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Author Topic: Phenom Unleashed  (Read 18580 times)


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Phenom Unleashed
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available
Line Phenom
Color Purple/White
Coverstock Particle
Core 2-piece Asymmetrical
RG 2.53
Differential 0.047
Factory finish 1500 smooth
Weights 12 thru 16lbs
Lane Conditions Heavy Oil



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Re: Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2003, 02:35:01 AM »
Well, It's a keeper. The Phenom was smooth with a very sensitive coverstock.
"A Mutant with Fangs"
The Unleashed has a tweak and a half to make it a more angular and stronger.
5x3 pattern out of the box you have to try it to believe it.


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Re: Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2003, 08:09:26 AM »
I love this ball.
Got it last week.  Still unsure of drilling patterns, but it's drilled agressive, for me.  16Mph, med revs.
This is a great ball to complement my Phenom.  The differnce being the Unleashed does go further down the lane before it makes its turn.  And, boy does it turn.  Hits like a truck.
I would compare the phenom and unleashed the following way.  The Phenom starts rolling earlier in the lane and still makes a good turn into the pocket, but I feel it requires more of an inside line.  Something along the lines of standing left of center and throwing out to 15 or so, and letting it come back.
The unleashed plays a line I'm personally more comfortable with.  Left foot at 20, and throwing along 15, and letting it skid down the lane and finsh late into the pocket.  For me, I prefer this outside line, as it takes less adjustment as the lanes break down.  For me anyway.  I found with the regular Phenom, playing the inside line, as the lanes broke down, I was constantly moving left.  Which is difficult for me.  Not very comfortable standing 13L and throwing out over 13-15R.  It's a though shot for me.

But, I love the ball.  I think it reacts much like Wicked except it hooks in oil, where the Wicked doesn't (for me)

Good luck,
Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.  -Ben Franklin
Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.  -Ben Franklin

Mike Mineman

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Re: Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2003, 01:01:13 AM »
I drilled 3 of the Unleashed, one 4x5,my least favorite,one pin onder ring, mb 5 and5/8,right of thumb in strong position,light  polish with reaction plus,x hole on val 2" below axis,3rd one pin under bridge 5&34 from axis mb one" left of val ,no hole box finish.Polished one gets nice length on med patterns with VERY ANGULAR MOVE ON BACKEND.On heavier patterns gets a little squirty but on these conditions I can go to the one I left dull and I get an earlier midlane roll with a very hard arcing back end.Two very impressive pieces. Ball does what Del and Bill claim,compared to original Phenom ,the Unleashed if left in box condition gets slightly more length with more back end.This can be attributed to lower particle load and removal of bottom plate on core.Do not expect this to get great length on medium patterns however without adjusting the surface.I like how Track leaves the ball with surface allowing the pro shop or bowler to use his desired polish to fine tune reaction. This should be a big seller for Track,very good performance plus a very nice looking ball,especially when shined up.


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Re: Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2003, 03:53:06 PM »
I threw the Unleashed last weekend during a practice session.  Just for kicks, I pulled out an old Enforcer still in great condition.  Both were polished.  The pin on the Unleashed was below the ring finger whereas the pin on the Enforcer was above the ring finger.  The cg on both balls were in the same spot in reference to grip (slightly outside of grip).  Throwing both balls the same line (slide at the left gutter with the ball hitting the arrows around 22 and the breakpoint being around 7-8, the Unleashed not only turned the corner, but kept coming around all the way to the pocket and still strong enough to drive and leave a 9 pin (only left one 9 pin in 20 shots).  The Enforcer had the same look until it hit the breakpoint in which it was softer around the corner and came in light on the headpin.  The Unleashed was extremely strong with no loss of energy once it hit the pins.  I was thoroughly impressed with the hook potential without loss of energy.  Only drawback is that you need alot of oil in the front 30 feet to get it down the lane (I am a cranker with 500+ revs and 18mph ball speed).  Ball hooks up at 20 feet when the heads go away.  Awesome ball none the less.
If anyone out there is worried about the scores being too high, try duckpin!!
Steven Vance
Former Pro Shop Operator
Former Classic Products Assistant Manager


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Re: Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2003, 07:44:56 AM »
You never saw this


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Re: Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2003, 11:30:04 PM »
Specs: 2 inch pin
3 1/4 oz topweight
16 lb 1 oz
ball thrown with a light coat of Track Magic polish

Drilling: pin 4 inches from PAP, Mass Bias 5 inches from PAP.  weighthole on VAL 2 inches below the PAP


When drilling this ball I was real skeptical to how much ball this would actually be.  Track has the tendencies to overrate how much their balls actually hook.  What I get with this ball is more than enough length.  It clears the heads with the ease of a highly polished reactive but the lope through the midlanes and the energy it has on the backend is where this ball shines.

Since this ball clears the heads so well it really saves its flare for the last 15-20 feet.  I get 3 1/2 inches of flare out of it and most of it is through the loping in the midlane and the turn it makes at the breakpoint.  It is easily the most backend aggressive ball in my arsenal, might be the most aggressive on the backend that I've thrown since the Optyx F1.  Due to its built in length its extremely versatile.  I used it five games straight today on a flat 37 foot medium-heavy condition and I had no problems at all with it overhooking, as a matter of fact, as pronounced as the backend is on this ball it is very controllable and still works well while you make adjustments on the lane to combat transition.  

This is a great first ball out of the bag on heavier fresh patterns and it is great for the house shot.  As with 90% of the balls on the market the H.I.T is very nice.  The way this ball carries light mixers definately adds a good 10-20 sticks per game from the carry percentage.  Excellent track product.  I am actually looking forward to trying another ball with this Morpheus core.
-D. Marshall Shirt Staff 2003-2004


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Re: Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2003, 10:53:54 PM »
I"ve had this ball maybe a month, the first week that I had it I literally hated it just couldn"t be consistent with it, now I love it. This ball will really hook clean through the front and explosive on back. This is not a ball that you can be cute with you have to throw it you cannot ease up on it or you will pay also the last couple of weeks I could only use this ball on first game and then had to change to a different ball but I love it.
Bless the LORD o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name


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Re: Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2003, 07:24:02 PM »
Just got this ball drilled yesterday and all I can say is WOW!  It's drilled stacked leverage.  For the first 4 games, I had it still as the box condition and it was really jumpy.  Took it into the shop and had some polish applied and then proceeded to shoot 766.  This thing hits like a truck and carries very well.  I wish I could get into more of the technical aspects of the ball, but I don't know any of that stuff.  All I know is that the Phenom Unleashed is a much welcomed addition to my arsenal.  I also have a Triple Threat, Revmaster, Contender, Assassin, and a brown turd of a spare ball.  Thanks for reading my post!

AUS leftie

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Re: Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #9 on: January 09, 2004, 07:11:52 PM »
Ball details:  15lb, 3ounces top weight, 3 inch pin

I drilled this ball with the PIN at 3 3/8 and the MB right on my VAL (down from my PAP).  Balance hole was about 5 inches across and 1 inch down from my centre of grip.

This ball really surprised me.  I tested it on a fresh wall pattern along with my Crunchtime.  I stood on my normal spot and found the ball covered some extra boards (good sign already), didn't take me long to get lined up.  I then quickley changed to the Crunchtime and found that I could stood stand in the same spot and bring the ball back?????

Now I was confused, the Unleashed grabbed the lane a bit earlier and started a controlled yet very constant movement to the pocket.  The Crunchtime went long but really snapped hard on the backend to cover the same amount of boards.  

I then thought I would move deeper and see what happened, WOW.  This ball had been holding out on me!  The deeper I moved the more the ball responded, it kept coming back!  I ended up moving another 10 boards with my feet and the ball still recovered.  I then swapped to the Crunchtime and washed out every shot.  Now I was starting to see the difference..........  The hit was impressive, only throwing about 15 revs per shot my carry from inside is always on the questionable inside but not with Unleashed, it just drove harder and harder.

Whilst the surface is matt you really need some decent oil to get this ball to rev up other wise if it hits the dry early it will turn well but won't cover the same amount of boards.  More oil = More hook!

I'm going to bowl this ball at another centre and see how it goes, early signs is that this will replace my Superfreak which was my inside oil ball.  My ball is also half white and looks pretty good going down the lane also (very important part of the ball testing).

Overall = I'm extremely happy with this ball, I don't think I will use it that much though unless I polish it but I don't want to do that yet.  A very important part of my arsenal and a definite keeper.  So far 9/10 ( I have only bowled 3 games with it).  Recommend it to anyone wanting to have a decent backend ball for heavy-medium oil conditions.


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Re: Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2004, 11:56:47 PM »
I couldn't agree more with the review below.  This ball does exactly what he says in that where the Crunch Time goes long and flips hard, this ball can go WAYYY deeper inside and keep coming, where the Crunch Time rolls up too late.

Great ball for Oil, but you definitely need oil and need to go DEEEEEP.

8.5 out of 10. (Haven't thrown it enough to rate higher YET, YET!)

Well I have thrown this enough now to review it.  The only problem I have with this ball right now is the house I bowl in only puts out enough oil to throw it in tournaments.  This ball has a great turn and power through the pins and the only bad carry has been 9 pins from too strong a move in the back end.  I would now give this a 9.5 out of 10.  (No 300's yet, then its a 10!)


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Re: Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2004, 03:42:56 AM »
Ball is 4 1/2 with pin below fingers and MB right of thumb 1/2" away. I brought the cover down a bit to 1200 grit.

Put 30 games in since I got it on New Years Eve.  Played on two conditions with one being 38ft. and the other is 40+ft. (Scratch league pattern)
Altogether my low series was 594 and the highest is a 669.

On the 38ft. wall shot I can play either down and in 10th board or go inside to 35th board at the approach and play 20 to 10. (arrows to BP)  Playing down and in this ball holds line and makes an arc motion to the pocket.  And if I choose to play the inside/out shot, this ball gets back to the pocket like no other ball in my bag!  This ball is amazing, I can stay longer with this ball too. If I have to move in I don't worry about this ball not performing.  Just got to chase the oil up front.

On the other pattern this ball still rocks.  There's really not much I can say about this ball.  this ball recovers and when thrown right, it shatters the pins.  Even light hits the pins fly all over the place.

If you got game but low confidence, then this ball can help you build up your confidence.  this ball is just MM...MMMM good to ignore!  Few bowlers have seen me throw this ball on either side of the lane, and some of them are thinking about getting one for themselves.  

I have not yet to be disappointed with Track balls, then again I only have two of them...

Will post again after 60+ more games, so far so "real" good.
A shot fired will not return


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Re: Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2004, 10:20:01 PM »
ok the first review i gave is recended the ball is awesome once u learn its characteristics roll it thru the heads with little speed for me i am no heavy rever (yet) and the ball eats boards like miss pacman roars thru the pocket and thats left is the resonded crash of 10 in the pit i love this ball i polished a couple of weeks ago but the key to this ball is u have to get it down thru the heads the more it rolls the more energy it builds .even when i think i am out of bounds the ball shocks me and the people i am bowling with .once i find my line the ball is forgiving to recover or hold the line with a tight shot .3and 1/4 weight and 1 inch pin the the pin just about an inch below the ring finger and slightly to the left of same .i just just 1020 four game series score 256,233,174(boo) 224 ten pins still kill me but thats my next hill to climb

Dwight Albrecht

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Re: Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2004, 11:19:55 PM »
Track Phenom "Unleashed"

The ball being drilled was 3” pin out with 3.00 oz top weight.  

The drilling chosen was pin 4” from PAP and Mb 4 1/4” from PAP (45 degrees); pin is above fingers, 3 1/4" above grip midline. Weight hole past axis pitched away.

Bowler Information:
Track diameter is 10 1/2.
PAP is measured at 5 1/4 over and 3/8" up.
Average ball speed (foul line to head pin) is 17 mph.
Axis rotation is typically 45 degrees
Initial rev rate is typically 300 rpm, "Tweener"

What do you write about a ball on your 4th, 5th, and 6th game on the ball you shoot 815, but that is what I did with this ball. Del Warren/Bill Monce continues to impress me with their ball designs.

This light load particle lightly sanded at 1500 has a big flip block on the top and strong intermediate mass bias makes this ball not only hook on medium to oily lanes but has a strong charging backend reaction giving the bowler the ability to play out or in as this ball has great recovery. TRULY a everybody ball here, all styles will like this ball.

1st night out with the ball was bowled on HPL 9000 panels, great ball reaction and unbelievable hitting power all assets to this ball. Shot 676. Next night out on neglected wood, shot 815. Seems I can play anywhere under almost any condition with this ball.

Thanks Bill Monce and Del Warren for allowing me to add this ball to my 800 club, I know it will work well for you too and thanks for reading my review.


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Re: Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #14 on: February 10, 2004, 11:23:25 AM »
Had this ball for about 6 weeks now. Fresh out of the box this amazing oil eater shot 726. Not bad you say. Thing is I haven't shot a 700 in over 5 years due to lack of interest in the game. But seeing how this ball worked on the heavy oil in my Thursday nite scratch league is slowly turning me onto bowling once again. That and the fact everything i had in equipment was 7 years old or older. Well this past week i had a 216, 246, & 256/718 and am truly convinced with it. Oh yeah, anchor on the other team rolled a 300 against us with the same ball but polished. Boy i wish i had some revs. I'll say this, heavy oil holds the ball for me, once it comes out of the oil this ball finds the pocket & locks on. With the heavy oil i haven't overshot the pocket & carried everything that touches the headpin. Another thing i find amazing with this ball is that i even use it for my 10 pins. Once it gets to the rail, it holds & runs straight up the gutter. Ohhhh to be in love with the game once again, maybe i'll even start practicing some. By the way, my average has gone up 10 pins in 6 weeks (From 190 to an even 200, and thats 60 games into the season)with this ball. Also have averaged over 220 with it.