down, and it performed exactly how I wanted.  The ball would make a very strong move at 40feet then it would hook-out, but it retained enough power for good pin carry.  Seems to be very versitle in cover preperation.  A good dry lane ball, yet could be used for medium oil w/ the right cover prep. and the proper drilling.  Good luck and good kegeling to all.


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Re: Pearl Stomp
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2001, 09:02:34 PM »
This is a very good ball for the price. There is lots of hitting power and keep the pins nice and low. I had this ball drilled for a dry shot. No problem clearing the heads and a sharp turn on the break. My only complaint is when the oil is choppy it has a tendency to jump a little. For the money I rank it right up there with the Messengers and that is a compliment.


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Re: Pearl Stomp
« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2002, 09:29:55 PM »
This is an excellent ball.  When all else fails to hook for me, this ball works.  This ball is a key element in my arsenal.  The pin carry of this ball is tremendous, even though I have the occasional 10 pin problem.  I would recommend this ball to any one looking for a good ball for a small price.


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Re: Pearl Stomp
« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2003, 02:50:29 AM »
I have had this ball for about a year and a half.  I use it on a fresh medium/light shot.  At first it is hard to control with the fresh backends, but after a little carrydown this ball is nice.  Has a smooth late arc/snap reaction that frequently leaves a nine pin.  Carries light hits pretty well but it hits a little high there will probably be a 4-9 because of the angle. It still hits just like the day I got it.  It does need some head oil though or it will roll out.  This has been one of my favorite balls for a typical league shot


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Re: Pearl Stomp
« Reply #14 on: July 30, 2003, 07:27:51 PM »
I have this ball since a year, and like his predecessor, the triton elite perl, is a great option for medium-dry lanes, a well skidding down the lane and a hard hit at the pins, mine is 16 lb drilled with pin over the ring finger, and cg one inch out of the grip at the mid line, recently i put a balance hole one inch below PAP for gain lenght, the ball goes long and turns when it has to, the core makes enough energy to blast the pins. but this ball needs some oil in the lane, because if not, tends to work earlier becoming in a dummy ball. Has been working well for me but, i need to increase the predictability and forgiveness, i will try resurfacing at 1500, and track magic for an easier skidding.

Rodrigo T.
Knowledge is Power.