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Author Topic: Phenom Unleashed  (Read 18581 times)


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Phenom Unleashed
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Line Phenom
Color Purple/White
Coverstock Particle
Core 2-piece Asymmetrical
RG 2.53
Differential 0.047
Factory finish 1500 smooth
Weights 12 thru 16lbs
Lane Conditions Heavy Oil



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Re: Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #31 on: October 19, 2004, 08:20:53 AM »
WOW , Can you believe it .Shot my first 299 and 300 game with this ball two weeks ago in a  tourny and aved a handy 258 for the ten games .This ball went sick light hits ,heavy hits .Bowled the 299 in game 2 and left a 10 pin ,bowled the 300 in game 8.Mind you i had front eight in game 7 before a brain fade for a 256 game then no brain fade next game for a handy 556 block.
Aussie Ralph


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Re: Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #32 on: November 09, 2004, 11:25:45 PM »
This is a great ball, i mostly use this ball from ending second game or going into the third, unless there is a lot of oil out there. But every time i use this ball on a nice medium oil shot it works wonders. Great Ball!!!!1

The SuperHitMan

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Re: Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #33 on: November 17, 2004, 04:24:22 PM »
My man Ron aka PIMPIN has this ball and I saw him throw it and I liked what I saw. Ball rolls down the lane with fork and knife in hand ready to eat the pins.....I like that. Another great ball by track!

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Monster Stitch

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Re: Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #34 on: December 01, 2004, 01:43:22 PM »
I actually got this ball off a fellow Ballreview member. The ball is drilled with the pin over the ring finger and the MB in the strong position on the right side of the thumb. This gives the ball a go skid, roll and snap reaction. No matter if the ball is dull or polish it still goes long. For being a particle ball i am very impress. I find it effective when the lanes have medium heads with clean to little carry down in the backends.

Krazy K

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Re: Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #35 on: December 13, 2004, 01:44:10 PM »
Heard a lot of good things about this ball so i went and bought one. The pin is above the ring finger and i throw at 17 to 18mph with med revs. On medium or dry conditions this ball reacts and breaks towards the pins like no other ball i have. I stand in the middle of the approach and throw out over 8 and it skids and then snaps with a lot of power. I can get it out all the way over to the 3 board and it will make its way to the pocket. It will even hold in the oil if thrown over 15 and go straight into the pocket. I liked the ball so much that i tried it on a heavier oil pattern and that is where i found its weak side. But if you are playing in a house that has medium or dry conditions this is the ball for you cause it will destroy the pocket.


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Re: Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #36 on: February 23, 2005, 03:24:27 PM »
specs and conditions.
Ball: 15lbs pin 2-3 Top 2 oz.
house pattern 40 Ft buffed to 45 ft.
Style 18-20 mph about 300-320 rev rate.

 THGIS UNLEASHED IS A 2ND. When i laid it out the cg ended up in the middle of my palm. and the pin about 2" above my centerline. With the way the piun and cg and mass bias came out it looks like a triangle to give a better picture. So when i first threw this ball it hooks. Put a olish on it and made it more usable in my center. but a great ball for tournamnet bowlers or bowlers on synthetics. Also bowl on synthetics. and this is my first goto ball at the start of the night. But as they dry out arond second game. then i need to make a ball change. Great Job Track with another big hit.


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Re: Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #37 on: July 15, 2005, 12:02:55 AM »
This ball is an absolute monster.  Pardon the pun but the unleashed is phenomenal. I generally attack the lanes as a cranker (480-550 rpm 17.5-19 mph)but I have been known to play all lines. I have this ball drilled 5 x 4.25 MB at 5 O'Clock for a strong flip reaction.  Rolled this ball on a medium length (39' buffed to 42') which was pretty much a flat shot from 5 to 5.  Stood with left foot on 40 hit 34 at the foul line going across the fourth arrow out to the 3 board.  The ball got down to about 46 feet and came screaming back to the pocket.  This thing hits so unbelievably hard and the sound is just amazing.  This ball absolutely obliterates the rack.  I was amazed at the length I got out of this ball considering the specs that track gave.  Also I was pleased that the ball actually covered as many boards as they said it would.  For a ball that is nearly two years old this will still outhook almost anything.  Just another great ball from TRACK...If only I had gotten one sooner.
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The Original Chewmiester

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Re: Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #38 on: September 20, 2005, 09:08:54 AM »
Track Phenom Unleashed

Weight: 15#
Pin: 2"
Top Weight: 3.0

Layout: 4 1/2" x 3 1/2"
        MB at 5 O'Clock, X-Hole 1" below PAP

Surfaces tested: 1200(resurfaced), 1000, 600

Lane Conditions: THS or OB from 10 to gutter with light oil in the middle(Synthetic Lanes)

I have tested this purple and white gem enough to review it now. I got this ball used from SteveAustin2808 and had it resurfaced with the Haus Resurfacing Machine. This is my first Track ball review, the Heat forthcoming. From the looks of it, Track has impressed me so far.

I got this ball for one big reason: I wanted something that hooked more than my Inferno. What I ended up getting was a ball that is similar to the Inferno, but with a particle twist. This ball has got some backend, and ALOT of it!!! The Fang Particle coverstock helps this ball grip the lane, but it flips similar to a resin ball. The hit is simply unbelieveable for me, especially carrying light hits and trips on single pins.

I wasn't getting the reaction I wanted from this ball at 1200 and 1000, b/c it just skid too much b4 turning on the backend. So I decided to green scotchbrite it, and it made a world of difference. The ball was grabbing sooner, and reacting with a more slight flip instead of a power flip I was seeing at the beginning.

One thing I especially like about the Unleashed is its versitality. I can honestly say that this ball is the first for me that I can use when carrydown is on the lanes and do well bowling on them. I can use it slightly in the OB but with little consistency. The thing is, as all particles do, they hit weak if there isn't enough oil on the lane. And also, it will overreact off the dry if there is not enough oil to push it down further.

This ball compliments my aresnal well as a particle with all my reactive pearls(Inferno, Heat, Blazing Inferno) and is a great ball to for me to use for almost all 3 games of league. It makes aresnal setup for league really easy, and I like simplicity.

(1 being least, 10 being most)

Length: 5.5(Good length for a particle)
Backend: 8.9(Has the backend of a strong resin)

(1 being worst, 10 being best)

Versatility: 8 out of 10(Great ball to use all night)
Maintance: 7.5 out of 10 (Easy to clean with Clean N' Dull and tweak)
Overall: 9 out of 10 (Great ball from Track, and I will use this ball often!)
Brunswick + Track = BrunsTrack = A winning combo!

4 ways to victory:

Unleash the Phenom's fury
Release an Inferno on the lanes
Turn up the Heat on the competition
Burn up the pins with a Blazing Inferno

And if those don't work, I don't know what will!