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Author Topic: Phenom Unleashed  (Read 18581 times)


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Phenom Unleashed
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Line Phenom
Color Purple/White
Coverstock Particle
Core 2-piece Asymmetrical
RG 2.53
Differential 0.047
Factory finish 1500 smooth
Weights 12 thru 16lbs
Lane Conditions Heavy Oil



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Re: Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #16 on: February 11, 2004, 02:39:45 PM »
Specs: 15 lb, 3in pin, 3 oz top weight
Drilling: Pin under middle finger, CG center of grip under ring, MB in position 3 (Kicked right of thumb 2- 3")

Let me start by saying that this is my first non-Storm ball in 5 years. Only had for 2 weeks got 12 games on it (6 league and 6 practice). The thing I notice most about the ball is the versatility. First 3 games on synthetics (china)and reacted similar to my Deuce in the fronts with much more kick in the back. Shot 725 (4 flush 9 rins, right-handed). Next 3 on wood, dirt outside, spotty in the middle. Normally would not use this ball or this drilling on this condition, but wanted to see how she reacted. Amazingly, with a slight hand position change(weaker) it reacted GREAT!! Similar length to the previous condition, with even more pop on the end. Shot 746 w/ 2 single pin misses. Great ball from Track!. Will update when I use it on some different conditions.
Thought for the day: If Half and Half goes bad, which half do you blame??
If you blame the lane conditions for your bad scores, then you had better thank them for your good ones!!

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #17 on: February 12, 2004, 01:57:33 AM »
I had my Unleashed for awhile, and as with other equipment I review I wait awhile to post a review in order to get a TRUE idea of the ball.

The Unleashed gets tremendous length for a dull particle (for a light load even). ALSO, for it being dull (kept with factory finish) it has a strong breakpoint. The pin action and predictability of this ball is awesome.

It is definately weaker than the Phenom (atleast for me), which is good because when the Phenom was too much I used this ball. When something polished would grab the dry and go (skid/flip) this was the ball I would go to. It would get the length and I would have to play deeper, but it was not flippy at all.

I liked the Phenom more, BUT I used this ball more often. If that makes sense at all.

Pin Under RING, MB right of thumb

I give this ball a 10 out of 10----it did what Track said it would.

BTW---for most bowlers, this ball is going to be an oiler
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Re: Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #18 on: February 16, 2004, 10:55:49 AM »
2" pin, 4  3/4" span with high track, med-high speed, and med-high rev rate.
Drilled pin under ring, cg kicked out about 1", mass bias between 4:30-5:00, moderate sized weight hole.
Left the cover out of box, 1500 grit sheen.  
1st condition: Wood lanes, late evening league, lots off carrydown and a flood in the middle 7 to 7 and 20 feet.  The lanes had a nice crown to them by this time.  Stood 25, release about 20, crossed 10 board out to 5 at about 35ft. The ball steadilly arced in the backend with decent hitting power.
Stood 20, release at 15, cross 9-8, out to 5, increased speed, better results.  Gave the ball less time to roll out and it hit much harder.
2nd condition: Same front (7to7 with flood to 20), but fresh oil, dry backends at 35ft.  Much better for this ball.  I was able to stand 20 and get the ball out to 5 with plenty of tug area to 10.  The ball recovered great in the backend.  As the oil carried down, was able to move to 35 and slow down and get around the carrydown.  Still hit hard.  Eventually got as far as standing 40.  Once I did this, had tug between 5 and 15... Shot a 300, 15 strikes in a row.
Haven't tried it on synthetics yet, but I am sure the results will be just as good.
Rating: A
The Perfect Fit Pro Shop


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Re: Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #19 on: February 22, 2004, 10:44:28 PM »
Alright here is my reveiew of this ball and a question all in one.  First off I have been back into bowling for about 2 years now.  I used to bowl alot when I was younger.  MAN, have things changed!  I am a cranker with high revs and throw the ball around 16mph.  I have been using storm balls since I started bowling but I was impressed with the way track balls hit.  The ball is drilled with the pin under the ring finger cg in the middle of my span and hand with the mass bias kicked out right of the thumb and the cover is high polished.  All I can say is this ball hits like a truck!  It carrys just about everything.  Unless I get around the ball to much then I tend to leave tens.  I play out and in, not sure on the board #s though.  I will say that the ball is very forgiving, if I get it a little to far out it makes it back and if I pull it, it tends to hold pretty well.  The way this ball is drilled it goes long for me and makes hard left at the backend.  I am very impressed with this ball, and it is a good compliment to my eraser blaze.  
     However I ran into a little problem, after using the ball for about 3 weeks the bridge cracked!  I called up the guy who drilled it for me and he replaced it no problem!  Now when I picked up the new one, it was drilled up a little differently.  This time the ring is still below the ring finger, but the cg is kicked out to the right in the middle of my span, and the mass bias is below the thumb.  The cover is once again highly polished.  Now my question is, this going to change the way the ball hooks, is it still going to go long and turn left at the backend?  Or will the ball be about the same?  I appreciate any input anyone has, and thnaks for reading my review!


Bob Hanson

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Re: Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #20 on: February 25, 2004, 08:40:29 PM »
Not a big Track fan, and I already have what I consider to be a great heavy oil ball in the Ultimate Inferno, but my ball driller really wanted me to try this ball so I agreed.  The ball was low top, with a 2+ inch pin.  I set it up with the pin at about 4 inches to PAP, and the mass bias 2 inches right of the thumb.  This necessitated a weight hole, which I put on my axis after throwing it a few frames.  My first effort was on a slightly broken down 10 to 10 wall that was starting to open up at about 12 board.  The ball got excellent length with an angular turn, and carried well, sending quite a few messengers.  The corners went out real well.  I threw my Ultimate on alternating shots and the Ultimate rolled stronger with a better looking tip, but it was overpowering teh pins more than the Unleashed.  

Second effort was on a fresh version of the same pattern.  The unleashed carried very well as long as I could go down the boards slightly outside of 10.  However the first transition really got it.  As soon as I had to go away a little my entry angle got bad and carry went down the tubes.  On this shot the ultimate out performed the unleashed significantly.  

This ball rolls and tips a lot like the Apex Adrenaline.  Like the Adrenaline I see at as very condition specific, either carrying everything, or nothing for me.  I have seen a lot of guys make this ball look pretty good, but once again I am finding that aggressive reactive works better for me the milder particle.

Storm X-man

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Re: Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #21 on: April 03, 2004, 08:07:40 PM »
I just got a Phenom Unleashed Thursday it has a 3 inch pin
It is drilled stack. I am a cranker I used it for the first time in my
friday night league best ball I have ever thrown
I shot 244, then 300, then 268 for a 812 series not bad
for the first time throwing it. The ball is so controled.


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Re: Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #22 on: April 08, 2004, 03:07:19 AM »
Hi i just got this ball 6 weeks ago it has a four inch pin  two ounces top weight . Did not know how to drill it so did a bit of study first ,ended up with pin at one thirty mass bias at one inch below and right of thumb and cg in middle of palm . Oh by the way i am right hand ave  rev player who plants the foot probably about 15 or so revs .   Well where do i start this ball is tops had the aussie open condition down last night in league and once i figured where to bowl after a191,201 then bam 9spare 9 bagger unlucky seven pin spare for a 279 game WOW .Looking forward to using the ball in the Australian open at Easter .Have not had a ten bagger with this ball yet but had heaps of nines and eight baggers ,also shot 259,257,214 for a nice 730 block in league when i first got the ball . This  ball should be a part of your arsenal for sure .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Keep up the good work Track Bowling .
Aussie Ralph


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Re: Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #23 on: May 28, 2004, 07:29:56 PM »
Ball Specs:

15 lb 5 oz.
2" pin - 2.5oz tw

Drilled the ball with pin below and slightly right of ring, mb kicked out near my VAL. Initially I thought I would have to take the "sheen" off of the ball as with most of the other Track oilers I have had, not this one though!! First time out with the ball, the shot was broken down. Spotty head oil tiny bit of carrydown. Not the best shot for this ball, its too strong and burnt up so I waited to throw it on league for a fresh shot. I started by playing right up 10 and the ball worked wonderfully. Ball went long and then arced hard to the pocket. I then tried to change hand positions and moved deeper on the lane. Standing on 30 hitting 15 at the arrows out to 8 and the ball came roaring back. Ball gets through the heads nicely and reads the midlane well before making a hard move to the pocket. The hit on this ball is tremendous. Definately the hardest hitting ball I have ever had and is by far the best ball I have ever thrown. I cant say enough good things about this ball and the more I use it the better it gets. Excellent ball from Track!!

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Re: Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #24 on: June 11, 2004, 12:37:12 AM »
Don't expect this ball to get that 36 boards of hook it advertises, definitely not for a pure stroker, i get pretty high revs but i can't get the ball to move more then 15 even on a houseshot... i can get double that with my aggression with 5 times as many games on it


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Re: Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #25 on: July 31, 2004, 04:21:12 PM »
My specs are in my profile.

The ball:
14# 5oz
3" pin
2 ¾ oz top

Pin; 3¼" above grip center on bridge line (4 ¼" to PAP)
MB; 1½" left of VAL and 2½" below grip center (4" to PAP)
Balance hole on VAL 1¼ below PAP pitched away 1¼"

Bowled on a Medium/Heavy 44' pattern

Let me start by saying this thing has more backend than any particle ball I have ever seen, I think it rivals strong pearls for backend flip. The ball gets through the head with no problem, sets up nicely in the midlane and then bam it flips and screams to the pocket. This ball moves the instant that it finds dry so it is a great long pattern ball for me which is exactly what I was looking for. With the strength it has in the backend I think it will allow me to go around the carrydown from bowlers that play the track area which is most in my fall league.

For comparision I set up 2 lanes with a fresh shot so I could use the Unleashed on 1 and my X-Factor on the other.
The X is 4"pin to PAP and 4" MB to PAP.

Unleashed played 15 to 7 game 1 and progressed to 20 to 10 by game 5 for the best look.

X Factor played 10 to 7 game 1 and progressed to 13 - 8 by game 5 for the best look.

I switched ball / lane match ups every game to rule out lane differences.

King Of The Mill, Thanks for the lay out suggestion.

Jason Fitzgerald

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Re: Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #26 on: August 09, 2004, 07:47:05 PM »
I love this ball. It has a good carry on about any lane. I can put some good revs on it and it hooks throwing for 25 out to 5. Or I can barely put much on it and it will hook from the 10 board. Highly reccomended.

DynoLess Daddy

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Re: Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #27 on: August 17, 2004, 08:26:48 PM »

I have to say that Chuck G at track was right on the money with this one.
To make a long story short. This is an excellent ball. The cover is bowler friendy and easily tweaks.

The more you throw it!! the more you will use it!!
My Dt likes to bash Shawn B.

note the truth>>>>>(Dt..1st .... Shawn 2nd)


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Re: Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #28 on: September 05, 2004, 03:35:06 AM »
hi i just recently started bowling in the ABC down in jacksonville and i bought a phenom unleashed and within this summer leauge i have improved my average by 35 pins on 3 leauges and i threw my first three hundred also but im looking for a polished ball and a another ball to compliment my phenom if anyone might know what would be a good one for me to look at please let me know my bowling style is high rev semi swing bowler if someone could help me out please e-mail me at thanks

Jason Fitzgerald

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Re: Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #29 on: September 22, 2004, 09:49:04 PM »
Okay, another continuation. This is still an excellent ball. The ball still carries anything, and will hook or hold. I would like to tell everybody, get this ball. I had mine label leverage drilling, and about 2 1/2" pin. It will adapt to almost any lane condition.


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Re: Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #30 on: October 10, 2004, 07:20:21 PM »
Track Phenom Unleashed
Weight: 15#
Pin: 2"
Top Weight: 3.0

If the heavy hookers did not have enough backend, I wanted a ball to rely on for supreme backend.

4 7/8" from PAP, Bias at 4 o'clock, CG out 2" from midline, balance hole 2" below PAP on VAL.
* Note: I have had two "Phenom Unleashed" bowling balls drilled both the same way.

We chose a similar layout to my "Animal" because of coverstock similarities and this layout provided me with the backend that I desired.

I have shot with this bowling ball also on different shots and conditions and various houses. This honestly could be the first ball out of the bag and the one ball anybody could use all night. To me, it is that versatile. Although do not get too comfortable if the lanes have a tendency to breakdown very quick, unless you have the ability to play left further than usual. Other than that, this ball is probably the best out of the Track line!

With this versatile ball, you can play it on very oily lanes, medium oil, and medium, with about a one or two game carrydown. If the head oil is not there, this ball will hook off the hand. Excellent high performance ball and the most versatile!
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