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Author Topic: Phenom  (Read 14563 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »

Hook Rating: (Dull-Polished) 38-30

Length (1-10): 3

Backend (1-10): 9

Core Technology: Morpheus 2.0

Core Power Rating (1-10): 9.0

Radius of Gyration: 2.54

Differential: .052
Intermediate Differential: .015
60 Degree Determinator Spin Time: 6.1 seconds
Flare Potential (inches): 7
Coverstock: Fang Particle

Color: Red/Blue Solid
Friction Rating (1-10): 9.8
Factory Finish: 1500 Smooth

Recommended Polish: Magic Shine
Reaction Shape: Strong Arc
Lane Condition: Heavy Oil
Available Weights: 14-16 lbs. Morpheus 2.0 Technology, 12-13 lbs. Core2 Technology



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Re: Phenom
« Reply #16 on: January 03, 2004, 12:37:06 PM »
I am not too happy about this one.  I am a med rev player with about 17 mph ball speed.  If I try to play a deep line with it it doesn't move at all but when I go straight down first and in it starts hooking very early but the hook burns up after about 48 ft.  It hits very hard and when i have gotten it in to the pocket it leaves no corner pins.


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Re: Phenom
« Reply #17 on: January 09, 2004, 06:56:41 AM »
I wrote a review early in the bowling season about this ball and thought I would update everyone!  It is the best ball I have ever owned!!  The past couple of years I have been stuggling to average 190, now I am averaging 205 with this ball!! What I use to throw when the particle balls started coming out I was averaging 210 then there was oil changes and that really hurt my game! Know I have this ball I am actually able to throw my ball the way I like.  I even almost threw my first 300. I have been bowling since I was 8 years old and I am know 34.  I hope this ball is able to keep its hook after a year!!! We will see!  If so Ebonite has a new cleaning process to fight dead ball syndrome, go to to see the Cleaning Chamber and see if you can get your dead balls back to life!!!

Slim Goody

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Re: Phenom
« Reply #18 on: January 15, 2004, 04:49:30 PM »
Hand: right
Style: Stroker ...down and in

I've loved this ball from the first time I bought it. It is by far the most hooking ball currently in my arsenol. I carry 6 balls to the alley everytime I go and keep another 4 at home! So that should let you know that I have my share of balls. I am definitely getting another one drilled slightly different and will throw a little polish on this one to be able to play a more direct line. BUY ONE! Kurt Pilon and Aleta Sill do great working with me on my game and choosing equipment!


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Re: Phenom
« Reply #19 on: February 27, 2004, 04:06:35 PM »
Had this ball for a while, Drilled this ball pin just above ring and out about a inch, mass bias in #1 position right at thumb. Ball was not what I expected well on medium oil,but not on heavy. Ball with this drill will not recover on the heavy long oil shot that we shoot on. It will do the job on shorter patterns. Hits very hard like all Track balls do. But leaves more 7 pins than I would like to see.Overall it is a OK ball for short oil with snappy backends.Very controllable.


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Re: Phenom
« Reply #20 on: March 18, 2004, 05:41:37 AM »
tell u the truth i  always never liked track had a threat and i could have gotten better results out of a sponge bob ball but ive seen every ball and thrown mostly every ball u can name  in the past 5 years since ive been a pin chasser at the bowling alley and  the phenom unleashed i throw before the first one i didnt like it ..... it like hung and took to long to finaly notcie oh its time to break and hit the pins  so i was bowling for my 4th  300  and the the 8th frame i didnt care  so i took my buddys ball witch was the phenom and used it and i striked out it came in  alot nicer then the fuze soo i bought one  and  it has not failed me yet but i still dont like track ive always rolled with brunswick but this ball got me to but it and i have nothing bad to say about it cuz it has not failed me on any shot i know they say its not the ball its the bowler but when u buy like a threat well just go to  track threat and look at my review there and u will understand why i  dont like track but its about time track got it together  and got one good ball out there that i could use atleast


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Re: Phenom
« Reply #21 on: April 26, 2004, 07:27:23 PM »
all i bowl with is track  nothing else    and the phenom is the second best ball that track has ever come out with.  i think the best ball they ever made was the original freak.  But  the phenom is definately a great buy if you want something that comes in hard and finishes through hard. all in all a great ball.  but you must get it cleaned up often because it tends to suck up ALOT of oil. well what do you expect   its track.

R0y Muns0n

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Re: Phenom
« Reply #22 on: June 05, 2004, 10:54:24 AM »
My 2 cents on the ball as well.I'm sure probably every aspect has been covered by others here,but..

Right handed,average revs,30-90 degree rotation, variable speed player speaking.

Mine is drilled for maximum flare/backend because i usualy play with low-average revs and above average speed, on lanes that have carrydown.

That is why i got this ball, and the ball fullfills its purpose! I can play from any position (with speed change for down and in of course), and it feels comfortable. It has a bit of length so you can use it on medium oiled lanes.Once the oil starts decreasing, the coverstock starts biting hard. Finally on the backend it looks as if the ball was pulled left with a wire or something ! The strongest most angular ARC i've seen (if one can use this expression).

If the lanes are dry the ball is a little difficult to use, especially with above average revs. I have used it and because i dont have many revs i can throw it hard even down and in, and it knows what to do But its obviously not for dry. Its for lots of oil, or messy backends.

The hit and carry is.....well....TRACK ! When i see a better one i'll let you know

Very good ball.Recommended.


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Re: Phenom
« Reply #23 on: December 07, 2004, 07:02:43 PM »
Weight: 14lbs 0oz
Pin: 3"
Drilled: 4.5x4.5(mass bias) pin under ring
Surface: Out of the Box
(for bowler stats, check my profile)

Hook: Great ball. One of the most controllable and readable hooks I have in my bag. Compared to my Super Power Pearl, it's A LOT stronger and earlier. I can easily swing this ball from 20 to 5 and back to the pocket. Compared to my Animal, it reacts a couple feet later and is about 2-4 boards weaker. The reaction is a very strong arc. (10/10)

Hit: The ball hits very hard. It doesn't hit quite as hard as my Animal, but that can be attributed to the slightly weaker core. The pins are kept low and carry is usually awesome. Occasionally, when I'm playing a very deep line, the entry angle is too great and I tend to leave a couple stone tens. Ball deflection is very good; I haven't left many stone 8 or 9's. (9/10)

Control: The Phenom is very forgiving and easy to control. The forgiveness of the ball can be attributed to it's huge hook potential. The reaction is a very strong arc and it's very easy to control. It responds very well to hand position changes and speed changes. Ball reaction is very easy to read because of the dark ball colour (and lightly coloured inserts and slug). It's easy to see when the ball encounters dry as it revs up very quickly. (10/10)

Overall, 9.5/10! Deduction of 0.5 because of the occasional 10's I've left from playing too deep. That's not the ball's's my fault, but I feel it should be mentioned.

Another excellent ball by Track!
Evolutionary. Revolutionary.


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Re: Phenom
« Reply #24 on: November 08, 2005, 08:08:17 PM »
Pin 2-3, top 2 1/2 oz
16lb er(damn that things heavy!!!)
Pin position 1 on the sheet(under fingers) with MB 2" right of centerline, hole on PAP

Took this away to national championships last week to handle some 'real' oil (sport compliant pattern, buff out to 37ft) and was mighty impressed how it handled it even when shined. This particualr centre(Illawara strikezone) has 2 lots of 12 lanes taken from different centres so the low and high ends play quite differently. Down the 1-12 end it was easy to move in and throw from 25 to 5 on the 2nd shift condition that i seemed to get every squad i was on. Big strong arc on the dry backends and a few stone 9 pins thanks to the angle i was creating(and the ball being 16!!) on the 13 to 24 side it was 15 out to 10 with a little less speed but no loss in carry, at this end of the house the transition would kick in and 2-10's would appear if you didnt move, some surface would have allowed me to move inside but with the tighter line and less speed good shots still found the pocket(stuff like the 5.0 and delta1 worked well on both these conditions too) Off to my fav tournament in a week and 1/2(warnambool cup) this house now has Synthetic lanes so i'll do another review then.(might even dial up some more morpheous stuff for next yr soon, looking at an Animal untamed which might still be around NIB over here)
EVERYONE wants some of this!!!

Video will be back soon!!

Everyone knows the nation, but do you remember the Revolution?

have you hugged your Tritons today?
Time for some REAL bowling!!!


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Re: Phenom
« Reply #25 on: November 28, 2005, 07:42:38 AM »
2nd review

Off to my fav little 12 laner with this weapon laast week and it did a damn good job! Condition was a 3.5-1 shot buffed out to 39ft. No splat at the breakpoint here after a couple games so it was pretty smooth sailing through a 10 game block. Just stand on 10 swing it 15 to 10 and watch it roll smooth. Only time it didnt shine here was going a little further inside, with the box finish knocked off the ball it didnt handle the carrydown inside the track area well, just put it wider and all was well again. Compared it to 2 other particles i took with me. My EMB pearl was a little skid flippier and opened up the backends a little more, it was alson a little more reactive to the dry when it got there a little early and jerked left a little hard where the Phenom would sometimes stay on line. My Revolution IST Green had little more defined break also but sometimes pinged 10 pins where the Phenom would roll up flush. The Phenom also sat up against an oil line better than the other 2 as well(this was a surprise!!) Looking at a Freakazoid to back it up now, for when you need that 'reactive' look on the lane. So far, 2 tournaments and still impressed!!!
Oh well!!! Big T and Big B= Big $$$$$$

Morpheous= The Omega core with a brain!!!!
Time for some REAL bowling!!!


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Re: Phenom
« Reply #26 on: January 09, 2006, 01:54:14 PM »
lane condition: Light to med oil
  ball: span 5" pin below and slightly to right of ring

  This ball is awesome! I'm a med-high rev, med speed, deep line bowler, throwing from about board 29 over 15 to 10. The Phenom plays this line with ease, comes back to the pocket with a vengence. As lane breaks down, I play a bit straighter line and take off some of the hook. This a very forgiving ball, adjusts to lane conditions well. Over New Years, I shot my second 300 during a mini tournament, 4 games using only the Phenom, came in 3rd overall out of 140 bowlers. Cannot say enough about this ball, it's the first out of the bag and usually stays. Highly recommend this ball. Excellent ball Track!


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Re: Phenom
« Reply #27 on: February 04, 2006, 09:41:30 PM »
i have had this ball for 2 years now and its a good ball on pretty much on all lane conditions but on light oil this ball will slide a lot and i tend to leave a ton of corner pins usually i will only put this ball out on medium oil and ocassionally on heavy oil but with the original cover stock it doesn't hook a ton but it is very forgiving and hits very hard i think it is a great ball and i will still continue to use it


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Re: Phenom
« Reply #28 on: July 29, 2006, 03:49:55 PM »
I left a review on this ball back in February and this ball still is a strong hooking ball but it has lost all of its hitting power. The ball is very old and it is now a great 10 pin spare ball for me. This ball out of the box is great but it doesn't last to long. I don't have a ton of games on it and it getting old. So instead of baking the ball I am using it as a spare ball. Another great ball from track.


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Re: Phenom
« Reply #29 on: May 15, 2007, 09:28:26 PM »
My overall most used ball in the past 3 years.  I also had a stack leverage layout on this ball, but to add some versatility to my game I decided to switch to a 4000 abralon polish finish, and re-drilled it "Rico".  To date, my highest series: 238-283-275=796 is with this baby(THS) just a few months ago.  New layout here:  For those wondering, yes the ball still hits very hard.

Unfortunately, due to picking up the Power Machine, Mean Machine, Phoenix, and Total NV- I've yet been able to find a place for my Phenom.  I will continue searching.


High game-300
High series-796

Current Arsenal- Track Power Machine, Ebonite Total NV, Track Phoenix, Track Mean Machine, Track Phenom, Track Equation, and Track Silencer.