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Author Topic: Phenom  (Read 14491 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available

Hook Rating: (Dull-Polished) 38-30

Length (1-10): 3

Backend (1-10): 9

Core Technology: Morpheus 2.0

Core Power Rating (1-10): 9.0

Radius of Gyration: 2.54

Differential: .052
Intermediate Differential: .015
60 Degree Determinator Spin Time: 6.1 seconds
Flare Potential (inches): 7
Coverstock: Fang Particle

Color: Red/Blue Solid
Friction Rating (1-10): 9.8
Factory Finish: 1500 Smooth

Recommended Polish: Magic Shine
Reaction Shape: Strong Arc
Lane Condition: Heavy Oil
Available Weights: 14-16 lbs. Morpheus 2.0 Technology, 12-13 lbs. Core2 Technology


AUS leftie

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Re: Phenom
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2003, 10:51:15 PM »
For starters this ball doesnt look like the picture shown, it looks like a Freak with gold labels.  It even kinda feels the same( coverstock finish),though don't expect the same reaction as a Freak on the lane.  I drilled this ball whilst in Vegas for the High Roller series and was looking for something more aggressive than my Thrash and Crunch, I found it!

Bill Monce layed it out for me, with a 2" pin he tilted the pin to a 1:30 drilling (I'm a lefty) which placed my ring finger above the pin.  The Mass Bias marker was in the left bottom quadrent about 4 inches below my PAP.  I drilled a balance hole 5 1/4 across from my centre of grip.  Bill said it would rev early and be very agressive on the backend, he wasnt wrong!

I had been using my Crunch playing about 12-8 at Texas station, I then used the Phenom and swung it 20 out to 8 with no roll out.  It read the lane early and was very agressive at the breakpoint.  It was raw hook, enough said!  I was pretty amazed on its board coverage and its ability not to roll out when covering alot of boards.  It never quit and offered me alot more choice when bowling as it covered so many boards.

I also used it at the Orleans with alot of success, again opening up the lane and providing me with something agressive which I could cover alot of boards if I wanted to (which I did, lol).

If you need a ball which will allow you to cover alot more boards this is it.  The combination of strong core with strong cover is amazing.  I can see this ball being of one those " must own's " especially if you have low / medium revs as it will allow you to play anywhere.

I'm not sure if it would work if the heads were fried but apart from that it is certainly an amazing demonstration of cutting edge technology.  10/10 the release of the year to date!



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Re: Phenom
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2003, 12:24:47 AM »
Hi Everybody.  Please be patient, I'm new to the Boards/Reviews.

The Facts:  I am a 180-185 bowler, very little hand, but am learning to play every angle possible.  I have low revs and throw about 15 mph.  Been bowling seriously about about 2 years now. (even though my dad had a ball in my hand when I was 7. I'm 34 now.) I have learned to play the down and in shot and when given the conditions I can play alittle out and in.  My PAP is 5 & 1/4 inch and 3/4 inches up.  I throw right-handed.

The Ball:  14 lb Phenom drilled 4" x 4 and 3/8" of the pin and mass bias. (almost a stacked leverage).  Pin is at about 1:00 above my ring finger.  Balance hole on vertical axis line near my PAP.

First of all I will never post scores.  All I can say is that this ball moves.  There was fresh oil in the house where my Thurs. Mens league is, and that all my other balls had a hard time moving to the pocket unless I played a down and in shot.  Well, this ball had so much reaction, I was practically standing on top of the left hand gutter, throwing over 20, having the ball go down to about 10 and still having the ball go brooklyn.  Now granted this was only practice. I just wanted to see what the ball could do.  Well, it does exactly was Track says it is gonna do.  Very smooth movement down the lane, and then BAM, a smooth but hard move to the pocket.  At least for me, alot of pin action.  The 6 tapped the 10 on many occasions.  I will give a better review when leagues begin.  However, I was quite pleased on how this ball rolls.  I believe it will fit my game perfectly.  Just a word of must keep the speed up.  If you slow down the ball for any reason..lookout..this ball will just take off.
Overall I really like it. Like I said..after a few more games..I will review again.  Thank You for reading this.

Virginia Beach

1. Phenom
2. Freak Out
3. Threat


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Re: Phenom
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2003, 03:01:20 AM »
Dude it makes no sense for a ball to have this much hit and carry, I feel like I'm cheating. I got this ball from Buddiesproshop. I got it drilled  with a 3 3/8 x 5
pattern for lots of backend. In box condition I couldn't keep it on the lane. So I polished it and WOW! totally different ball.  With the high gloss finish I put on it revs up nicely and makes a B-line for the pocket.  You've got to get one of these!!!!


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Re: Phenom
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2003, 02:49:27 AM »
Well, I got this ball when it first came out in early August, and got it drilled last week and tonight was the first night with it.  WOW!!!  Thats all I can really say, it carries a ton!!!  For once I dont have to worry about a ball breaking too late down the lane! Since I throw the ball with a lot of speed I always had a problem finding a ball that would break early enough. Man have I found it. I can finally do what I use to, swing the ball and not worry about sending it to far wide, if I do, I roars back!!!!!

I have a Phenom with a 5" pin out and the CG just to the right of my thumb hole and the pin is stacked with it up and to the right of my ring finger hole. Since I had only 2 3/4 oz of top weight my Proshop driller was able to get down into specs so its not illegal.  I know have 5/8oz of side weight, 7/8oz of thumb wieght, and 1/4oz of side wieght.

I hope I can keep this ball from soaking in too much oil and be able to keep it for a while

THanks Track!!!!!!!  What a great ball!!!


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Re: Phenom
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2003, 12:15:04 AM »
As shown in prior reviews, I've drilled nothing but Storm for the last 2 years.  Finally, I gave in because I needed pure hook and purchased a Track Phenom, as my ball driller is on staff with them, so I trust his recommendation.

2.5"-3" pin, low top wt.  Layed out with the pin just to the right and under the cut of my ring finger, and the CG out towards my axis on my grip center, approx 1.5" from my PAP.  

Left this in box condition, so as to give me a distinct difference from my Reloaded.  

Pattern #1:  40' Top hat, dry outsides, HPL 9000 synthetics
  Definately the wrong ball for this much dry.  Even though there was alot of oil in the middle, I had alot of trouble carrying with this.  Any time I missed either way I lost ALOT of carry.  Put it back in the bag...

Pattern #2:  40' top hat, alot more oil outside.  HPL 9000 synthetics(diff house)
  Ball of the year.  I joined the league late, missed the first game.  SEnt this ball toawrds 2nd arrow with a little bally and the ball just rolled a ton in the backend.  258-268 NO PRACTICE.  Granted, it is an easy shot, but I was able to generate alot of carry with this ball.

I'm DEFINATELY impressed with this ball.  For being a Storm-addict, I'm curious as to how the rest of the Track line looks.  Definately plan on purchasing another Track ball before the year is done.

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Phenom
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2003, 03:02:05 AM »
I have 2 of these...this is a review on the first one. I have to throw more with the second before I post a review on it.

16lb 3 1/2 in pin and 2 3/4 TW

I have this ball drilled 3 3/8 pin and a 5 in MB. This ball gets down the lane very well, similiar to the Freak, but definately stronger.

The Phenom does not react overly strong off of dry boards, it is smooth. The backend on this ball is awesome for a dull particle. Very controllable---when you have head oil. If the heads show any signs of drying up, PUT THE PHENOM AWAY!

As with the Freak, the Phenom reacts very well to hand and release changes. If you hit it a little harder it is going to give you those extra boards you desire, if you lay off of it, you will gain length and be able to play straighter.

This ball hits very strong. Not quite as hard as the Mutant, but close. Very few corner leaves of any kind. I leave some 8s and 9s most of the time (when I am throwing well it carries everything).

To give a comparison-----this ball gets down the lane further than Mutant-more backend than the Freak---but has the consistancy of the Super Freak.


OVERALL------10. Great ball. Anyone who is afraid of Track's "hook monsters" try this ball. I think with the PHenom the tweeners will be able to play the deep lines that the crankers do.

Coverstock changes come easily.

Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

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Re: Phenom
« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2003, 07:54:50 PM »
This ball will make you a believer in Track products.

It has the amazing ability to read the lanes as well as adapt your style of bowling with the changing lane conditions.  What I mean is, I've thrown this ball on a PBA shot and on a house shot and it knows what to do after it leaves your hand.  Don't ask me why maybe it's the way its drilled or maybe I've been fortunate enough to throw it on the right condition.  But this ball has amazed me in it's power and consistency no matter how bad or good I'm bowling.
Your freaks are cryin' but your back is still turned


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Re: Phenom
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2003, 03:11:37 PM »
All i can say is wow. If you don't like Track products, this ball will make you a beleiver. On heavy oil this ball is great, and it hits hard! The only problem is, it doesn't look like it does in the picture. Its looks like a freak coverstock....but this ball is way more powerful than the freak.



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Re: Phenom
« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2003, 09:25:33 AM »
First off.  I am an average bowler (180s) who has been looking for a ball that hooks for the past 2 years.  Have used quite a few high performance balls without much success.  Balls such as the truama recovery, reaction roll, icon II, track EMB EF, Icon 300. Even the Mo Rich Onslaught which was supposed to be a hook monster.
Well, I have to say this ball out hooks every single ball I have ever owned by a great deal.
I used to stand left foot on the 3rd arrow and throw straight up 2nd arrow, then I started gettig some balls that hooked more, with some aggressive drillings, and was able to stand left foot on the middle arrow and throw over 2nd arrow.  When then lanes break down (2nd shift)and get dry, and usually have to move to a middle line, and stand one arrow over from middle and throw over 3rd arrow.
When I first got this ball, with the "fresh" lane conditions (medium->medium heavy oil) I decided to try my break down line.  Stood one arrow over from the middle and threw over 3rd arrow.  The ball took out the 7 pin.  Hooked across the entire lane.  I couldn't believe it.  I ended up standing two arrows over from the middle, and threw over 3 arrow, and finally got it in the pocket.  And, boy does it hit hard.  The ball stores up energy like no other ball I've owned.  I'm used to seeing (after I've moved to the middle) the ball stop turning when it gets to the pocket, in effect, causing a brooklyn hit.  This ball kept turning through the headpin.
I had to put it away after the first game because there wasn't enough oil on the lanes for me the keep it on the right side of the headpin, no matter how far I "comfortably" moved left.  I think I would have had to stand on the left gutter to get it to the right pocket.

THIS is the ball I've been looking for for 2 years.  I know a number of people throwing this ball and they all say the same thing, it hooks more than anything they've ever thrown.
I throw the ball at about 16Mph, med revs, and aggressive drilling (sorry I don't know the specs)

I honestly can't believe how much this ball hooks. If you're like me, and you've been looking for a ball that hooks, and others around you can throw anything and get it to hook, this is the ball for you.  Even if you hook the ball well, this is the ball for you.

Basically, this is the ball for everyone.  Just don't be afraid to put it away when the lanes break down, or you'll just get frustrated with how much it breaks.

WOW.  I give it a 10+


sorry this was so long, I want everyone to know exactly what this ball does.
Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.  -Ben Franklin
Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.  -Ben Franklin


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Re: Phenom
« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2003, 06:41:42 PM »
Ball Specs: 15lb 4oz, 2" pin

Drilled ball pin under ring, mb way right of thumb on VAL. The drill sheet showed this ball to be more arc than flip which it does. Have thrown the ball on a few conditions.

Condition 1: Broken down sport shot, med/light head oil, spotty backends. This ball moves. Box Finish went long but turned so hard I kept going left with it. Had to stand on 35 and shoot over 25 get it out to about 5 in order to get this ball in the pocket. After that it was money. Flush hits, light hits, they all carried.

Condition 2: Med/Hvy wall with carrydown. Box condition this ball goes too long for me. It is very angular but not angular enough to prevent washouts. I had to move way right and play up 7 with it and a bit of a release change to give it a bit more forward roll. But once I found the pocket, again, every hit carries.

Condition 3: Fresh med/hvy, stripped backends. After seeing what the ball did on carrydown, I took the ball down with a green scotch brite and put some Doc's Elixir on it. This ball now really is the monster I thought it would be. More surface so it revs up a bit sooner and the elixir prevents the oil absorption and helps it retain energy a bit. On this pattern the ball really shines. It really moves when it hits the dry. No significant difference in hit or carry with the altered surface.

Again as with most Track stuff, the coverstock in box condition is too long for "heavy oil". Take the ball down a bit and it will handle all the oil you can throw at it. Aside from all that, and as with all other morpheus cores, this one responds very well to hand positon and rev rate. You can make this ball hook coast to coast or play up the boards with it. Great ball from Track. I give it a 9.5 out of 10.
For a good time call

Dwight Albrecht

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Re: Phenom
« Reply #11 on: October 16, 2003, 01:02:24 AM »
Track Phenom Review:

In one word Phenomenal. Del Warren and Bill Monce did it again. This 1500 grit lightly sanded fang particle is the ideal ball reaction for most league bowlers. This ball has a great combination of cover stock/weight block design. The core is the Morpheus 2.0. This core has a smaller overall plate of the Freak/Mutant family with 2 flip blocks on the top and bottom.

I drilled my Phenom 3 ¾ X 45 because of my low ¾ track. I used the Phenom out of the box with no practice over the summer to shoot a 710 series, the first night of league. The lane condition I used the Phenom was on a synthetic panel with medium to heavy oil 42 feet with clean backends. Compared to my Freak/Mutant, the Phenom gave me the length of the Freak, the fast revving of the Mutant but stronger movement on the backends than both. This ball will be a great ball for the league bowler that does not have a lot of revs on the ball and is struggling on oily conditions. The Fang cover stock seems friendlier to change surfaces than the Mutant/Freak.

Good hook, hard hit makes this a winner for the league bowler struggling on oily conditions.

Thanks for reading my review.

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Phenom
« Reply #12 on: October 16, 2003, 02:33:59 AM »
This is the review on my second Phenom.

Drilled- PIN 4 in from PAP, MB 2.5in from PAP

This ball rolls up much sooner and sharper than the first Phenom does. It gives me a stronger HIT than the first one does. Of the 2, this ball out hooks my other one by about 6 boards. This is the true oiler.

This ball is not as sensitive to hand changes or release changes as the other. When it is thrown all I expect is raw hook. I cannot really throw this ball much because I do not see enough oil to use it.

This Phenom also gets a 10 rating from me because it does exactly what I wanted it to do.

TRACK is showing no signs of slowing down with quality releases
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

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Re: Phenom
« Reply #13 on: November 10, 2003, 11:48:00 PM »
I drilled this ball up according to a reliable souce and all I can say is WOW!!! Need more head oil for this ball, so I, (drumroll please) polished it and can you believe it, WOW again!!!  This ball is great no matter how the surface is.  The hit and the carry is like they said, Phenominal.  Drilled mine:  pin 4 1/2 from pap, c.g. 3 from pap, pin above the ring finger.  This ball is a true oiler for me, can't wait to try the next one to see just how much hook at the toes I can get!  My rating on this ball would be a sweet 10 as Track is on the rise with their new equipment.
Darrin aka DEECEE (does anyone have a three hundred I can borrow?


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Re: Phenom
« Reply #14 on: January 02, 2004, 03:48:13 PM »
Awesome!! I'm still in shock over the way this thing tears down the lane and rips through the pins. I'm a modest 190 average, medium rev, 14-15mph bowler and this ball is going to be the ball to put me up over 200. I bowl on synthetic lanes with medium oil in the "christmas tree" pattern. My first 3 games of practice with it I rolled a 646. The next night in league, I rolled a 710, and I dont mind telling you its been almost 2 years since I've bowled a 700.I had the ball drilled in drilling pattern 2 as seen at trackbowling's website, although reversed as I am a left'handed bowler. For my game, this ball seems to be a perfect fit. I'll post again when it gives me the 300 I've been waiting too long for!!